Cryptographic javascript-functions for ethereum and tutorials to use them with web3js and solidity
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import { ecdsaRecover } from 'secp256k1';
import { removeLeading0x, hexToUnit8Array, uint8ArrayToHex } from './util';
* returns the publicKey for the privateKey with which the messageHash was signed
* @param {string} signature
* @param {string} hash
* @return {string} publicKey
export function recoverPublicKey(signature, hash) {
signature = removeLeading0x(signature);
// split into v-value and sig
var sigOnly = signature.substring(0, signature.length - 2); // all but last 2 chars
var vValue = signature.slice(-2); // last 2 chars
var recoveryNumber = vValue === '1c' ? 1 : 0;
var pubKey = uint8ArrayToHex(ecdsaRecover(hexToUnit8Array(sigOnly), recoveryNumber, hexToUnit8Array(removeLeading0x(hash)), false));
// remove trailing '04'
pubKey = pubKey.slice(2);
return pubKey;