Arm64 Docker support (#1770)
* Rework docker image to add arm64 support
The mythril/myth image now builds for linux/arm64 as well as
linux/amd64. To achieve this, we now use docker buildx to build the
images and handle create a multi-platform image manifest. The build
config is defined in a buildx bake file.
By default it'll build both platforms at once, but you can build just
one by overriding the platform on the command line:
$ docker buildx bake --set='*.platform=linux/arm64'
The solcx Python package doesn't support downloading solc for arm64, so
the image now includes the svm command-line tool, which does. (svm is
used by foundry to provide solc versions.) Integration with solcx is
not automatic, so currently the image's handles
symlinking solc versions from svm into solcx's directory.
In addition to supporting arm64, the image is now quite a bit smaller.
~400M vs 1.3G before.
* Update docker image build script for new image
* Remove the z3-solver pip platform hack
When installing wheels in the Docker image, we previously used an ugly
hack to force pip to install the z3-solver wheel, despite it having
invalid platform metadata. Instead of bodging pip install in this way,
we now fix the z3-solver wheel's metadata after building it, using
`auditwheel addtag` to infer and apply compatible platform metadata,
which allows pip to install the wheel normally.
2 years ago
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
Arm64 Docker support (#1770)
* Rework docker image to add arm64 support
The mythril/myth image now builds for linux/arm64 as well as
linux/amd64. To achieve this, we now use docker buildx to build the
images and handle create a multi-platform image manifest. The build
config is defined in a buildx bake file.
By default it'll build both platforms at once, but you can build just
one by overriding the platform on the command line:
$ docker buildx bake --set='*.platform=linux/arm64'
The solcx Python package doesn't support downloading solc for arm64, so
the image now includes the svm command-line tool, which does. (svm is
used by foundry to provide solc versions.) Integration with solcx is
not automatic, so currently the image's handles
symlinking solc versions from svm into solcx's directory.
In addition to supporting arm64, the image is now quite a bit smaller.
~400M vs 1.3G before.
* Update docker image build script for new image
* Remove the z3-solver pip platform hack
When installing wheels in the Docker image, we previously used an ugly
hack to force pip to install the z3-solver wheel, despite it having
invalid platform metadata. Instead of bodging pip install in this way,
we now fix the z3-solver wheel's metadata after building it, using
`auditwheel addtag` to infer and apply compatible platform metadata,
which allows pip to install the wheel normally.
2 years ago
FROM python:${PYTHON_VERSION:?} AS python-wheel
WORKDIR /wheels
FROM python-wheel AS python-wheel-with-cargo
# Enable cargo sparse-registry to prevent it using large amounts of memory in
# docker builds, and speed up builds by downloading less.
RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y
ENV PATH = /root/.cargo/bin:$PATH
# z3-solver needs to build from src on arm, and it takes a long time, so
# building it in a separate stage helps parallelise the build and helps it stay
# in the build cache.
FROM python-wheel AS python-wheel-z3-solver
RUN pip install auditwheel
RUN --mount= source = requirements.txt,target= /run/requirements.txt \
pip wheel " $( grep z3-solver /run/requirements.txt) "
# The wheel z3-solver builds does not install in arm64 because it generates
# incorrect platform compatibility metadata for arm64 builds. (It uses the
# platform manylinux1_aarch64 but manylinux1 is only defined for x86 systems,
# not arm: To work
# around this, we use pypa's auditwheel tool to infer and apply a compatible
# platform tag.
RUN ( auditwheel addtag ./z3_solver-* \
# replace incorrect wheel with the re-tagged one
&& rm ./z3_solver-* && mv wheelhouse/z3_solver-* . ) \
# addtag exits with status 1 if no tags need adding, which is fine
|| true
FROM python-wheel-with-cargo AS python-wheel-blake2b
# blake2b-py doesn't publish ARM builds, and also don't publish source packages
# on PyPI (other than the old 0.1.3 version) so we need to build from a git
Arm64 Docker support (#1770)
* Rework docker image to add arm64 support
The mythril/myth image now builds for linux/arm64 as well as
linux/amd64. To achieve this, we now use docker buildx to build the
images and handle create a multi-platform image manifest. The build
config is defined in a buildx bake file.
By default it'll build both platforms at once, but you can build just
one by overriding the platform on the command line:
$ docker buildx bake --set='*.platform=linux/arm64'
The solcx Python package doesn't support downloading solc for arm64, so
the image now includes the svm command-line tool, which does. (svm is
used by foundry to provide solc versions.) Integration with solcx is
not automatic, so currently the image's handles
symlinking solc versions from svm into solcx's directory.
