const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter const inherits = require('util').inherits const async = require('async') const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') const BN = ethUtil.BN const EthQuery = require('eth-query') const KeyStore = require('eth-lightwallet').keystore const clone = require('clone') const extend = require('xtend') const createId = require('./random-id') const ethBinToOps = require('eth-bin-to-ops') const autoFaucet = require('./auto-faucet') const messageManager = require('./message-manager') const DEFAULT_RPC = '' const IdManagement = require('./id-management') module.exports = IdentityStore inherits(IdentityStore, EventEmitter) function IdentityStore (opts = {}) { // we just use the ethStore to auto-add accounts this._ethStore = opts.ethStore this.configManager = opts.configManager // lightwallet key store this._keyStore = null // lightwallet wrapper this._idmgmt = null this.hdPathString = "m/44'/60'/0'/0" this._currentState = { selectedAddress: null, identities: {}, } // not part of serilized metamask state - only kept in memory this._unconfTxCbs = {} this._unconfMsgCbs = {} } // // public // IdentityStore.prototype.createNewVault = function (password, cb) { delete this._keyStore var serializedKeystore = this.configManager.getWallet() if (serializedKeystore) { this.configManager.setData({}) } this.purgeCache() this._createVault(password, null, (err) => { if (err) return cb(err) this._autoFaucet() this.configManager.setShowSeedWords(true) var seedWords = this._idmgmt.getSeed() this._loadIdentities() cb(null, seedWords) }) } IdentityStore.prototype.recoverSeed = function (cb) { this.configManager.setShowSeedWords(true) if (!this._idmgmt) return cb(new Error('Unauthenticated. Please sign in.')) var seedWords = this._idmgmt.getSeed() cb(null, seedWords) } IdentityStore.prototype.recoverFromSeed = function (password, seed, cb) { this.purgeCache() this._createVault(password, seed, (err) => { if (err) return cb(err) this._loadIdentities() cb(null, this.getState()) }) } IdentityStore.prototype.setStore = function (store) { this._ethStore = store } IdentityStore.prototype.clearSeedWordCache = function (cb) { const configManager = this.configManager configManager.setShowSeedWords(false) cb(null, configManager.getSelectedAccount()) } IdentityStore.prototype.getState = function () { const configManager = this.configManager var seedWords = this.getSeedIfUnlocked() return clone(extend(this._currentState, { isInitialized: !!configManager.getWallet() && !seedWords, isUnlocked: this._isUnlocked(), seedWords: seedWords, isDisclaimerConfirmed: configManager.getConfirmedDisclaimer(), unconfTxs: configManager.unconfirmedTxs(), transactions: configManager.getTxList(), unconfMsgs: messageManager.unconfirmedMsgs(), messages: messageManager.getMsgList(), selectedAddress: configManager.getSelectedAccount(), shapeShiftTxList: configManager.getShapeShiftTxList(), currentFiat: configManager.getCurrentFiat(), conversionRate: configManager.getConversionRate(), conversionDate: configManager.getConversionDate(), gasMultiplier: configManager.getGasMultiplier(), })) } IdentityStore.prototype.getSeedIfUnlocked = function () { const configManager = this.configManager var showSeed = configManager.getShouldShowSeedWords() var idmgmt = this._idmgmt var shouldShow = showSeed && !!idmgmt var seedWords = shouldShow ? idmgmt.getSeed() : null return seedWords } IdentityStore.prototype.getSelectedAddress = function () { const configManager = this.configManager return configManager.getSelectedAccount() } IdentityStore.prototype.setSelectedAddressSync = function (address) { const configManager = this.configManager if (!address) { var addresses = this._getAddresses() address = addresses[0] } configManager.setSelectedAccount(address) return address } IdentityStore.prototype.setSelectedAddress = function (address, cb) { const resultAddress = this.setSelectedAddressSync(address) if (cb) return cb(null, resultAddress) } IdentityStore.prototype.revealAccount = function (cb) { const derivedKey = this._idmgmt.derivedKey const keyStore = this._keyStore const configManager = this.configManager keyStore.setDefaultHdDerivationPath(this.hdPathString) keyStore.generateNewAddress(derivedKey, 1) const addresses = keyStore.getAddresses() const address = addresses[ addresses.length - 1 ] this._ethStore.addAccount(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(address)) configManager.setWallet(keyStore.serialize()) this._loadIdentities() this._didUpdate() cb(null) } IdentityStore.prototype.getNetwork = function (err) { if (err) { = 'loading' this._didUpdate() } this.web3.version.getNetwork((err, network) => { if (err) { = 'loading' return this._didUpdate() } if (global.METAMASK_DEBUG) { console.log('web3.getNetwork