A Metamask fork with Infura removed and default networks editable
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import React from 'react';
export default function SwapStepIcon({ stepNumber = 1 }) {
switch (stepNumber) {
case 1:
return (
viewBox="0 0 14 14"
<circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.25" stroke="#037DD6" strokeWidth="1.5" />
d="M6.50983 5.192H5.27783L6.14183 4H7.71783V9.68H6.50983V5.192Z"
case 2:
return (
viewBox="0 0 14 14"
<circle cx="7" cy="7" r="6.25" stroke="#037DD6" strokeWidth="1.5" />
d="M8.92 9.776H5V9.368C5 9.048 5.056 8.77067 5.168 8.536C5.28 8.296 5.42133 8.08533 5.592 7.904C5.768 7.71733 5.96267 7.54933 6.176 7.4C6.39467 7.25067 6.608 7.10133 6.816 6.952C6.928 6.872 7.03467 6.78933 7.136 6.704C7.24267 6.61867 7.33333 6.53067 7.408 6.44C7.488 6.34933 7.552 6.256 7.6 6.16C7.648 6.064 7.672 5.96533 7.672 5.864C7.672 5.67733 7.616 5.52 7.504 5.392C7.39733 5.25867 7.22933 5.192 7 5.192C6.88267 5.192 6.776 5.21333 6.68 5.256C6.584 5.29333 6.50133 5.344 6.432 5.408C6.368 5.472 6.31733 5.54667 6.28 5.632C6.248 5.71733 6.232 5.808 6.232 5.904H5.024C5.024 5.62667 5.07467 5.37067 5.176 5.136C5.27733 4.90133 5.41867 4.70133 5.6 4.536C5.78133 4.36533 5.99467 4.23467 6.24 4.144C6.48533 4.048 6.752 4 7.04 4C7.28 4 7.50933 4.03733 7.728 4.112C7.952 4.18667 8.14933 4.29867 8.32 4.448C8.49067 4.59733 8.62667 4.784 8.728 5.008C8.82933 5.22667 8.88 5.48267 8.88 5.776C8.88 6.032 8.85067 6.25867 8.792 6.456C8.73333 6.648 8.65067 6.824 8.544 6.984C8.44267 7.13867 8.32 7.28 8.176 7.408C8.032 7.536 7.87733 7.66133 7.712 7.784C7.64267 7.832 7.55733 7.888 7.456 7.952C7.36 8.016 7.26133 8.08267 7.16 8.152C7.064 8.22133 6.97333 8.29333 6.888 8.368C6.80267 8.44267 6.74133 8.51467 6.704 8.584H8.92V9.776Z"
return undefined; // Don't return any SVG if a step number is not supported.