Security analysis tool for EVM bytecode. Supports smart contracts built for Ethereum, Hedera, Quorum, Vechain, Roostock, Tron and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
2.6 KiB

from mythril.ether import asm,evm,util
from mythril.rpc.client import EthJsonRpc
from ethereum import utils
import binascii
import sys
import os
import json
class Block:
def __init__(self, code_index, start_addr, funcname):
self.code_index = code_index
self.funcname = funcname
self.xrefs = []
def update_length(self, num_instructions):
self.length = num_instructions
class Disassembly:
def __init__(self, code):
self.instruction_list = asm.disassemble(util.safe_decode(code))
self.blocks = []
self.func_to_addr = {}
self.addr_to_func = {}
# Parse jump table & resolve function names
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
signature_file = os.path.join(script_dir, 'signatures.json')
with open(signature_file) as f:
signatures = json.load(f)
jmptable_indices = asm.find_opcode_sequence(["PUSH4", "EQ"], self.instruction_list)
for i in jmptable_indices:
func_hash = self.instruction_list[i]['argument']
func_name = signatures[func_hash]
except KeyError:
func_name = "UNK_" + func_hash
offset = self.instruction_list[i+2]['argument']
jump_target = int(offset, 16)
self.func_to_addr[func_name] = jump_target
self.addr_to_func[jump_target] = func_name
# Parse instructions into basic blocks
current_block = Block(0, 0, "PROLOGUE")
index = 0
blocklen = 0
for instruction in self.instruction_list:
blocklen += 1
if (instruction['opcode'] == "JUMPDEST"):
func_name = self.addr_to_func[instruction['address']]
except KeyError:
func_name = "JUMPDEST_UNK"
current_block = Block(index, instruction['address'], func_name)
blocklen = 0
index += 1
def get_easm(self):
easm = asm.instruction_list_to_easm(self.instruction_list[0:self.blocks[0].length])
for block in self.blocks[1:]:
easm += str(self.instruction_list[block.code_index]['address']) + " #### " + block.funcname + " ####\n"
easm += asm.instruction_list_to_easm(self.instruction_list[block.code_index + 1:block.code_index + block.length])
return easm