# Set the base image FROM continuumio/miniconda3:latest AS builder # Install system dependencies RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y sudo libusb-1.0 gcc g++ python3-dev && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* WORKDIR /home/hummingbot # Create conda environment COPY setup/environment.yml /tmp/environment.yml RUN conda env create -f /tmp/environment.yml && \ conda clean -afy && \ rm /tmp/environment.yml # Copy remaining files COPY bin/ bin/ COPY hummingbot/ hummingbot/ COPY scripts/ scripts/ COPY scripts/ scripts-copy/ COPY setup.py . COPY LICENSE . COPY README.md . COPY DATA_COLLECTION.md . # activate hummingbot env when entering the CT SHELL [ "/bin/bash", "-lc" ] RUN echo "conda activate hummingbot" >> ~/.bashrc RUN python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace -j 8 && \ rm -rf build/ && \ find . -type f -name "*.cpp" -delete # Build final image using artifacts from builder FROM continuumio/miniconda3:latest AS release # Dockerfile author / maintainer LABEL maintainer="Fede Cardoso @dardonacci " # Build arguments ARG BRANCH="" ARG COMMIT="" ARG BUILD_DATE="" LABEL branch=${BRANCH} LABEL commit=${COMMIT} LABEL date=${BUILD_DATE} # Set ENV variables ENV COMMIT_SHA=${COMMIT} ENV COMMIT_BRANCH=${BRANCH} ENV BUILD_DATE=${DATE} ENV INSTALLATION_TYPE=docker # Install system dependencies RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y sudo libusb-1.0 && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Create mount points RUN mkdir -p /home/hummingbot/conf /home/hummingbot/conf/connectors /home/hummingbot/conf/strategies /home/hummingbot/logs /home/hummingbot/data /home/hummingbot/certs /home/hummingbot/scripts WORKDIR /home/hummingbot # Copy all build artifacts from builder image COPY --from=builder /opt/conda/ /opt/conda/ COPY --from=builder /home/ /home/ # Setting bash as default shell because we have .bashrc with customized PATH (setting SHELL affects RUN, CMD and ENTRYPOINT, but not manual commands e.g. `docker run image COMMAND`!) SHELL [ "/bin/bash", "-lc" ] # Set the default command to run when starting the container CMD conda activate hummingbot && ./bin/hummingbot_quickstart.py 2>> ./logs/errors.log