A Metamask fork with Infura removed and default networks editable
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

423 lines
14 KiB

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import * as d3 from 'd3'
import c3 from 'c3'
function setTickPosition (axis, n, newPosition, secondNewPosition) {
const positionToShift = axis === 'y' ? 'x' : 'y'
const secondPositionToShift = axis === 'y' ? 'y' : 'x'
.filter((d, i) => i === n)
.attr(positionToShift, 0)
.attr(positionToShift, newPosition)
.attr(secondPositionToShift, secondNewPosition || 0)
.style('visibility', 'visible')
function appendOrUpdateCircle ({ circle, data, itemIndex, cx, cy, cssId, appendOnly }) {
if (appendOnly || circle.empty()) {
.attr('class', () => this.generateClass('c3-selected-circle', itemIndex))
.attr('id', cssId)
.attr('cx', cx)
.attr('cy', cy)
.attr('stroke', () => this.color(data))
.attr('r', 6)
} else {
.attr('cx', cx)
.attr('cy', cy)
function setSelectedCircle ({ chart, gasPrices, currentPrice, chartXStart, chartWidth }) {
const numberOfValues = chart.internal.data.xs.data1.length
const closestLowerValueIndex = gasPrices.findIndex((e, i, a) => {
return e <= currentPrice && a[i + 1] >= currentPrice
const closestHigherValueIndex = gasPrices.findIndex((e, i, a) => {
return e > currentPrice
const closestHigherValue = gasPrices[closestHigherValueIndex]
const closestLowerValue = gasPrices[closestLowerValueIndex]
if (closestHigherValue && closestLowerValue) {
const closestLowerCircle = d3.select(`.c3-circle-${closestLowerValueIndex}`)
const closestHigherCircle = d3.select(`.c3-circle-${closestHigherValueIndex}`)
const { x: lowerX, y: lowerY } = closestLowerCircle.node().getBoundingClientRect()
const { x: higherX, y: higherY } = closestHigherCircle.node().getBoundingClientRect()
const currentX = lowerX + (higherX - lowerX) * (currentPrice - closestLowerValue) / (closestHigherValue - closestLowerValue)
const slope = (higherY - lowerY) / (higherX - lowerX)
const newTimeEstimate = -1 * (slope * (higherX - currentX) - higherY)
x: currentX,
value: newTimeEstimate,
id: 'data1',
index: numberOfValues,
name: 'data1',
}, numberOfValues)
} else {
const setCircle = d3.select('#set-circle')
if (!setCircle.empty()) {
d3.select('.c3-tooltip-container').style('display', 'none !important')
export default class GasPriceChart extends Component {
static contextTypes = {
t: PropTypes.func,
static propTypes = {
priceAndTimeEstimates: PropTypes.array,
currentPrice: PropTypes.number,
updateCustomGasPrice: PropTypes.func,
renderChart (currentPrice, priceAndTimeEstimates, updateCustomGasPrice) {
const gasPrices = priceAndTimeEstimates.map(({ gasprice }) => gasprice)
const gasPricesMax = gasPrices[gasPrices.length - 1] + 1
const estimatedTimes = priceAndTimeEstimates.map(({ expectedTime }) => expectedTime)
const estimatedTimesMax = estimatedTimes[0]
const chart = c3.generate({
size: {
height: 165,
transition: {
duration: 0,
padding: {left: 20, right: 15, top: 6, bottom: 10},
data: {
x: 'x',
columns: [
['x', ...gasPrices],
['data1', ...estimatedTimes],
types: {
data1: 'area',
selection: {
enabled: false,
color: {
data1: '#259de5',
axis: {
x: {
min: gasPrices[0],
max: gasPricesMax,
tick: {
values: [Math.floor(gasPrices[0]), Math.ceil(gasPricesMax)],
outer: false,
format: function (val) { return val + ' GWEI' },
padding: {left: gasPricesMax / 50, right: gasPricesMax / 50},
label: {
text: 'Gas Price ($)',
position: 'outer-center',
y: {
padding: {top: 7, bottom: 7},
tick: {
values: [Math.floor(estimatedTimesMax * 0.05), Math.ceil(estimatedTimesMax * 0.97)],
outer: false,
label: {
text: 'Confirmation time (sec)',
position: 'outer-middle',
min: 0,
legend: {
show: false,
