const inherits = require('util').inherits const Component = require('react').Component const h = require('react-hyperscript') const connect = require('react-redux').connect const actions = require('../../ui/app/actions') const infuraCurrencies = require('./infura-conversion.json').objects.sort((a, b) => { return }) const validUrl = require('valid-url') const exportAsFile = require('./util').exportAsFile const Modal = require('../../ui/app/components/modals/index').Modal module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(ConfigScreen) function mapStateToProps (state) { return { metamask: state.metamask, warning: state.appState.warning, } } inherits(ConfigScreen, Component) function ConfigScreen () { } ConfigScreen.prototype.render = function () { var state = this.props var metamaskState = state.metamask var warning = state.warning return ( h('.flex-column.flex-grow', { style: { maxHeight: '585px', overflowY: 'auto', }, }, [ h(Modal, {}, []), // subtitle and nav h('.section-title.flex-row.flex-center', [ h('i.fa.fa-arrow-left.fa-lg.cursor-pointer', { onClick: () => { state.dispatch(actions.goHome()) }, }), h('', 'Settings'), ]), h('.error', { style: { display: warning ? 'block' : 'none', padding: '0 20px', textAlign: 'center', }, }, warning), // conf view h('', [ h('.flex-space-around', { style: { padding: '20px', overflow: 'auto', }, }, [ currentProviderDisplay(metamaskState), h('div', { style: {display: 'block'} }, [ h('input#new_rpc', { placeholder: 'New RPC URL', style: { width: 'inherit', flex: '1 0 auto', height: '30px', margin: '8px', }, onKeyPress (event) { if (event.key === 'Enter') { var element = var newRpc = element.value var chainid = document.querySelector('input#chainid') var ticker = document.querySelector('input#ticker') var nickname = document.querySelector('input#nickname') rpcValidation(newRpc, chainid.value, ticker.value, nickname.value, state) } }, }), h('br'), h('input#chainid', { placeholder: 'ChainId (optional)', style: { width: 'inherit', flex: '1 0 auto', height: '30px', margin: '8px', }, onKeyPress (event) { if (event.key === 'Enter') { var element = document.querySelector('input#new_rpc') var newRpc = element.value var chainid = document.querySelector('input#chainid') var ticker = document.querySelector('input#ticker') var nickname = document.querySelector('input#nickname') rpcValidation(newRpc, chainid.value, ticker.value, nickname.value, state) } }, }), h('br'), h('input#ticker', { placeholder: 'Symbol (optional)', style: { width: 'inherit', flex: '1 0 auto', height: '30px', margin: '8px', }, onKeyPress (event) { if (event.key === 'Enter') { var element = document.querySelector('input#new_rpc') var newRpc = element.value var chainid = document.querySelector('input#chainid') var ticker = document.querySelector('input#ticker') var nickname = document.querySelector('input#nickname') rpcValidation(newRpc, chainid.value, ticker.value, nickname.value, state) } }, }), h('br'), h('input#nickname', { placeholder: 'Nickname (optional)', style: { width: 'inherit', flex: '1 0 auto', height: '30px', margin: '8px', }, onKeyPress (event) { if (event.key === 'Enter') { var element = document.querySelector('input#new_rpc') var newRpc = element.value var chainid = document.querySelector('input#chainid') var ticker = document.querySelector('input#ticker') var nickname = document.querySelector('input#nickname') rpcValidation(newRpc, chainid.value, ticker.value, nickname.value, state) } }, }), h('button', { style: { alignSelf: 'center', }, onClick (event) { event.preventDefault() var element = document.querySelector('input#new_rpc') var newRpc = element.value var chainid = document.querySelector('input#chainid') var ticker = document.querySelector('input#ticker') var nickname = document.querySelector('input#nickname') rpcValidation(newRpc, chainid.value, ticker.value, nickname.value, state) }, }, 'Save'), ]), h('hr.horizontal-line'), currentConversionInformation(metamaskState, state), h('hr.horizontal-line'), h('div', { style: { marginTop: '20px', }, }, [ h('p', { style: { fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light', fontSize: '13px', }, }, `State logs contain your public account addresses and sent transactions.