Security analysis tool for EVM bytecode. Supports smart contracts built for Ethereum, Hedera, Quorum, Vechain, Roostock, Tron and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
We consider a contract simple if it does not have any imports, like the following contract:
..code-block:: solidity
contract Exceptions {
uint256[8] myarray;
uint counter = 0;
function assert1() public pure {
uint256 i = 1;
assert(i == 0);
function counter_increase() public {
function assert5(uint input_x) public view{
assert(input_x > 10);
function assert2() public pure {
uint256 i = 1;
assert(i > 0);
function assert3(uint256 input) public pure {
assert(input != 23);
function require_is_fine(uint256 input) public pure {
require(input != 23);
function this_is_fine(uint256 input) public pure {
if (input > 0) {
uint256 i = 1/input;
function this_is_find_2(uint256 index) public view {
if (index < 8) {
uint256 i = myarray[index];
We can execute such a contract by directly using the following command:
..code-block:: bash
$ myth analyze <file_path>
This execution can give the following output:
..code-block:: none
==== Exception State ====
SWC ID: 110
Severity: Medium
Contract: Exceptions
Function name: assert1()
PC address: 708
Estimated Gas Usage: 207 - 492
An assertion violation was triggered.
It is possible to trigger an assertion violation. Note that Solidity assert() statements should only be used to check invariants. Review the transaction trace generated for this issue and either make sure your program logic is correct, or use require() instead of assert() if your goal is to constrain user inputs or enforce preconditions. Remember to validate inputs from both callers (for instance, via passed arguments) and callees (for instance, via return values).
It is possible to trigger an assertion violation. Note that Solidity assert() statements should only be used to check invariants. Review the transaction trace generated for this issue and either make sure your program logic is correct, or use require() instead of assert() if your goal is to constrain user inputs or enforce preconditions. Remember to validate inputs from both callers (for instance, via passed arguments) and callees (for instance, via return values).
We can observe that the function ``assert5(uint256)`` should have an assertion failure
with the assertion ``assert(input_x > 10)`` which is missing from our output. This can be attributed to
Mythril's default configuration of running three transactions. We can increase the transaction count to 4
using the ``-t <tx_count>``.
..code-block:: bash
$ myth analyze <file_path> -t 4
This gives the following execution output:
..code-block:: none
==== Exception State ====
SWC ID: 110
Severity: Medium
Contract: Exceptions
Function name: assert1()
PC address: 731
Estimated Gas Usage: 207 - 492
An assertion violation was triggered.
It is possible to trigger an assertion violation. Note that Solidity assert() statements should only be used to check invariants. Review the transaction trace generated for this issue and either make sure your program logic is correct, or use require() instead of assert() if your goal is to constrain user inputs or enforce preconditions. Remember to validate inputs from both callers (for instance, via passed arguments) and callees (for instance, via return values).
It is possible to trigger an assertion violation. Note that Solidity assert() statements should only be used to check invariants. Review the transaction trace generated for this issue and either make sure your program logic is correct, or use require() instead of assert() if your goal is to constrain user inputs or enforce preconditions. Remember to validate inputs from both callers (for instance, via passed arguments) and callees (for instance, via return values).
It is possible to trigger an assertion violation. Note that Solidity assert() statements should only be used to check invariants. Review the transaction trace generated for this issue and either make sure your program logic is correct, or use require() instead of assert() if your goal is to constrain user inputs or enforce preconditions. Remember to validate inputs from both callers (for instance, via passed arguments) and callees (for instance, via return values).
For the violation in the 4th transaction, the input value should be less than 10. The transaction data generated by Mythril for the
4th transaction is ``0x1d5d53dd0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003``, the first 4 bytes ``1d5d53dd``
correspond to the function signature hence the input generated by Mythril is ``0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003``
in hex, which is 3. For automated resolution of the input try using a different output format such as JSON.
..code-block:: bash
$ myth analyze <file_path> -o json
This leads to the following output:
..code-block:: json
"error": null,
"issues": [{
"address": 731,
"code": "assert(i == 0)",
"contract": "Exceptions",
"description": "An assertion violation was triggered.\nIt is possible to trigger an assertion violation. Note that Solidity assert() statements should only be used to check invariants. Review the transaction trace generated for this issue and either make sure your program logic is correct, or use require() instead of assert() if your goal is to constrain user inputs or enforce preconditions. Remember to validate inputs from both callers (for instance, via passed arguments) and callees (for instance, via return values).",
"description": "An assertion violation was triggered.\nIt is possible to trigger an assertion violation. Note that Solidity assert() statements should only be used to check invariants. Review the transaction trace generated for this issue and either make sure your program logic is correct, or use require() instead of assert() if your goal is to constrain user inputs or enforce preconditions. Remember to validate inputs from both callers (for instance, via passed arguments) and callees (for instance, via return values).",
"description": "An assertion violation was triggered.\nIt is possible to trigger an assertion violation. Note that Solidity assert() statements should only be used to check invariants. Review the transaction trace generated for this issue and either make sure your program logic is correct, or use require() instead of assert() if your goal is to constrain user inputs or enforce preconditions. Remember to validate inputs from both callers (for instance, via passed arguments) and callees (for instance, via return values).",