grid: {
x: {},
lines: {
front: false,
point: {
focus: {
expand: {
enabled: false,
r: 3.5,
tooltip: {
format: {
title: (v) => v.toPrecision(4),
contents: function (d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) {
const config = this.config
const titleFormat = config.tooltip_format_title || defaultTitleFormat
let text
let title
d.forEach(el => {
if (el && (el.value || el.value === 0) && !text) {
title = titleFormat ? titleFormat(el.x) : el.x
text = "<table class='" + 'custom-tooltip' + "'>" + (title || title === 0 ? "<tr><th colspan='2'>" + title + '</th></tr>' : '')
return text + '</table>' + "<div class='tooltip-arrow'></div>"
position: function (data, width, height, element) {
const overlayedCircle = d3.select('#overlayed-circle')
if (overlayedCircle.empty()) {
return { top: -100, left: -100 }
const { x: circleX, y: circleY, width: circleWidth } = overlayedCircle.node().getBoundingClientRect()
const { x: chartXStart, y: chartYStart } = d3.select('.c3-chart').node().getBoundingClientRect()
// TODO: Confirm the below constants work with all data sets and screen sizes
// TODO: simplify l149-l159
let y = circleY - chartYStart - 19
if (circleY - circleWidth < chartYStart + 5) {
y = y + circleWidth + 38
d3.select('.tooltip-arrow').style('margin-top', '-16px')
} else {
d3.select('.tooltip-arrow').style('margin-top', '4px')
return {
top: y,
left: circleX - chartXStart + circleWidth - (gasPricesMax / 50),
show: true,
chart.internal.selectPoint = function (data, itemIndex = (data.index || 0)) {
const { x: circleX, y: circleY, width: circleWidth } = d3.select('#overlayed-circle')
const { x: chartXStart, y: chartYStart } = d3.select('.c3-areas-data1')
const circle = this.main
.select('.' + 'c3-selected-circles' + this.getTargetSelectorSuffix(data.id))
.selectAll('.' + 'c3-selected-circle' + '-' + itemIndex)
cx: () => circleX - chartXStart + circleWidth + 2,
cy: () => circleY - chartYStart + circleWidth + 1,
cssId: 'set-circle',
appendOnly: true,
chart.internal.selectPointB = function (data, itemIndex = (data.index || 0)) {
const { x: chartXStart, y: chartYStart } = d3.select('.c3-areas-data1')
const circle = this.main
.select('.' + 'c3-selected-circles' + this.getTargetSelectorSuffix(data.id))
.selectAll('.' + 'c3-selected-circle' + '-' + itemIndex)
cx: () => data.x - chartXStart + 11,
cy: () => data.value - chartYStart + 10,
cssId: 'set-circle',
appendOnly: true,
chart.internal.overlayPoint = function (data, itemIndex) {
const circle = this.main
.select('.' + 'c3-selected-circles' + this.getTargetSelectorSuffix(data.id))
.selectAll('.' + 'c3-selected-circle' + '-' + itemIndex)
cx: this.circleX.bind(this),
cy: this.circleY.bind(this),
cssId: 'overlayed-circle',
chart.internal.setCurrentCircle = function (data, itemIndex) {
const circle = this.main
.select('.' + 'c3-selected-circles' + this.getTargetSelectorSuffix(data.id))
cx: this.circleX.bind(this),
cy: this.circleY.bind(this),
cssId: 'current-circle',
chart.internal.showTooltip = function (selectedData, element) {
const $$ = this
const config = $$.config
const forArc = $$.hasArcType()
const dataToShow = selectedData.filter((d) => d && (d.value || d.value === 0))
const positionFunction = config.tooltip_position || chart.internal.prototype.tooltipPosition
if (dataToShow.length === 0 || !config.tooltip_show) {
$$.tooltip.html(config.tooltip_contents.call($$, selectedData, $$.axis.getXAxisTickFormat(), $$.getYFormat(forArc), $$.color)).style('display', 'flex')
// Get tooltip dimensions
const tWidth = $$.tooltip.property('offsetWidth')
const tHeight = $$.tooltip.property('offsetHeight')
const position = positionFunction.call(this, dataToShow, tWidth, tHeight, element)
