from mythril . laser . ethereum . svm import LaserEVM
from mythril . laser . ethereum . state . account import Account
from mythril . laser . ethereum . state . world_state import WorldState
from mythril . laser . ethereum . time_handler import time_handler
from mythril . laser . ethereum . keccak_function_manager import keccak_function_manager
from mythril . disassembler . disassembly import Disassembly
from mythril . laser . ethereum . transaction . concolic import execute_message_call
from mythril . laser . smt import Expression , BitVec , symbol_factory
from datetime import datetime
import binascii
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from z3 import ExprRef , simplify
evm_test_dir = Path ( __file__ ) . parent / " VMTests "
test_types = [
" vmArithmeticTest " ,
" vmBitwiseLogicOperation " ,
" vmEnvironmentalInfo " ,
" vmPushDupSwapTest " ,
" vmTests " ,
" vmSha3Test " ,
" vmSystemOperations " ,
" vmRandomTest " ,
" vmIOandFlowOperations " ,
tests_with_gas_support = [ " gas0 " , " gas1 " ]
tests_with_block_number_support = [
" BlockNumberDynamicJumpi0 " ,
" BlockNumberDynamicJumpi1 " ,
" BlockNumberDynamicJump0_jumpdest2 " ,
" DynamicJumpPathologicalTest0 " ,
" BlockNumberDynamicJumpifInsidePushWithJumpDest " ,
" BlockNumberDynamicJumpiAfterStop " ,
" BlockNumberDynamicJumpifInsidePushWithoutJumpDest " ,
" BlockNumberDynamicJump0_jumpdest0 " ,
" BlockNumberDynamicJumpi1_jumpdest " ,
" BlockNumberDynamicJumpiOutsideBoundary " ,
" DynamicJumpJD_DependsOnJumps1 " ,
tests_with_log_support = [ " log1MemExp " ]
tests_not_relevent = [
" loop_stacklimit_1020 " , # We won't be looping till 1020 as we have a max_depth
" loop_stacklimit_1021 " ,
tests_to_resolve = [ " jumpTo1InstructionafterJump " , " sstore_load_2 " , " jumpi_at_the_end " ]
ignored_test_names = (
+ tests_with_log_support
+ tests_with_block_number_support
+ tests_with_block_number_support
+ tests_not_relevent
+ tests_to_resolve
def load_test_data ( designations ) :
: param designations :
: return :
return_data = [ ]
for designation in designations :
for file_reference in ( evm_test_dir / designation ) . iterdir ( ) :
with file_reference . open ( ) as file :
top_level = json . load ( file )
for test_name , data in top_level . items ( ) :
pre_condition = data [ " pre " ]
action = data [ " exec " ]
gas_before = int ( action [ " gas " ] , 16 )
gas_after = data . get ( " gas " )
gas_used = (
gas_before - int ( gas_after , 16 )
if gas_after is not None
else None
post_condition = data . get ( " post " , { } )
environment = data . get ( " env " )
return_data . append (
test_name ,
environment ,
pre_condition ,
action ,
gas_used ,
post_condition ,
return return_data
@pytest . mark . parametrize (
" test_name, environment, pre_condition, action, gas_used, post_condition " ,
load_test_data ( test_types ) ,
def test_vmtest (
test_name : str ,
environment : dict ,
pre_condition : dict ,
action : dict ,
gas_used : int ,
post_condition : dict ,
) - > None :
# Arrange
if test_name in ignored_test_names :
world_state = WorldState ( )
for address , details in pre_condition . items ( ) :
account = Account ( address , concrete_storage = True )
account . code = Disassembly ( details [ " code " ] [ 2 : ] )
account . nonce = int ( details [ " nonce " ] , 16 )
for key , value in details [ " storage " ] . items ( ) :
key_bitvec = symbol_factory . BitVecVal ( int ( key , 16 ) , 256 )
account . storage [ key_bitvec ] = symbol_factory . BitVecVal ( int ( value , 16 ) , 256 )
world_state . put_account ( account )
account . set_balance ( int ( details [ " balance " ] , 16 ) )
time_handler . start_execution ( 10000 )
laser_evm = LaserEVM ( )
laser_evm . open_states = [ world_state ]
# Act
laser_evm . time = datetime . now ( )
final_states = execute_message_call (
laser_evm ,
callee_address = symbol_factory . BitVecVal ( int ( action [ " address " ] , 16 ) , 256 ) ,
caller_address = symbol_factory . BitVecVal ( int ( action [ " caller " ] , 16 ) , 256 ) ,
origin_address = symbol_factory . BitVecVal ( int ( action [ " origin " ] , 16 ) , 256 ) ,
code = action [ " code " ] [ 2 : ] ,
gas_limit = int ( action [ " gas " ] , 16 ) ,
data = binascii . a2b_hex ( action [ " data " ] [ 2 : ] ) ,
gas_price = int ( action [ " gasPrice " ] , 16 ) ,
value = int ( action [ " value " ] , 16 ) ,
track_gas = True ,
# Assert
if gas_used is not None and gas_used < int ( environment [ " currentGasLimit " ] , 16 ) :
# avoid gas usage larger than block gas limit
# this currently exceeds our estimations
gas_min_max = [
( s . mstate . min_gas_used , s . mstate . max_gas_used ) for s in final_states
gas_ranges = [ g [ 0 ] < = gas_used for g in gas_min_max ]
assert all ( map ( lambda g : g [ 0 ] < = g [ 1 ] , gas_min_max ) )
assert any ( gas_ranges )
if post_condition == { } :
# no more work to do if error happens or out of gas
assert len ( laser_evm . open_states ) == 0
else :
assert len ( laser_evm . open_states ) == 1
world_state = laser_evm . open_states [ 0 ]
for address , details in post_condition . items ( ) :
account = world_state [ symbol_factory . BitVecVal ( int ( address , 16 ) , 256 ) ]
assert account . nonce == int ( details [ " nonce " ] , 16 )
assert account . code . bytecode == details [ " code " ] [ 2 : ]
for index , value in details [ " storage " ] . items ( ) :
expected = int ( value , 16 )
actual = account . storage [ symbol_factory . BitVecVal ( int ( index , 16 ) , 256 ) ]
if isinstance ( actual , Expression ) :
actual = actual . value
actual = 1 if actual is True else 0 if actual is False else actual
else :
if type ( actual ) == bytes :
actual = int ( binascii . b2a_hex ( actual ) , 16 )
elif type ( actual ) == str :
actual = int ( actual , 16 )
assert actual == expected