import pytest
from mythril . laser . ethereum . evm_exceptions import VmException , OutOfGasException
from mythril . disassembler . disassembly import Disassembly
from mythril . laser . ethereum . state . environment import Environment
from mythril . laser . ethereum . state . world_state import WorldState
from mythril . laser . ethereum . state . account import Account
from mythril . laser . ethereum . state . machine_state import MachineState
from mythril . laser . ethereum . state . global_state import GlobalState
from mythril . laser . ethereum . state . world_state import WorldState
from mythril . laser . ethereum . instructions import Instruction
from mythril . laser . ethereum . transaction . transaction_models import MessageCallTransaction
from mythril . laser . smt import symbol_factory , simplify
def get_state ( ) :
world_state = WorldState ( )
account = world_state . create_account ( balance = 10 , address = 101 )
account . code = Disassembly ( " 0x60045e005c5d " )
environment = Environment ( account , None , None , None , None , None , None )
state = GlobalState ( world_state , environment , None , MachineState ( gas_limit = 8000000 ) )
state . transaction_stack . append (
( MessageCallTransaction ( world_state = WorldState ( ) , gas_limit = 8000000 ) , None )
return state
BVV = symbol_factory . BitVecVal
BV = symbol_factory . BitVecSym
test_data = ( ( [ BVV ( 5 , 256 ) ] , [ ] , 2 , - 1 , ( ) ) , )
def test_jumpsub_success ( ) :
# Arrange
state = get_state ( )
state . mstate . pc = 2
state . mstate . stack = [ BVV ( 4 , 256 ) ]
state . mstate . subroutine_stack = [ ]
instruction = Instruction ( " jumpsub " , dynamic_loader = None )
# Act
new_state = instruction . evaluate ( state ) [ 0 ]
# Assert
assert new_state . mstate . pc == 5
assert new_state . mstate . stack == [ ]
assert new_state . mstate . subroutine_stack == [ 3 ]
def test_jumpsub_fail ( ) :
# Arrange
state = get_state ( )
state . mstate . pc = 2
state . mstate . stack = [ BVV ( 5 , 256 ) ]
state . mstate . subroutine_stack = [ ]
instruction = Instruction ( " jumpsub " , dynamic_loader = None )
# Act + Assert
with pytest . raises ( VmException ) :
instruction . evaluate ( state ) [ 0 ]
def test_beginsub ( ) :
# Arrange
state = get_state ( )
state . mstate . pc = 3
state . mstate . stack = [ ]
state . mstate . subroutine_stack = [ ]
instruction = Instruction ( " beginsub " , dynamic_loader = None )
# Act + Assert
with pytest . raises ( OutOfGasException ) :
instruction . evaluate ( state ) [ 0 ]
def test_returnsub ( ) :
# Arrange
state = get_state ( )
state . mstate . pc = 5
state . mstate . stack = [ ]
state . mstate . subroutine_stack = [ 3 ]
instruction = Instruction ( " returnsub " , dynamic_loader = None )
# Act
new_state = instruction . evaluate ( state ) [ 0 ]
# Assert
assert new_state . mstate . pc == 3