A Metamask fork with Infura removed and default networks editable
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

111 lines
4.4 KiB

import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import { useRef, useEffect, useState, useMemo } from 'react'
import { isEqual } from 'lodash'
import { captureException } from '@sentry/browser'
import { hexWEIToDecGWEI } from '../helpers/utils/conversions.util'
import { getEstimatedGasPrices, getEstimatedGasTimes, getFeatureFlags, getIsMainnet } from '../selectors'
import { getRawTimeEstimateData } from '../helpers/utils/gas-time-estimates.util'
import { getCurrentLocale } from '../ducks/metamask/metamask'
* Calculate the number of minutes remaining until the transaction completes.
* @param {number} initialTimeEstimate - timestamp for the projected completion time
* @param {number} submittedTime - timestamp of when the tx was submitted
* @return {number} minutes remaining
function calcTransactionTimeRemaining (initialTimeEstimate, submittedTime) {
const currentTime = (new Date()).getTime()
const timeElapsedSinceSubmission = (currentTime - submittedTime) / 1000
const timeRemainingOnEstimate = initialTimeEstimate - timeElapsedSinceSubmission
const renderingTimeRemainingEstimate = Math.round(timeRemainingOnEstimate / 60)
return renderingTimeRemainingEstimate
* returns a string representing the number of minutes predicted for the transaction to be
* completed. Only returns this prediction if the transaction is the earliest pending
* transaction, and the feature flag for showing timing is enabled.
* @param {bool} isPending - is the transaction currently pending
* @param {bool} isEarliestNonce - is this transaction the earliest nonce in list
* @param {number} submittedTime - the timestamp for when the transaction was submitted
* @param {number} currentGasPrice - gas price to use for calculation of time
* @param {boolean} dontFormat - Whether the result should be be formatted, or just a number of minutes
* @returns {string | undefined} i18n formatted string if applicable
export function useTransactionTimeRemaining (
) {
// the following two selectors return the result of mapping over an array, as such they
// will always be new objects and trigger effects. To avoid this, we use isEqual as the
// equalityFn to only update when the data is new.
const gasPrices = useSelector(getEstimatedGasPrices, isEqual)
const estimatedTimes = useSelector(getEstimatedGasTimes, isEqual)
const locale = useSelector(getCurrentLocale)
const isMainNet = useSelector(getIsMainnet)
const interval = useRef()
const [timeRemaining, setTimeRemaining] = useState(null)
const featureFlags = useSelector(getFeatureFlags)
const transactionTimeFeatureActive = featureFlags?.transactionTime
const rtf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(locale.replace('_', '-'), { numeric: 'auto', style: 'narrow' })
// Memoize this value so it can be used as a dependency in the effect below
const initialTimeEstimate = useMemo(() => {
const customGasPrice = Number(hexWEIToDecGWEI(currentGasPrice))
try {
const {
} = getRawTimeEstimateData(customGasPrice, gasPrices, estimatedTimes)
return newTimeEstimate
} catch (error) {
return NaN
}, [currentGasPrice, gasPrices, estimatedTimes])
useEffect(() => {
if (
(isMainNet &&
(transactionTimeFeatureActive || forceAllow)) &&
isPending &&
isEarliestNonce &&
) {
calcTransactionTimeRemaining(initialTimeEstimate, submittedTime),
interval.current = setInterval(() => {
calcTransactionTimeRemaining(initialTimeEstimate, submittedTime),
}, 10000)
return () => clearInterval(interval.current)
return undefined
}, [
// there are numerous checks to determine if time should be displayed.
// if any of the following are true, the timeRemaining will be null
// User is currently not on the mainnet
// User does not have the transactionTime feature flag enabled
// The transaction is not pending, or isn't the earliest nonce
const usedFormat = dontFormat
? timeRemaining
: rtf.format(timeRemaining, 'minute')
return timeRemaining ? usedFormat : undefined