defaults: &defaults docker: - image: birdofpreyru/mythril-integration-tests:0.0.3 version: 2 jobs: # Basic testing of a new commit to any branch. test: <<: *defaults steps: - checkout: path: /home/mythril # Uncomment, for local testing with circleci command, as it ignores # path param in checkout command, and this symlink compenstates for that. # - run: ln -s /root/project /home/mythril - restore-cache: keys: - tox-env-{{ checksum "/home/mythril/" }} - run: name: Installing mythril tools command: ./ laser-ethereum working_directory: /home - run: name: Install tox envs command: tox -vv --notest working_directory: /home/mythril environment: LC_ALL: C.UTF-8 LANG: C.UTF-8 - save_cache: key: tox-env-{{ checksum "/home/mythril/" }} paths: - .tox/py* - /root/.cache/pip/wheels/ - run: background: true name: Launch of background geth instance command: geth --syncmode full --rpc --shh - run: name: Unit-testing command: tox working_directory: /home/mythril environment: LC_ALL: C.UTF-8 LANG: C.UTF-8 - store_test_results: path: /home/mythril/.tox/output - store_artifacts: path: /home/mythril/.tox/output - run: name: Ensuring that setup script is functional command: python3 install working_directory: /home/mythril - run: name: Integration tests command: if [ -z "$CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER" ]; then ./; fi working_directory: /home deploy: <<: *defaults steps: - checkout: path: /home/mythril - run: name: Verify Git tag vs. version command: python3 verify working_directory: /home/mythril - run: name: Build command: python3 sdist working_directory: /home/mythril - run: name: Deploy command: twine upload dist/* working_directory: /home/mythril workflows: version: 2 build: jobs: - test: filters: tags: only: /.*/ - deploy: filters: branches: ignore: /.*/ tags: only: /v[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*/ requires: - test