from mythril . laser . ethereum . exceptions import VmException
from mythril . laser . ethereum . svm import LaserEVM
from mythril . laser . ethereum . state import Account
from mythril . disassembler . disassembly import Disassembly
from mythril . laser . ethereum . transaction . concolic import execute_message_call
from datetime import datetime
from mythril . laser . ethereum . util import get_concrete_int
import binascii
import json
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
evm_test_dir = Path ( __file__ ) . parent / ' VMTests '
test_types = [ ' vmArithmeticTest ' , ' vmBitwiseLogicOperation ' , ' vmPushDupSwapTest ' ]
def load_test_data ( designations ) :
return_data = [ ]
for designation in designations :
for file_reference in ( evm_test_dir / designation ) . iterdir ( ) :
with file_reference . open ( ) as file :
top_level = json . load ( file )
for test_name , data in top_level . items ( ) :
pre_condition = data [ ' pre ' ]
action = data [ ' exec ' ]
post_condition = data . get ( ' post ' , { } )
return_data . append ( ( test_name , pre_condition , action , post_condition ) )
return return_data
@pytest . mark . parametrize ( " test_name, pre_condition, action, post_condition " , load_test_data ( test_types ) )
def test_vmtest ( test_name : str , pre_condition : dict , action : dict , post_condition : dict ) - > None :
# Arrange
accounts = { }
for address , details in pre_condition . items ( ) :
account = Account ( address )
account . code = Disassembly ( details [ ' code ' ] [ 2 : ] )
account . balance = int ( details [ ' balance ' ] , 16 )
account . nonce = int ( details [ ' nonce ' ] , 16 )
accounts [ address ] = account
laser_evm = LaserEVM ( accounts )
# Act
laser_evm . time = datetime . now ( )
execute_message_call (
laser_evm ,
callee_address = action [ ' address ' ] ,
caller_address = action [ ' caller ' ] ,
origin_address = action [ ' origin ' ] ,
code = action [ ' code ' ] [ 2 : ] ,
gas = action [ ' gas ' ] ,
data = binascii . a2b_hex ( action [ ' data ' ] [ 2 : ] ) ,
gas_price = int ( action [ ' gasPrice ' ] , 16 ) ,
value = int ( action [ ' value ' ] , 16 )
# Assert
if ' Suicide ' not in test_name and post_condition != { } :
assert len ( laser_evm . open_states ) == 1
else :
if ' Suicide ' in test_name :
assert 0 == len ( laser_evm . open_states )
world_state = laser_evm . open_states [ 0 ]
for address , details in post_condition . items ( ) :
account = world_state [ address ]
assert account . nonce == int ( details [ ' nonce ' ] , 16 )
assert account . code . bytecode == details [ ' code ' ] [ 2 : ]
for index , value in details [ ' storage ' ] . items ( ) :
expected = int ( value , 16 )
actual = get_concrete_int ( account . storage [ int ( index , 16 ) ] )
assert actual == expected