In addition to supporting arm64, the image is now quite a bit smaller.
~400M vs 1.3G before.
* Update docker image build script for new image
* Remove the z3-solver pip platform hack
When installing wheels in the Docker image, we previously used an ugly
hack to force pip to install the z3-solver wheel, despite it having
invalid platform metadata. Instead of bodging pip install in this way,
we now fix the z3-solver wheel's metadata after building it, using
`auditwheel addtag` to infer and apply compatible platform metadata,
which allows pip to install the wheel normally.
2 years ago
# tag. They do publish binaries for linux amd64, but their binaries only support
# certain platform versions and the amd64 python image isn't supported, so we
# have to build from src for that as well.
# Try to get a binary build or a source release on PyPI first, then fall back
# to building from the git repo.
RUN pip wheel 'blake2b-py>=0.2.0,<1' \
|| pip wheel git+
FROM python-wheel AS mythril-wheels
# cython is needed to build some wheels, such as cytoolz
RUN pip install cython
RUN --mount= source = requirements.txt,target= /run/requirements.txt \
# ignore blake2b and z3-solver as we've already built them
grep -v -e blake2b -e z3-solver /run/requirements.txt > /tmp/requirements-remaining.txt
RUN pip wheel -r /tmp/requirements-remaining.txt
COPY . /mythril
RUN pip wheel --no-deps /mythril
COPY --from= python-wheel-blake2b /wheels/blake2b* /wheels
COPY --from= python-wheel-z3-solver /wheels/z3_solver* /wheels
# Solidity Compiler Version Manager. This provides cross-platform solc builds.
# It's used by foundry to provide solc.
FROM python-wheel-with-cargo AS solidity-compiler-version-manager
RUN cargo install svm-rs
# put the binaries somewhere obvious for later stages to use
RUN mkdir -p /svm-rs/bin && cd ~/.cargo/bin/ && cp svm solc /svm-rs/bin/
FROM python:${PYTHON_VERSION:?}-slim AS myth
# Space-separated version string without leading 'v' (e.g. "0.4.21 0.4.22")
COPY --from= solidity-compiler-version-manager /svm-rs/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
RUN --mount= from = mythril-wheels,source= /wheels,target= /wheels \
export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE = 1 && pip install /wheels/*.whl
RUN adduser --disabled-password mythril
USER mythril
WORKDIR /home/mythril
Arm64 Docker support (#1770)
* Rework docker image to add arm64 support
The mythril/myth image now builds for linux/arm64 as well as
linux/amd64. To achieve this, we now use docker buildx to build the
images and handle create a multi-platform image manifest. The build
config is defined in a buildx bake file.
By default it'll build both platforms at once, but you can build just
one by overriding the platform on the command line:
$ docker buildx bake --set='*.platform=linux/arm64'
The solcx Python package doesn't support downloading solc for arm64, so
the image now includes the svm command-line tool, which does. (svm is
used by foundry to provide solc versions.) Integration with solcx is
not automatic, so currently the image's handles
symlinking solc versions from svm into solcx's directory.
In addition to supporting arm64, the image is now quite a bit smaller.
~400M vs 1.3G before.
* Update docker image build script for new image
* Remove the z3-solver pip platform hack
When installing wheels in the Docker image, we previously used an ugly
hack to force pip to install the z3-solver wheel, despite it having
invalid platform metadata. Instead of bodging pip install in this way,
we now fix the z3-solver wheel's metadata after building it, using
`auditwheel addtag` to infer and apply compatible platform metadata,
which allows pip to install the wheel normally.
2 years ago
# pre-install solc versions
RUN set -x; [ -z " ${ INSTALLED_SOLC_VERSIONS } " ] || svm install ${ INSTALLED_SOLC_VERSIONS }
COPY --chown= mythril:mythril \
./mythril/support/assets/signatures.db \
COPY --chown= root:root --chmod= 755 ./docker/ /
COPY --chown= root:root --chmod= 755 \
./docker/ \
# Basic sanity checks to make sure the build is functional
FROM myth AS myth-smoke-test-execution
SHELL [ "/bin/bash" , "-euo" , "pipefail" , "-c" ]
WORKDIR /smoke-test
COPY --chmod= 755 <<"EOT" /
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x -euo pipefail
# Check solcx knows about svm solc versions
svm install 0.5.0
python -c '
import solcx
print( "\n" .join( str( v) for v in solcx.get_installed_solc_versions( ) ) )
' | grep -P ' ^0\. 5\. 0$' || {
echo "solcx did not report svm-installed solc version" ;
exit 1
# Show installed packages and versions
pip list
Arm64 Docker support (#1770)
* Rework docker image to add arm64 support
The mythril/myth image now builds for linux/arm64 as well as
linux/amd64. To achieve this, we now use docker buildx to build the
images and handle create a multi-platform image manifest. The build
config is defined in a buildx bake file.