returned ' + network) } = network this._didUpdate() }) } IdentityStore.prototype.setLocked = function (cb) { delete this._keyStore delete this._idmgmt cb() } IdentityStore.prototype.submitPassword = function (password, cb) { const configManager = this.configManager this.tryPassword(password, (err) => { if (err) return cb(err) // load identities before returning... this._loadIdentities() cb(null, configManager.getSelectedAccount()) }) } IdentityStore.prototype.exportAccount = function (address, cb) { var privateKey = this._idmgmt.exportPrivateKey(address) cb(null, privateKey) } // // Transactions // // comes from dapp via zero-client hooked-wallet provider IdentityStore.prototype.addUnconfirmedTransaction = function (txParams, onTxDoneCb, cb) { const configManager = this.configManager var self = this // create txData obj with parameters and meta data var time = (new Date()).getTime() var txId = createId() txParams.metamaskId = txId txParams.metamaskNetworkId = var txData = { id: txId, txParams: txParams, time: time, status: 'unconfirmed', gasMultiplier: configManager.getGasMultiplier() || 1, } console.log('addUnconfirmedTransaction:', txData) // keep the onTxDoneCb around for after approval/denial (requires user interaction) // This onTxDoneCb fires completion to the Dapp's write operation. self._unconfTxCbs[txId] = onTxDoneCb var provider = self._ethStore._query.currentProvider var query = new EthQuery(provider) // calculate metadata for tx async.parallel([ analyzeForDelegateCall, estimateGas, ], didComplete) // perform static analyis on the target contract code function analyzeForDelegateCall (cb) { if ( { query.getCode(, (err, result) => { if (err) return cb(err.message || err) var containsDelegateCall = self.checkForDelegateCall(result) txData.containsDelegateCall = containsDelegateCall cb() }) } else { cb() } } function estimateGas (cb) { var estimationParams = extend(txParams) // 1 billion gas for estimation var gasLimit = '0x3b9aca00' estimationParams.gas = gasLimit query.estimateGas(estimationParams, function (err, result) { if (err) return cb(err.message || err) if (result === estimationParams.gas) { txData.simulationFails = true query.getBlockByNumber('latest', true, function (err, block) { if (err) return cb(err) txData.estimatedGas = block.gasLimit txData.txParams.gas = block.gasLimit cb() }) return } txData.estimatedGas = self.addGasBuffer(result) txData.txParams.gas = txData.estimatedGas cb() }) } function didComplete (err) { if (err) return cb(err.message || err) configManager.addTx(txData) // signal update self._didUpdate() // signal completion of add tx cb(null, txData) } } IdentityStore.prototype.checkForDelegateCall = function (codeHex) { const code = ethUtil.toBuffer(codeHex) if (code !== '0x') { const ops = ethBinToOps(code) const containsDelegateCall = ops.some((op) => === 'DELEGATECALL') return containsDelegateCall } else { return false } } IdentityStore.prototype.addGasBuffer = function (gas) { const bnGas = new BN(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(gas), 16) const five = new BN('5', 10) const gasBuffer = bnGas.div(five) const correct = bnGas.add(gasBuffer) return ethUtil.addHexPrefix(correct.toString(16)) } // comes from metamask ui IdentityStore.prototype.approveTransaction = function (txId, cb) { const configManager = this.configManager var approvalCb = this._unconfTxCbs[txId] || noop // accept tx cb() approvalCb(null, true) // clean up configManager.confirmTx(txId) delete this._unconfTxCbs[txId] this._didUpdate() } // comes from metamask ui IdentityStore.prototype.cancelTransaction = function (txId) { const configManager = this.configManager var approvalCb = this._unconfTxCbs[txId] || noop // reject tx approvalCb(null, false) // clean up configManager.rejectTx(txId) delete this._unconfTxCbs[txId] this._didUpdate() } // performs the actual signing, no autofill of params IdentityStore.prototype.signTransaction = function (txParams, cb) { try { console.log('signing tx...', txParams) var rawTx = this._idmgmt.signTx(txParams) cb(null, rawTx) } catch (err) { cb(err) } } // // Messages // // comes from dapp via zero-client hooked-wallet provider IdentityStore.prototype.addUnconfirmedMessage = function (msgParams, cb) { // create txData obj with parameters and meta data var time = (new Date()).getTime() var msgId = createId() var msgData = { id: msgId, msgParams: msgParams, time: time, status: 'unconfirmed', } messageManager.addMsg(msgData) console.log('addUnconfirmedMessage:', msgData) // keep the cb around for after approval (requires user interaction) // This cb fires completion to the Dapp's write operation. this._unconfMsgCbs[msgId] = cb // signal update this._didUpdate() return msgId } // comes from metamask ui IdentityStore.prototype.approveMessage = function (msgId, cb) { var approvalCb = this._unconfMsgCbs[msgId] || noop // accept msg cb() approvalCb(null, true) // clean up messageManager.confirmMsg(msgId) delete this._unconfMsgCbs[msgId] this._didUpdate() } // comes from metamask ui IdentityStore.prototype.cancelMessage = function (msgId) { var approvalCb = this._unconfMsgCbs[msgId] || noop // reject tx approvalCb(null, false) // clean up messageManager.rejectMsg(msgId) delete this._unconfTxCbs[msgId] this._didUpdate() } // performs the actual signing, no autofill of params IdentityStore.prototype.signMessage = function (msgParams, cb) { try { console.log('signing msg...', var rawMsg = this._idmgmt.signMsg(msgParams.from, if ('metamaskId' in msgParams) { var id = msgParams.metamaskId delete msgParams.metamaskId this.approveMessage(id, cb) } else { cb(null, rawMsg) } } catch (err) { cb(err) } } // // private // IdentityStore.prototype._didUpdate = function () { this.emit('update', this.getState()) } IdentityStore.prototype._isUnlocked = function () { var result = Boolean(this._keyStore) && Boolean(this._idmgmt) return result } // load identities from keyStoreet IdentityStore.prototype._loadIdentities = function () { const configManager = this.configManager if (!this._isUnlocked()) throw new Error('not unlocked') var addresses = this._getAddresses() addresses.forEach((address, i) => { // // add to ethStore if (this._ethStore) { this._ethStore.addAccount(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(address)) } // add to identities const defaultLabel = 'Account ' + (i + 1) const nickname = configManager.nicknameForWallet(address) var identity = { name: nickname || defaultLabel, address: address, mayBeFauceting: this._mayBeFauceting(i), } this._currentState.identities[address] = identity }) this._didUpdate() } IdentityStore.prototype.saveAccountLabel = function (account, label, cb) { const configManager = this.configManager configManager.setNicknameForWallet(account, label) this._loadIdentities() cb(null, label) } // mayBeFauceting // If on testnet, index 0 may be fauceting. // The UI will have to check the balance to know. // If there is no balance and it mayBeFauceting, // then it is in fact fauceting. IdentityStore.prototype._mayBeFauceting = function (i) { const configManager = this.configManager var config = configManager.getProvider() if (i === 0 && config.type === 'rpc' && config.rpcTarget === DEFAULT_RPC) { return true } return false } // // keyStore managment - unlocking + deserialization // IdentityStore.prototype.tryPassword = function (password, cb) { var serializedKeystore = this.configManager.getWallet() var keyStore = KeyStore.deserialize(serializedKeystore) keyStore.keyFromPassword(password, (err, pwDerivedKey) => { if (err) return cb(err) const isCorrect = keyStore.isDerivedKeyCorrect(pwDerivedKey) if (!isCorrect) return cb(new Error('Lightwallet - password incorrect')) this._keyStore = keyStore this._createIdMgmt(pwDerivedKey) cb() }) } IdentityStore.prototype._createVault = function (password, seedPhrase, cb) { const opts = { password, hdPathString: this.hdPathString, } if (seedPhrase) { opts.seedPhrase = seedPhrase } KeyStore.createVault(opts, (err, keyStore) => { if (err) return cb(err) this._keyStore = keyStore keyStore.keyFromPassword(password, (err, derivedKey) => { if (err) return cb(err) this.purgeCache() keyStore.addHdDerivationPath(this.hdPathString, derivedKey, {curve: 'secp256k1', purpose: 'sign'}) this._createFirstWallet(derivedKey) this._createIdMgmt(derivedKey) this.setSelectedAddressSync() cb() }) }) } IdentityStore.prototype._createIdMgmt = function (derivedKey) { this._idmgmt = new IdManagement({ keyStore: this._keyStore, derivedKey: derivedKey, configManager: this.configManager, }) } IdentityStore.prototype.purgeCache = function () { this._currentState.identities = {} let accounts try { accounts = Object.keys(this._ethStore._currentState.accounts) } catch (e) { accounts = [] } accounts.forEach((address) => { this._ethStore.removeAccount(address) }) } IdentityStore.prototype._createFirstWallet = function (derivedKey) { const keyStore = this._keyStore keyStore.setDefaultHdDerivationPath(this.hdPathString) keyStore.generateNewAddress(derivedKey, 1) this.configManager.setWallet(keyStore.serialize()) var addresses = keyStore.getAddresses() this._ethStore.addAccount(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(addresses[0])) } // get addresses and normalize address hexString IdentityStore.prototype._getAddresses = function () { return this._keyStore.getAddresses(this.hdPathString).map((address) => { return ethUtil.addHexPrefix(address) }) } IdentityStore.prototype._autoFaucet = function () { var addresses = this._getAddresses() autoFaucet(addresses[0]) } // util function noop () {}