@ -77,15 +77,21 @@ the ``--data`` flag. |
:: |
$ myth -d -a "0x3665f2bf19ee5e207645f3e635bf0f4961d661c0" |
PUSH1 0x60 |
PUSH1 0x40 |
0 PUSH1 0x60 |
2 PUSH1 0x40 |
(...) |
208 #### changeMultisig(address) #### |
210 ISZERO |
211 PUSH2 0x00db |
$ mythril -t -a "0x3665f2bf19ee5e207645f3e635bf0f4961d661c0" |
vm storage={'storage': {}, 'nonce': '0', 'balance': '0', 'code': '0x'} gas=b'21000' stack=[] address=b'6e\xf2\xbf\x19\xee^ vE\xf3\xe65\xbf\x0fIa\xd6a\xc0' depth=0 steps=0 inst=96 pushvalue=96 pc=b'0' op=PUSH1 |
vm op=PUSH1 gas=b'20997' stack=[b'96'] depth=0 steps=1 inst=96 pushvalue=64 pc=b'2' |
vm op=MSTORE gas=b'20994' stack=[b'96', b'64'] depth=0 steps=2 inst=82 pc=b'4' |
Do note however that the disassembly / debugging functionality is still quite bare-bones. For manual |
Do note however that the debugging / tracing functionality is still quite bare-bones. For manual |
analysis & debugging I recommend using `remix <https://remix.ethereum.org/>`__ and |
`etherscan <https://etherscan.io>`__. |