Security analysis tool for EVM bytecode. Supports smart contracts built for Ethereum, Hedera, Quorum, Vechain, Roostock, Tron and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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7 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python
7 years ago
""" Bug hunting on the Ethereum blockchain
7 years ago
from mythril.ether import evm, util
from mythril.ether.contractstorage import get_persistent_storage
from mythril.ether.ethcontract import ETHContract
from mythril.ether.util import compile_solidity
from mythril.rpc.client import EthJsonRpc
7 years ago
from mythril.ipc.client import EthIpc
from mythril.rpc.exceptions import ConnectionError
from import signatures
from import analyze_truffle_project
from import DynLoader
from mythril.exceptions import CompilerError
from mythril.analysis.symbolic import StateSpace
from mythril.analysis.callgraph import generate_graph
from import fire_lasers
from web3 import Web3
from ethereum import utils
7 years ago
from pathlib import Path
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
7 years ago
from solc.exceptions import SolcError
import solc
7 years ago
import logging
import json
7 years ago
import sys
import argparse
import os
import re
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
def searchCallback(code_hash, code, addresses, balances):
print("Matched contract with code hash " + code_hash)
7 years ago
for i in range(0, len(addresses)):
print("Address: " + addresses[i] + ", balance: " + str(balances[i]))
7 years ago
def exitWithError(message):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Security analysis of Ethereum smart contracts')
7 years ago
parser.add_argument("solidity_file", nargs='*')
commands = parser.add_argument_group('commands')
7 years ago
commands.add_argument('-g', '--graph', help='generate a control flow graph', metavar='OUTPUT_FILE')
commands.add_argument('-x', '--fire-lasers', action='store_true', help='detect vulnerabilities, use with -c, -a or solidity file(s)')
commands.add_argument('-t', '--truffle', action='store_true', help='analyze a truffle project (run from project dir)')
inputs = parser.add_argument_group('input arguments')
inputs.add_argument('-c', '--code', help='hex-encoded bytecode string ("6060604052...")', metavar='BYTECODE')
7 years ago
inputs.add_argument('-a', '--address', help='pull contract from the blockchain', metavar='CONTRACT_ADDRESS')
inputs.add_argument('-l', '--dynld', action='store_true', help='auto-load dependencies from the blockchain')
inputs = parser.add_argument_group('output formats')
inputs.add_argument('-o', '--outform', choices=['text', 'json'], default='text', help='report output format', metavar='<text/json>')
database = parser.add_argument_group('local contracts database')
database.add_argument('--init-db', action='store_true', help='initialize the contract database')
database.add_argument('-s', '--search', help='search the contract database', metavar='EXPRESSION')
utilities = parser.add_argument_group('utilities')
utilities.add_argument('-d', '--disassemble', action='store_true', help='print disassembly')
utilities.add_argument('--xrefs', action='store_true', help='get xrefs from a contract')
utilities.add_argument('--hash', help='calculate function signature hash', metavar='SIGNATURE')
utilities.add_argument('--storage', help='read state variables from storage index, use with -a', metavar='INDEX,NUM_SLOTS,[array]')
utilities.add_argument('--solv', help='specify solidity compiler version. If not present, will try to install it (Experimental)', metavar='SOLV')
options = parser.add_argument_group('options')
options.add_argument('--sync-all', action='store_true', help='Also sync contracts with zero balance')
options.add_argument('--max-depth', type=int, default=12, help='Maximum recursion depth for symbolic execution')
options.add_argument('--enable-physics', type=bool, default=False, help='enable graph physics simulation')
options.add_argument('-v', type=int, help='log level (0-2)', metavar='LOG_LEVEL')
rpc = parser.add_argument_group('RPC options')
rpc.add_argument('--rpc', help='connect via RPC', metavar='HOST:PORT')
rpc.add_argument('--rpctls', type=bool, default=False, help='RPC connection over TLS')
rpc.add_argument('--ganache', action='store_true', help='Preset: local Ganache')
rpc.add_argument('--infura-mainnet', action='store_true', help='Preset: Infura Node service (Mainnet)')
rpc.add_argument('--infura-rinkeby', action='store_true', help='Preset: Infura Node service (Rinkeby)')
rpc.add_argument('--infura-kovan', action='store_true', help='Preset: Infura Node service (Kovan)')
rpc.add_argument('--infura-ropsten', action='store_true', help='Preset: Infura Node service (Ropsten)')
# Get config values
7 years ago
mythril_dir = os.environ['MYTHRIL_DIR']
except KeyError:
mythril_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".mythril")
7 years ago
# Initialize data directry and singature database
if not os.path.exists(mythril_dir):"Creating mythril data directory")
# If no function signature file exists, create it. Function signatures from Solidity source code are added automatically.