By default it'll build both platforms at once, but you can build just
one by overriding the platform on the command line:
$ docker buildx bake --set='*.platform=linux/arm64'
The solcx Python package doesn't support downloading solc for arm64, so
the image now includes the svm command-line tool, which does. (svm is
used by foundry to provide solc versions.) Integration with solcx is
not automatic, so currently the image's handles
symlinking solc versions from svm into solcx's directory.
In addition to supporting arm64, the image is now quite a bit smaller.
~400M vs 1.3G before.
* Update docker image build script for new image
* Remove the z3-solver pip platform hack
When installing wheels in the Docker image, we previously used an ugly
hack to force pip to install the z3-solver wheel, despite it having
invalid platform metadata. Instead of bodging pip install in this way,
we now fix the z3-solver wheel's metadata after building it, using
`auditwheel addtag` to infer and apply compatible platform metadata,
which allows pip to install the wheel normally.
2 years ago
# Check myth can run
myth version
myth function -to-hash 'function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success)'
myth analyze /solidity_examples/origin.sol -t 1 > origin.log || true
grep 'SWC ID: 115' origin.log || {
error "Failed to detect SWC ID: 115 in origin.sol" ;
Arm64 Docker support (#1770)
* Rework docker image to add arm64 support
The mythril/myth image now builds for linux/arm64 as well as
linux/amd64. To achieve this, we now use docker buildx to build the
images and handle create a multi-platform image manifest. The build
config is defined in a buildx bake file.
By default it'll build both platforms at once, but you can build just
one by overriding the platform on the command line:
$ docker buildx bake --set='*.platform=linux/arm64'
The solcx Python package doesn't support downloading solc for arm64, so
the image now includes the svm command-line tool, which does. (svm is
used by foundry to provide solc versions.) Integration with solcx is
not automatic, so currently the image's handles
symlinking solc versions from svm into solcx's directory.
In addition to supporting arm64, the image is now quite a bit smaller.
~400M vs 1.3G before.
* Update docker image build script for new image
* Remove the z3-solver pip platform hack
When installing wheels in the Docker image, we previously used an ugly
hack to force pip to install the z3-solver wheel, despite it having
invalid platform metadata. Instead of bodging pip install in this way,
we now fix the z3-solver wheel's metadata after building it, using
`auditwheel addtag` to infer and apply compatible platform metadata,
which allows pip to install the wheel normally.
2 years ago
exit 1
# Check that the entrypoint works
[ [ $( / version) = = $( myth version) ] ]
[ [ $( / echo hi) = = hi ] ]
[ [ $( / bash -c "printf '>%s<' 'foo bar'" ) = = ">foo bar<" ] ]
RUN --mount= source = ./solidity_examples,target= /solidity_examples \
/ 2>& 1 | tee smoke-test.log
Arm64 Docker support (#1770)
* Rework docker image to add arm64 support
The mythril/myth image now builds for linux/arm64 as well as
linux/amd64. To achieve this, we now use docker buildx to build the
images and handle create a multi-platform image manifest. The build
config is defined in a buildx bake file.
By default it'll build both platforms at once, but you can build just
one by overriding the platform on the command line:
$ docker buildx bake --set='*.platform=linux/arm64'
The solcx Python package doesn't support downloading solc for arm64, so
the image now includes the svm command-line tool, which does. (svm is
used by foundry to provide solc versions.) Integration with solcx is
not automatic, so currently the image's handles
symlinking solc versions from svm into solcx's directory.
In addition to supporting arm64, the image is now quite a bit smaller.
~400M vs 1.3G before.
* Update docker image build script for new image
* Remove the z3-solver pip platform hack
When installing wheels in the Docker image, we previously used an ugly
hack to force pip to install the z3-solver wheel, despite it having
invalid platform metadata. Instead of bodging pip install in this way,
we now fix the z3-solver wheel's metadata after building it, using
`auditwheel addtag` to infer and apply compatible platform metadata,
which allows pip to install the wheel normally.
2 years ago
FROM scratch as myth-smoke-test
COPY --from= myth-smoke-test-execution /smoke-test/* /