import { clone, uniqBy } from 'ramda' import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js' import { loadLocalStorageData, saveLocalStorageData, } from '../../lib/local-storage-helpers' // Actions const BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED = 'metamask/gas/BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED' const BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED = 'metamask/gas/BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED' const GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED = 'metamask/gas/GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED' const GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED = 'metamask/gas/GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED' const RESET_CUSTOM_GAS_STATE = 'metamask/gas/RESET_CUSTOM_GAS_STATE' const RESET_CUSTOM_DATA = 'metamask/gas/RESET_CUSTOM_DATA' const SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA = 'metamask/gas/SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA' const SET_CUSTOM_GAS_ERRORS = 'metamask/gas/SET_CUSTOM_GAS_ERRORS' const SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT = 'metamask/gas/SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT' const SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE = 'metamask/gas/SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE' const SET_CUSTOM_GAS_TOTAL = 'metamask/gas/SET_CUSTOM_GAS_TOTAL' const SET_PRICE_AND_TIME_ESTIMATES = 'metamask/gas/SET_PRICE_AND_TIME_ESTIMATES' const SET_API_ESTIMATES_LAST_RETRIEVED = 'metamask/gas/SET_API_ESTIMATES_LAST_RETRIEVED' // TODO: determine if this approach to initState is consistent with conventional ducks pattern const initState = { customData: { price: null, limit: '0x5208', }, basicEstimates: { average: null, fastestWait: null, fastWait: null, fast: null, safeLowWait: null, blockNum: null, avgWait: null, blockTime: null, speed: null, fastest: null, safeLow: null, }, basicEstimateIsLoading: true, gasEstimatesLoading: true, priceAndTimeEstimates: [], priceAndTimeEstimatesLastRetrieved: 0, errors: {}, } // Reducer export default function reducer ({ gas: gasState = initState }, action = {}) { const newState = clone(gasState) switch (action.type) { case BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED: return { ...newState, basicEstimateIsLoading: true, } case BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED: return { ...newState, basicEstimateIsLoading: false, } case GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED: return { ...newState, gasEstimatesLoading: true, } case GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED: return { ...newState, gasEstimatesLoading: false, } case SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA: return { ...newState, basicEstimates: action.value, } case SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE: return { ...newState, customData: { ...newState.customData, price: action.value, }, } case SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT: return { ...newState, customData: { ...newState.customData, limit: action.value, }, } case SET_CUSTOM_GAS_TOTAL: return { ...newState, customData: { ...newState.customData, total: action.value, }, } case SET_PRICE_AND_TIME_ESTIMATES: return { ...newState, priceAndTimeEstimates: action.value, } case SET_CUSTOM_GAS_ERRORS: return { ...newState, errors: { ...newState.errors, ...action.value, }, } case SET_API_ESTIMATES_LAST_RETRIEVED: return { ...newState, priceAndTimeEstimatesLastRetrieved: action.value, } case RESET_CUSTOM_DATA: return { ...newState, customData: clone(initState.customData), } case RESET_CUSTOM_GAS_STATE: return clone(initState) default: return newState } } // Action Creators export function basicGasEstimatesLoadingStarted () { return { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED, } } export function basicGasEstimatesLoadingFinished () { return { type: BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED, } } export function gasEstimatesLoadingStarted () { return { type: GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_STARTED, } } export function gasEstimatesLoadingFinished () { return { type: GAS_ESTIMATE_LOADING_FINISHED, } } export function fetchBasicGasEstimates () { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(basicGasEstimatesLoadingStarted()) return fetch('', { 'headers': {}, 'referrer': '', 'referrerPolicy': 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'body': null, 'method': 'GET', 'mode': 'cors'} ) .then(r => r.json()) .then(({ average, avgWait, block_time: blockTime, blockNum, fast, fastest, fastestWait, fastWait, safeLow, safeLowWait, speed, }) => { const basicEstimates = { average, avgWait, blockTime, blockNum, fast, fastest, fastestWait, fastWait, safeLow, safeLowWait, speed, } dispatch(setBasicGasEstimateData(basicEstimates)) dispatch(basicGasEstimatesLoadingFinished()) return basicEstimates }) } } export function fetchGasEstimates (blockTime) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const { priceAndTimeEstimatesLastRetrieved, priceAndTimeEstimates, } = getState().gas const timeLastRetrieved = priceAndTimeEstimatesLastRetrieved || loadLocalStorageData('GAS_API_ESTIMATES_LAST_RETRIEVED') || 0 dispatch(gasEstimatesLoadingStarted()) const promiseToFetch = - timeLastRetrieved > 75000 ? fetch('', { 'headers': {}, 'referrer': '', 'referrerPolicy': 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'body': null, 'method': 'GET', 'mode': 'cors'} ) .then(r => r.json()) .then(r => { const estimatedPricesAndTimes ={ expectedTime, expectedWait, gasprice }) => ({ expectedTime, expectedWait, gasprice })) const estimatedTimeWithUniquePrices = uniqBy(({ expectedTime }) => expectedTime, estimatedPricesAndTimes) const timeMappedToSeconds ={ expectedWait, gasprice }) => { const expectedTime = (new BigNumber(expectedWait)).times(Number(blockTime), 10).toString(10) return { expectedTime, expectedWait, gasprice, } }) const timeRetrieved = dispatch(setApiEstimatesLastRetrieved(timeRetrieved)) saveLocalStorageData(timeRetrieved, 'GAS_API_ESTIMATES_LAST_RETRIEVED') saveLocalStorageData(timeMappedToSeconds.slice(1), 'GAS_API_ESTIMATES') return timeMappedToSeconds.slice(1) }) : Promise.resolve(priceAndTimeEstimates.length ? priceAndTimeEstimates : loadLocalStorageData('GAS_API_ESTIMATES') ) return promiseToFetch.then(estimates => { dispatch(setPricesAndTimeEstimates(estimates)) dispatch(gasEstimatesLoadingFinished()) }) } } export function setBasicGasEstimateData (basicGasEstimateData) { return { type: SET_BASIC_GAS_ESTIMATE_DATA, value: basicGasEstimateData, } } export function setPricesAndTimeEstimates (estimatedPricesAndTimes) { return { type: SET_PRICE_AND_TIME_ESTIMATES, value: estimatedPricesAndTimes, } } export function setCustomGasPrice (newPrice) { return { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE, value: newPrice, } } export function setCustomGasLimit (newLimit) { return { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT, value: newLimit, } } export function setCustomGasTotal (newTotal) { return { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_TOTAL, value: newTotal, } } export function setCustomGasErrors (newErrors) { return { type: SET_CUSTOM_GAS_ERRORS, value: newErrors, } } export function setApiEstimatesLastRetrieved (retrievalTime) { return { type: SET_API_ESTIMATES_LAST_RETRIEVED, value: retrievalTime, } } export function resetCustomGasState () { return { type: RESET_CUSTOM_GAS_STATE } } export function resetCustomData () { return { type: RESET_CUSTOM_DATA } }