signatures_file = os.path.join(mythril_dir, 'signatures.json')
if not os.path.exists(signatures_file):"No signature database found. Creating empty database: " + signatures_file + "\n" \
"Consider replacing it with the pre-initialized database at " \
sigs = {}
with open(signatures_file, 'a') as f:
with open(signatures_file) as f:
sigs = json.load(f)
except JSONDecodeError as e:
exitWithError("Invalid JSON in signatures file " + signatures_file + "\n" + str(e))
7 years ago
# Parse cmdline args
args = parser.parse_args()
if not ( or args.init_db or args.hash or args.disassemble or args.graph or args.xrefs or args.fire_lasers or or args.truffle):
7 years ago
if (args.v):
if (0 <= args.v < 3):
logging.basicConfig(level=[logging.NOTSET, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG][args.v])
elif (args.hash):
print("0x" + utils.sha3(args.hash)[:4].hex())
if args.truffle:
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Build directory not found. Make sure that you start the analysis from the project root, and that 'truffle compile' has executed successfully.")
7 years ago
# Figure out solc binary and version
# Only proper versions are supported. No nightlies, commits etc (such as available in remix)
if args.solv:
version = args.solv
#tried converting input to semver, seemed not necessary so just slicing for now
if version == str(solc.main.get_solc_version())[:6]:
print('Given version matches installed version')
solc_binary = os.environ['SOLC']
except KeyError:
solc_binary = 'solc'
if util.solc_exists(version):
print('Given version is already installed')
solc_binary = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".py-solc/solc-v" + version, "bin/solc")
7 years ago
print("Setting the compiler to " + str(solc_binary))
solc.install_solc('v' + version)
solc_binary = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".py-solc/solc-v" + version, "bin/solc")
7 years ago
print("Setting the compiler to " + str(solc_binary))
except SolcError:
exitWithError("There was an error when trying to install the specified solc version")
if not args.solv:
solc_binary = os.environ['SOLC']
except KeyError:
solc_binary = 'solc'
exitWithError('No solidity compiler found, please make sure it is installed or specify it manually.')
# Establish RPC/IPC connection if necessary
if (args.address or len(args.solidity_file) or args.init_db):
if args.infura_mainnet:
eth = EthJsonRpc('', 443, True)
elif args.infura_rinkeby:
eth = EthJsonRpc('', 443, True)
elif args.infura_kovan:
eth = EthJsonRpc('', 443, True)
elif args.infura_ropsten:
eth = EthJsonRpc('', 443, True)
elif args.ganache:
eth = EthJsonRpc('localhost', 7545, False)
elif args.rpc:
host, port = args.rpc.split(":")
except ValueError:
exitWithError("Invalid RPC argument, use HOST:PORT")
tls = args.rpctls
eth = EthJsonRpc(host, int(port), tls)
eth = EthIpc()
# Database search ops
if or args.init_db:
contract_storage = get_persistent_storage(mythril_dir)
if (
try:, searchCallback)
except SyntaxError:
exitWithError("Syntax error in search expression.")
elif (args.init_db):
contract_storage.initialize(eth, args.sync_all)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
print("Error syncing database over IPC: " + str(e))
except ConnectionError as e:
print("Could not connect to RPC server. Make sure that your node is running and that RPC parameters are set correctly.")
