on: pull_request: paths: - .github/workflows/container.yml - Dockerfile - docker_build_and_deploy.sh - requirements.txt - setup.py name: container concurrency: # Concurrency group that uses the workflow name and PR number if available # or commit SHA as a fallback. If a new build is triggered under that # concurrency group while a previous build is running it will be canceled. # Repeated pushes to a PR will cancel all previous builds, while multiple # merges to a branch will not cancel. group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.sha }} cancel-in-progress: true jobs: test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 60 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: build and test run: | # when no DOCKERHUB_USERNAME is set, this only builds the # container and runs the myth-smoke-test ./docker_build_and_deploy.sh mythril/myth-dev