#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -u set -o pipefail # To get the latest version, see CHROME_VERSION='102.0.5005.61-1' CHROME_BINARY="google-chrome-stable_${CHROME_VERSION}_amd64.deb" CHROME_BINARY_URL="https://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/pool/main/g/google-chrome-stable/${CHROME_BINARY}" # To retrieve this checksum, run the `wget` and `shasum` commands below CHROME_BINARY_SHA512SUM='dd701b99febf7d927657f38716d90f3a0b967ae75dac5f6e8fbf9df632c8a531ccb9f37ee09340ad730b4fe40d0564c1b64201121d2d3e4e503f3f167ca632cd' wget -O "${CHROME_BINARY}" -t 5 "${CHROME_BINARY_URL}" if [[ $(shasum -a 512 "${CHROME_BINARY}" | cut '--delimiter= ' -f1) != "${CHROME_BINARY_SHA512SUM}" ]] then echo "Google Chrome binary checksum did not match." exit 1 else echo "Google Chrome binary checksum verified." fi (sudo dpkg -i "${CHROME_BINARY}" || sudo apt-get -fy install) rm -rf "${CHROME_BINARY}" printf '%s\n' "CHROME ${CHROME_VERSION} configured"