# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """install mythril and deploy source-dist and wheel to pypi.python.org. deps (requires up2date version): *) pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools twine publish to pypi w/o having to convert Readme.md to RST: 1) #> python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel 2) #> twine upload dist/* #; #optional --repository or --repository-url """ from setuptools import setup, find_packages from setuptools.command.install import install from pathlib import Path import sys import os # To make lint checkers happy we set VERSION here, but # it is redefined by the exec below VERSION = None # Package version (vX.Y.Z). It must match git tag being used for CircleCI # deployment; otherwise the build will failed. version_path = (Path(__file__).parent / "mythril" / "version.py").absolute() exec(open(str(version_path), "r").read()) class VerifyVersionCommand(install): """Custom command to verify that the git tag matches our version.""" description = "verify that the git tag matches our version" def run(self): """""" tag = os.getenv("CIRCLE_TAG") if tag != VERSION: info = "Git tag: {0} does not match the version of this app: {1}".format( tag, VERSION ) sys.exit(info) def read_file(fname): """return file contents. :param fname: path relative to setup.py :return: file contents """ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname), "r") as fd: return fd.read() setup( name="mythril", version=VERSION[1:], description="Security analysis tool for Ethereum smart contracts", long_description=read_file("README.md") if os.path.isfile("README.md") else "", long_description_content_type="text/markdown", # requires twine and recent setuptools url="https://github.com/b-mueller/mythril", author="Bernhard Mueller", author_email="bernhard.mueller11@gmail.com", license="MIT", classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "Topic :: Software Development :: Disassemblers", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", ], keywords="hacking disassembler security ethereum", packages=find_packages(exclude=["contrib", "docs", "tests"]), install_requires=[ "coloredlogs>=10.0", "py_ecc==1.4.2", "ethereum>=2.3.2", "z3-solver>=", "requests", "py-solc", "plyvel", "eth_abi==1.3.0", "eth-utils>=1.0.1", "eth-account>=0.1.0a2", "eth-hash>=0.1.0", "eth-keyfile>=0.5.1", "eth-keys>=0.2.0b3", "eth-rlp>=0.1.0", "eth-tester==0.1.0b32", "eth-typing>=2.0.0", "coverage", "jinja2>=2.9", "rlp>=1.0.1", "transaction>=2.2.1", "py-flags", "mock", "configparser>=3.5.0", "persistent>=4.2.0", "ethereum-input-decoder>=0.2.2", ], tests_require=["mypy", "pytest>=3.6.0", "pytest_mock", "pytest-cov"], python_requires=">=3.5", extras_require={}, package_data={"mythril.analysis.templates": ["*"], "": ["signatures.db"]}, include_package_data=True, entry_points={"console_scripts": ["myth=mythril.interfaces.cli:main"]}, cmdclass={"verify": VerifyVersionCommand}, )