A Metamask fork with Infura removed and default networks editable
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

143 lines
3.4 KiB

:root {
// These are the colors of the MetaMask design system
// Only design system colors should be added, no superfluous variables
--Blue-000: #eaf6ff;
--Blue-100: #a7d9fe;
--Blue-200: #75c4fd;
--Blue-300: #43aefc;
--Blue-400: #1098fc;
--Blue-500: #037dd6;
--Blue-600: #0260a4;
--Blue-700: #024272;
--Blue-800: #01253f;
--Blue-900: #00080d;
// Greys
--Grey-000: #f2f3f4;
--Grey-100: #d6d9dc;
--Grey-200: #bbc0c5;
--Grey-300: #9fa6ae;
--Grey-400: #848c96;
--Grey-500: #6a737d;
--Grey-600: #535a61;
--Grey-700: #3b4046;
--Grey-800: #24272a;
--Grey-900: #141618;
// Greens
--Green-000: #f3fcf5;
--Green-100: #d6ffdf;
--Green-200: #afecbd;
--Green-300: #86e29b;
--Green-400: #5dd879;
--Green-500: #28a745;
--Green-600: #1e7e34;
--Green-700: #145523;
--Green-800: #0a2c12;
--Green-900: #041007;
// Reds
--Red-000: #fcf2f3;
--Red-100: #f7d5d8;
--Red-200: #f1b9be;
--Red-300: #e88f97;
--Red-400: #e06470;
--Red-500: #d73a49;
--Red-600: #b92534;
--Red-700: #8e1d28;
--Red-800: #64141c;
--Red-900: #3a0c10;
// Orange
--Orange-000: #fef5ef;
--Orange-100: #fde2cf;
--Orange-200: #fbc49d;
--Orange-300: #faa66c;
--Orange-400: #f8883b;
--Orange-500: #f66a0a;
--Orange-600: #c65507;
--Orange-700: #954005;
--Orange-800: #632b04;
--Orange-900: #321602;
// Yellow
--Yellow-000: #fefae8; // Temporary placeholder
--Yellow-100: #fefcde;
--Yellow-500: #ffd33d;
// Black
--Black-100: #24292e;
// Primary colors
--primary-blue: var(--Blue-500);
--primary-orange: var(--Orange-500);
// Accents
--accent-yellow: var(--Yellow-500);
--accent-green: var(--Green-500);
--accent-red: var(--Red-500);
--accent-purple: #6f42c1;
--accent-pink: #ff45d8;
// Neutrals
--neutral-white: #fff;
--neutral-black: var(--Black-100);
--neutral-grey: var(--Grey-500);
// Everything below this line is part of the new color system
--primary-1: #037dd6;
--primary-2: #eaf6ff;
--primary-3: #0260a4;
--secondary-1: #f66a0a;
--secondary-2: #fef5ef;
--secondary-3: #c65507;
--error-1: #d73a49;
--error-2: #fcf2f3;
--error-3: #b92534;
--alert-1: #ffd33d;
--alert-2: #fefcde;
--alert-3: #f8c000;
--success-1: #4cd964;
--success-2: #caf4d1;
--success-3: #219e37;
--ui-black: #24292e;
--ui-grey: #d6d9dc;
--ui-white: #fff;
--ui-1: #f2f3f4;
--ui-2: #d6d9dc;
--ui-3: #bbc0c5;
--ui-4: #6a737d;
--ui-5: #c4c4c4;
--mainnet: #29b6af;
--ropsten: #ff4a8d;
--kovan: #9064ff;
--rinkeby: #f6c343;
--goerli: #3099f2;
--localhost: #29b6af;
--flask-purple: #8b45b6;
$color-map: (
'ui-1': --ui-1,
'ui-2': --ui-2,
'ui-3': --ui-3,
'ui-4': --ui-4,
'ui-5': --ui-5,
'white': --ui-white,
'black': --ui-black,
'grey': --ui-grey,
'neutral-grey': --neutral-grey,
'primary-1': --primary-1,
'primary-2': --primary-2,
'primary-3': --primary-3,
'secondary-1': --secondary-1,
'secondary-2': --secondary-2,
'secondary-3': --secondary-3,
'alert-1': --alert-1,
'alert-2': --alert-2,
'alert-3': --alert-3,
'error-1': --error-1,
'error-2': --error-2,
'error-3': --error-3,
'success-1': --success-1,
'success-2': --success-2,
'success-3': --success-3,
'mainnet': --mainnet,
'ropsten': --ropsten,
'kovan': --kovan,
'rinkeby': --rinkeby,
'goerli': --goerli,
'localhost': --localhost,
'transparent': transparent,
'flask-purple': --flask-purple