`), h('br'), h('button', { style: { alignSelf: 'center', }, onClick (event) { window.logStateString((err, result) => { if (err) { state.dispatch(actions.displayWarning('Error in retrieving state logs.')) } else { exportAsFile('MetaMask State Logs.json', result) } }) }, }, 'Download State Logs'), ]), h('hr.horizontal-line'), h('div', { style: { marginTop: '20px', }, }, [ h('p', { style: { fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light', fontSize: '13px', }, }, 'Clear privacy data so all websites must request access to view account information again.'), h('br'), h('button', { style: { alignSelf: 'center', }, onClick (event) { event.preventDefault() state.dispatch(actions.clearApprovedOrigins()) }, }, 'Clear privacy data'), ]), h('hr.horizontal-line'), h('div', { style: { marginTop: '20px', }, }, [ h('p', { style: { fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light', fontSize: '13px', }, }, metamaskState.featureFlags.privacyMode ? 'Websites will be able to view your account information.' : 'Websites must request access to view your account information.' ), h('br'), h('button', { style: { alignSelf: 'center', }, onClick (event) { event.preventDefault() state.dispatch(actions.setFeatureFlag('privacyMode', !metamaskState.featureFlags.privacyMode)) }, }, metamaskState.featureFlags.privacyMode ? 'Disable privacy mode' : 'Enable privacy mode' ), ]), h('hr.horizontal-line'), h('div', { style: { marginTop: '20px', }, }, [ h('button', { style: { alignSelf: 'center', }, onClick (event) { event.preventDefault() state.dispatch(actions.revealSeedConfirmation()) }, }, 'Reveal Seed Words'), ]), h('hr.horizontal-line'), h('div', { style: { marginTop: '20px', }, }, [ h('p', { style: { fontFamily: 'Montserrat Light', fontSize: '13px', }, }, [ 'Resetting is for developer use only. ', h('a', { href: '', target: '_blank', }, 'Read more.'), ]), h('br'), h('button', { style: { alignSelf: 'center', }, onClick (event) { event.preventDefault() state.dispatch(actions.resetAccount()) }, }, 'Reset Account'), ]), ]), ]), ]) ) } function rpcValidation (newRpc, chainid, ticker = 'ETH', nickname = '', state) { if (validUrl.isWebUri(newRpc)) { state.dispatch(actions.setRpcTarget(newRpc, chainid, ticker, nickname)) } else { var appendedRpc = `http://${newRpc}` if (validUrl.isWebUri(appendedRpc)) { state.dispatch(actions.displayWarning('URIs require the appropriate HTTP/HTTPS prefix.')) } else { state.dispatch(actions.displayWarning('Invalid RPC URI')) } } } function currentConversionInformation (metamaskState, state) { var currentCurrency = metamaskState.currentCurrency var conversionDate = metamaskState.conversionDate return h('div', [ h('span', {style: { fontWeight: 'bold', paddingRight: '10px'}}, 'Current Conversion'), h('span', {style: { fontWeight: 'bold', paddingRight: '10px', fontSize: '13px'}}, `Updated ${Date(conversionDate)}`), h('select#currentCurrency', { onChange (event) { event.preventDefault() var element = document.getElementById('currentCurrency') var newCurrency = element.value state.dispatch(actions.setCurrentCurrency(newCurrency)) }, defaultValue: currentCurrency, }, => { return h('option', {key: currency.quote.code, value: currency.quote.code}, `${currency.quote.code.toUpperCase()} - ${}`) }) ), ]) } function currentProviderDisplay (metamaskState) { var provider = metamaskState.provider var title, value switch (provider.type) { case 'mainnet': title = 'Current Network' value = 'Main Ethereum Network' break case 'ropsten': title = 'Current Network' value = 'Ropsten Test Network' break case 'kovan': title = 'Current Network' value = 'Kovan Test Network' break case 'rinkeby': title = 'Current Network' value = 'Rinkeby Test Network' break default: title = 'Current RPC' value = metamaskState.provider.rpcTarget } return h('div', [ h('span', {style: { fontWeight: 'bold', paddingRight: '10px'}}, title), h('span', value), ]) }