import React, { useMemo } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { EDIT_GAS_MODES, PRIORITY_LEVELS, } from '../../../../../shared/constants/gas'; import { COLORS, FONT_WEIGHT, TYPOGRAPHY, } from '../../../../helpers/constants/design-system'; import { roundToDecimalPlacesRemovingExtraZeroes } from '../../../../helpers/utils/util'; import Typography from '../../../ui/typography'; const EditGasToolTip = ({ editGasMode, estimateGreaterThanGasUse, gasLimit, priorityLevel, // maxFeePerGas & maxPriorityFeePerGas are derived from conditional logic // related to the source of the estimates. We pass these values from the // the parent component (edit-gas-item) rather than recalculate them maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, transaction, t, }) => { const toolTipMessage = useMemo(() => { switch (priorityLevel) { case PRIORITY_LEVELS.LOW: return t('lowGasSettingToolTipMessage', [ {t('low')} , ]); case PRIORITY_LEVELS.MEDIUM: if (estimateGreaterThanGasUse) { return t('disabledGasOptionToolTipMessage', [ {t(priorityLevel)} , ]); } return t('mediumGasSettingToolTipMessage', [ {t('medium')} , ]); case PRIORITY_LEVELS.HIGH: if (estimateGreaterThanGasUse) { return t('disabledGasOptionToolTipMessage', [ {t(priorityLevel)} , ]); } if (editGasMode === EDIT_GAS_MODES.SWAPS) { return t('swapSuggestedGasSettingToolTipMessage'); } return t('highGasSettingToolTipMessage', [ {t('high')} , ]); case PRIORITY_LEVELS.CUSTOM: return t('customGasSettingToolTipMessage', [ {t('custom')} , ]); case PRIORITY_LEVELS.DAPP_SUGGESTED: return transaction?.origin ? t('dappSuggestedGasSettingToolTipMessage', [ {transaction?.origin}, ]) : null; default: return ''; } }, [editGasMode, estimateGreaterThanGasUse, priorityLevel, transaction, t]); return (