@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util'); |
const ECIES = require('bitcore-ecies'); |
const bitcore = require('bitcore-lib'); |
const Base58 = require('base58'); |
const eccrypto = require('eccrypto'); |
const testData = { |
address: '0x63dcee1fd1d814858acd4172bb20e1aa0c947c0a', |
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ describe('unit.test.js', () => { |
); |
assert.equal(signature1, signature2); |
}); |
it('should sign the solidity hash', () => { |
it('should sign the solidity hash', async () => { |
// return;
const web3 = EthereumEncryption.web3; |
@ -136,15 +137,15 @@ describe('unit.test.js', () => { |
const publicKey = ethUtil.privateToPublic(account.privateKey); |
console.dir(publicKey.toString('hex')); |
console.log('address:'); |
console.log('## address:'); |
const address = ethUtil.pubToAddress(publicKey); |
console.dir(address.toString('hex')); |
console.log('sign:'); |
console.log('## sign:'); |
const sig1 = account.sign('foobar'); |
console.dir(sig1); |
console.log('rec:'); |
console.log('## recover:'); |
const rec = EthereumEncryption |
.web3.eth.accounts |
.recover( |
@ -156,9 +157,10 @@ describe('unit.test.js', () => { |
console.dir(rec); |
console.log('# encrypt:'); |
console.log('## encrypt:'); |
const message = 'foobar'; |
const pubString = '04' + publicKey.toString('hex'); |
console.dir('pubString: ' + pubString); |
const encrypted = EthereumEncryption.encryptWithPublicKey( |
pubString, |
@ -168,14 +170,54 @@ describe('unit.test.js', () => { |
console.dir(encrypted.toString('hex')); |
console.log('# decrypt:'); |
console.log('## decrypt:'); |
console.log('privKey: ' + account.privateKey); |
const twoStripped = account.privateKey.replace(/^.{2}/g, ''); |
console.log('twoStripped: ' + twoStripped); |
const privBuffer = new Buffer(twoStripped); |
console.log('privKeyString: ' + privBuffer.toString()); |
console.dir(ethUtil.toBuffer(account.privateKey).toString('hex')); |
console.log('::::::::::::::::::' + account.privateKey); |
const buf = Buffer('msg to b'); |
const publicKeyA = eccrypto.getPublic(new Buffer(twoStripped, 'hex')); |
console.log('publicKeyA: ' + publicKeyA); |
console.log('_'); |
const enc = await eccrypto.encrypt(publicKeyA, buf); |
console.log('....'); |
const dec = await eccrypto.decrypt(new Buffer(twoStripped, 'hex'), enc); |
console.dir(dec.toString()); |
console.log('--------------------'); |
const p = new bitcore.PrivateKey(twoStripped); |
const pub = p.toPublicKey(); |
console.log('pub: ' + pub); |
const compressedPK = bitcore.PublicKey(pub); |
console.log('compressedPK: ' + compressedPK); |
const encrypted2 = EthereumEncryption.encryptWithPublicKey( |
pub, |
'foobar' |
); |
console.log('encryption with compressed key worked!'); |
const aliceDec2 = ECIES() |
.privateKey(twoStripped) |
.publicKey(pubString); |
console.dir(aliceDec2); |
console.log('ECIES with own private key workd!'); |
const decrypted2 = aliceDec2.decrypt( |
new Buffer(encrypted2, 'hex') |
); |
console.log('decrypted2:'); |
console.dir(decrypted2.toString()); |
console.log('aliceDec:'); |
const aliceDec = ECIES().privateKey(twoStripped); |
const aliceDec = ECIES().privateKey('03' + twoStripped); |
console.log('decryptMe'); |
const decryptMe = new Buffer(encrypted, 'hex'); |
console.log('decryptedBuffer'); |