// Set tooltip
$$.tooltip.style('top', position.top + 'px').style('left', position.left + 'px')
setTimeout(function () {
setTickPosition('y', 0, -5, 8)
setTickPosition('y', 1, -3, -5)
setTickPosition('x', 0, 3, 15)
setTickPosition('x', 1, 3, -8)
// TODO: Confirm the below constants work with all data sets and screen sizes
d3.select('.c3-axis-x-label').attr('transform', 'translate(0,-15)')
d3.select('.c3-axis-y-label').attr('transform', 'translate(52, 2) rotate(-90)')
d3.select('.c3-xgrid-focus line').attr('y2', 98)
d3.select('.c3-chart').on('mouseout', () => {
const overLayedCircle = d3.select('#overlayed-circle')
if (!overLayedCircle.empty()) {
d3.select('.c3-tooltip-container').style('display', 'none !important')
const chartRect = d3.select('.c3-areas-data1')
const { x: chartXStart, width: chartWidth } = chartRect.node().getBoundingClientRect()
d3.select('.c3-chart').on('click', () => {
const overlayedCircle = d3.select('#overlayed-circle')
const numberOfValues = chart.internal.data.xs.data1.length
const { x: circleX, y: circleY } = overlayedCircle.node().getBoundingClientRect()
const { x: xData } = overlayedCircle.datum()
x: circleX - chartXStart,
value: circleY - 1.5,
id: 'data1',
index: numberOfValues,
name: 'data1',
}, numberOfValues)
setSelectedCircle({ chart, gasPrices, currentPrice, chartXStart, chartWidth })
d3.select('.c3-chart').on('mousemove', function () {
const chartMouseXPos = d3.event.clientX - chartXStart
const posPercentile = chartMouseXPos / chartWidth
const currentPosValue = (gasPrices[gasPrices.length - 1] - gasPrices[0]) * posPercentile + gasPrices[0]
const closestLowerValueIndex = gasPrices.findIndex((e, i, a) => {
return e <= currentPosValue && a[i + 1] >= currentPosValue
const closestLowerValue = gasPrices[closestLowerValueIndex]
const estimatedClosestLowerTimeEstimate = estimatedTimes[closestLowerValueIndex]
const closestHigherValueIndex = gasPrices.findIndex((e, i, a) => {
return e > currentPosValue
const closestHigherValue = gasPrices[closestHigherValueIndex]
if (!closestHigherValue || !closestLowerValue) {
const overLayedCircle = d3.select('#overlayed-circle')
if (!overLayedCircle.empty()) {
d3.select('.c3-tooltip-container').style('display', 'none !important')
const estimatedClosestHigherTimeEstimate = estimatedTimes[closestHigherValueIndex]
const slope = (estimatedClosestHigherTimeEstimate - estimatedClosestLowerTimeEstimate) / (closestHigherValue - closestLowerValue)
const newTimeEstimate = -1 * (slope * (closestHigherValue - currentPosValue) - estimatedClosestHigherTimeEstimate)
const newEstimatedTimes = [...estimatedTimes, newTimeEstimate]
x: currentPosValue,
value: newTimeEstimate,
id: 'data1',
index: newEstimatedTimes.length,
name: 'data1',
}, newEstimatedTimes.length)
x: currentPosValue,
value: newTimeEstimate,
id: 'data1',
index: newEstimatedTimes.length,
name: 'data1',
}], chartRect._groups[0])
x: currentPosValue,
value: newTimeEstimate,
id: 'data1',
index: newEstimatedTimes.length,
name: 'data1',
}, 0)
this.chart = chart
componentDidUpdate (prevProps) {
if (prevProps.currentPrice !== this.props.currentPrice) {
const chartRect = d3.select('.c3-areas-data1')
const { x: chartXStart, width: chartWidth } = chartRect.node().getBoundingClientRect()
chart: this.chart,
currentPrice: this.props.currentPrice,
gasPrices: this.props.priceAndTimeEstimates.map(({ gasprice }) => gasprice),
componentDidMount () {
const { currentPrice, priceAndTimeEstimates, updateCustomGasPrice } = this.props
this.renderChart(currentPrice, priceAndTimeEstimates, updateCustomGasPrice)
render () {
return (
<div className="gas-price-chart" id="container">
<div className="gas-price-chart__root" id="chart"></div>