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
# Load / compile input contracts
contracts = []
if (args.code):
7 years ago
contracts.append(ETHContract(args.code, name="MAIN", address = util.get_indexed_address(0)))
elif (args.address):
if not re.match(r'0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}', args.address):
exitWithError("Invalid contract address. Expected format is '0x...'.")
code = eth.eth_getCode(args.address)
if (code == "0x"):
exitWithError("Received an empty response from eth_getCode. Check the contract address and verify that you are on the correct chain.")
except FileNotFoundError as e:
exitWithError("IPC error: " + str(e))
except ConnectionError as e:
exitWithError("Could not connect to RPC server. Make sure that your node is running and that RPC parameters are set correctly.")
contracts.append(ETHContract(code, name=args.address, address = args.address))
7 years ago
elif (len(args.solidity_file)):
7 years ago
index = 0
7 years ago
for file in args.solidity_file:
7 years ago
file = file.replace("~", str(Path.home())) # Expand user path
signatures.add_signatures_from_file(file, sigs)
logging.debug("Adding function signatures from source code:\n" + str(sigs))
name, bytecode = compile_solidity(file, solc_binary)
except CompilerError as e:
# Max. 16 input files supported!
7 years ago
contract = ETHContract(bytecode, name = name, address = util.get_indexed_address(index))
index += 1
contracts.append(contract) + " at " + contract.address)
# Save updated signature
with open(signatures_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(sigs, f)
exitWithError("No input bytecode. Please provide EVM code via -c BYTECODE, -a ADDRESS, or -i SOLIDITY_FILES")
# Commands
7 years ago
if not args.address:
exitWithError("To read storage, provide the address of a deployed contract with the -a option.")
position = 0
length = 1
array = 0
params = (",")
if len(params) >= 1 and len(params) <= 3:
position = int(params[0])
if len(params) >= 2 and len(params) <= 3:
7 years ago
length = int(params[1])
if len(params) == 3:
if re.match("array",params[2]):
array = 1
if len(params) >= 4:
7 years ago
exitWithError("Invalid number of parameters.")
except ValueError:
exitWithError("Invalid storage index. Please provide a numeric value.")
if array:
position_formated = str(position).zfill(64)
position = int(Web3.sha3(position_formated),16)
if length == 1:
print("{}: ".format(position) + eth.eth_getStorageAt(args.address, position));
for i in range(position, position + length):
print("{}: ".format(hex(i)) + eth.eth_getStorageAt(args.address, i));
except FileNotFoundError as e:
exitWithError("IPC error: " + str(e))
except ConnectionError as e:
exitWithError("Could not connect to RPC server. Make sure that your node is running and that RPC parameters are set correctly.")
elif (args.disassemble):
7 years ago
easm_text = contracts[0].get_easm()
elif (args.xrefs):
7 years ago
7 years ago
elif (args.graph) or (args.fire_lasers):
7 years ago
7 years ago
if (args.graph):
7 years ago
if (args.dynld):
states = StateSpace(contracts, dynloader=DynLoader(eth), max_depth=args.max_depth)
states = StateSpace(contracts, max_depth=args.max_depth)
7 years ago
if args.enable_physics is not None:
physics = True
7 years ago
html = generate_graph(states, args.enable_physics)
7 years ago
7 years ago
with open(args.graph, "w") as f:
except Exception as e:
print("Error saving graph: " + str(e))
7 years ago
7 years ago
if (args.dynld):
states = StateSpace(contracts, dynloader=DynLoader(eth), max_depth=args.max_depth)
states = StateSpace(contracts, max_depth=args.max_depth)
report = fire_lasers(states)
if (args.outform == 'text'):
if (len(report.issues)):
print("The analysis was completed successfully. No issues were detected.")