const { strict: assert } = require('assert'); const { convertToHexValue, withFixtures } = require('../helpers'); describe('Editing Confirm Transaction', function () { it('goes back from confirm page to edit eth value, gas price and gas limit', async function () { const ganacheOptions = { accounts: [ { secretKey: '0x7C9529A67102755B7E6102D6D950AC5D5863C98713805CEC576B945B15B71EAC', balance: convertToHexValue(25000000000000000000), }, ], }; await withFixtures( { fixtures: 'send-edit', ganacheOptions, title: this.test.title, failOnConsoleError: false, }, async ({ driver }) => { await driver.navigate(); await driver.fill('#password', 'correct horse battery staple'); await'#password', driver.Key.ENTER); const transactionAmounts = await driver.findElements( '.currency-display-component__text', ); const transactionAmount = transactionAmounts[0]; assert.equal(await transactionAmount.getText(), '1'); const transactionFee = transactionAmounts[1]; assert.equal(await transactionFee.getText(), '0.00025'); await driver.clickElement( '.confirm-page-container-header__back-button', ); await driver.fill('.unit-input__input', '2.2'); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Next', tag: 'button' }); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Edit', tag: 'button' }); const [gasLimitInput, gasPriceInput] = await driver.findElements( 'input[type="number"]', ); await gasPriceInput.fill('8'); await gasLimitInput.fill('100000'); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Save', tag: 'button' }); // has correct updated value on the confirm screen the transaction await driver.waitForSelector({ css: '.transaction-detail-item:nth-of-type(1) h6:nth-of-type(2)', text: '0.0008 ETH', }); await driver.waitForSelector({ css: '.transaction-detail-item:nth-of-type(2) h6:nth-of-type(2)', text: '2.2008 ETH', }); // confirms the transaction await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' }); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="home__activity-tab"]'); await driver.wait(async () => { const confirmedTxes = await driver.findElements( '.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item', ); return confirmedTxes.length === 1; }, 10000); const txValues = await driver.findElements( '.transaction-list-item__primary-currency', ); assert.equal(txValues.length, 1); assert.ok(/-2.2\s*ETH/u.test(await txValues[0].getText())); }, ); }); it('goes back from confirm page to edit eth value, baseFee, priorityFee and gas limit - 1559 V2', async function () { const ganacheOptions = { hardfork: 'london', accounts: [ { secretKey: '0x7C9529A67102755B7E6102D6D950AC5D5863C98713805CEC576B945B15B71EAC', balance: convertToHexValue(25000000000000000000), }, ], }; await withFixtures( { fixtures: 'send-edit-v2', ganacheOptions, title: this.test.title, failOnConsoleError: false, }, async ({ driver }) => { await driver.navigate(); await driver.fill('#password', 'correct horse battery staple'); await'#password', driver.Key.ENTER); const transactionAmounts = await driver.findElements( '.currency-display-component__text', ); const transactionAmount = transactionAmounts[0]; assert.equal(await transactionAmount.getText(), '1'); const transactionFee = transactionAmounts[1]; assert.equal(await transactionFee.getText(), '0.0000375'); await driver.clickElement( '.confirm-page-container-header__back-button', ); await driver.fill('.unit-input__input', '2.2'); await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Next', tag: 'button' }); // open gas fee popover await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Edit', tag: 'button' }); // enter max fee await driver.fill('[data-testid="base-fee-input"]', '8'); // enter priority fee await driver.fill('[data-testid="priority-fee-input"]', '8'); // edit gas limit await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="advanced-gas-fee-edit"]'); await driver.fill('[data-testid="gas-limit-input"]', '100000'); // save default values await driver.clickElement('input[type="checkbox"]'); // Submit gas fee changes await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Save', tag: 'button' }); // has correct updated value on the confirm screen the transaction await driver.waitForSelector({ css: '.transaction-detail-item:nth-of-type(1) h6:nth-of-type(2)', text: '0.0008 ETH', }); await driver.waitForSelector({ css: '.transaction-detail-item:nth-of-type(2) h6:nth-of-type(2)', text: '2.2008 ETH', }); // confirms the transaction await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' }); await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="home__activity-tab"]'); await driver.wait(async () => { const confirmedTxes = await driver.findElements( '.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item', ); return confirmedTxes.length === 1; }, 10000); const txValues = await driver.findElements( '.transaction-list-item__primary-currency', ); assert.equal(txValues.length, 1); assert.ok(/-2.2\s*ETH/u.test(await txValues[0].getText())); }, ); }); });