from mythril . analysis . report import Report
from mythril . analysis . security import fire_lasers
from mythril . analysis . symbolic import SymExecWrapper
from mythril . ethereum import util
from mythril . solidity . soliditycontract import EVMContract
from multiprocessing import Pool , cpu_count
import pytest
import json
from tests import *
import difflib
def _fix_path ( text ) :
return text . replace ( str ( TESTDATA ) , " <TESTDATA> " )
def _fix_debug_data ( json_str ) :
read_json = json . loads ( json_str )
for issue in read_json [ " issues " ] :
issue [ " debug " ] = " <DEBUG-DATA> "
return json . dumps ( read_json , sort_keys = True )
def _generate_report ( input_file ) :
contract = EVMContract ( input_file . read_text ( ) , enable_online_lookup = False )
sym = SymExecWrapper (
contract ,
address = ( util . get_indexed_address ( 0 ) ) ,
strategy = " dfs " ,
execution_timeout = 30 ,
transaction_count = 1 ,
issues = fire_lasers ( sym )
report = Report ( )
for issue in issues :
issue . filename = " test-filename.sol "
report . append_issue ( issue )
return report , input_file
@pytest . fixture ( scope = " module " )
def reports ( ) :
""" Fixture that analyses all reports """
pool = Pool ( cpu_count ( ) )
input_files = sorted (
[ f for f in TESTDATA_INPUTS . iterdir ( ) if f . name != " environments.sol.o " ]
results = pool . map ( _generate_report , input_files )
return results
def _assert_empty ( changed_files , postfix ) :
""" Asserts there are no changed files and otherwise builds error message """
message = " "
for input_file in changed_files :
output_expected = (
( TESTDATA_OUTPUTS_EXPECTED / ( input_file . name + postfix ) )
. read_text ( )
. splitlines ( 1 )
output_current = (
( TESTDATA_OUTPUTS_CURRENT / ( input_file . name + postfix ) )
. read_text ( )
. splitlines ( 1 )
difference = " " . join ( difflib . unified_diff ( output_expected , output_current ) )
message + = " Found differing file for input: {} \n Difference: \n {} \n " . format (
str ( input_file ) , str ( difference )
assert message == " " , message
def _assert_empty_json ( changed_files ) :
""" Asserts there are no changed files and otherwise builds error message """
postfix = " .json "
expected = [ ]
actual = [ ]
def ordered ( obj ) :
if isinstance ( obj , dict ) :
return sorted ( ( k , ordered ( v ) ) for k , v in obj . items ( ) )
elif isinstance ( obj , list ) :
return sorted ( ordered ( x ) for x in obj )
else :
return obj
for input_file in changed_files :
output_expected = json . loads (
( TESTDATA_OUTPUTS_EXPECTED / ( input_file . name + postfix ) ) . read_text ( )
output_current = json . loads (
( TESTDATA_OUTPUTS_CURRENT / ( input_file . name + postfix ) ) . read_text ( )
if not ordered ( output_expected . items ( ) ) == ordered ( output_current . items ( ) ) :
expected . append ( output_expected )
actual . append ( output_current )
print ( " Found difference in {} " . format ( str ( input_file ) ) )
assert expected == actual
def _get_changed_files ( postfix , report_builder , reports ) :
Returns a generator for all unexpected changes in generated reports
: param postfix : The applicable postfix
: param report_builder : serialization function
: param reports : The reports to serialize
: return : Changed files
for report , input_file in reports :
output_expected = TESTDATA_OUTPUTS_EXPECTED / ( input_file . name + postfix )
output_current = TESTDATA_OUTPUTS_CURRENT / ( input_file . name + postfix )
output_current . write_text ( report_builder ( report ) )
if not ( output_expected . read_text ( ) == output_current . read_text ( ) ) :
yield input_file
def _get_changed_files_json ( report_builder , reports ) :
postfix = " .json "
def ordered ( obj ) :
if isinstance ( obj , dict ) :
return sorted ( ( k , ordered ( v ) ) for k , v in obj . items ( ) )
elif isinstance ( obj , list ) :
return sorted ( ordered ( x ) for x in obj )
else :
return obj
for report , input_file in reports :
output_expected = TESTDATA_OUTPUTS_EXPECTED / ( input_file . name + postfix )
output_current = TESTDATA_OUTPUTS_CURRENT / ( input_file . name + postfix )
output_current . write_text ( report_builder ( report ) )
if not ordered ( json . loads ( output_expected . read_text ( ) ) ) == ordered (
json . loads ( output_current . read_text ( ) )
) :
yield input_file
def test_json_report ( reports ) :
_assert_empty_json (
_get_changed_files_json (
lambda report : _fix_path ( _fix_debug_data ( report . as_json ( ) ) ) . strip ( ) , reports
def test_markdown_report ( reports ) :
_assert_empty (
_get_changed_files (
" .markdown " , lambda report : _fix_path ( report . as_markdown ( ) ) , reports
) ,
" .markdown " ,
def test_text_report ( reports ) :
_assert_empty (
_get_changed_files (
" .text " , lambda report : _fix_path ( report . as_text ( ) ) , reports
) ,
" .text " ,