#!/usr/bin/env python """mythril.py: Bug hunting on the Ethereum blockchain http://www.github.com/b-mueller/mythril """ from mythril.ether import evm,util from mythril.disassembler.disassembly import Disassembly from mythril.disassembler.callgraph import generate_callgraph from mythril.ether.contractstorage import get_persistent_storage from mythril.rpc.client import EthJsonRpc from ethereum import utils from laser.ethereum import laserfree import logging import binascii import sys import argparse import os import re def searchCallback(code_hash, code, addresses, balances): print("Matched contract with code hash " + code_hash ) for i in range(0, len(addresses)): print("Address: " + addresses[i] + ", balance: " + str(balances[i])) def exitWithError(message): print(message) sys.exit() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Bug hunting on the Ethereum blockchain') parser.add_argument('-d', '--disassemble', action='store_true', help='disassemble, specify input with -c or -a') parser.add_argument('-t', '--trace', action='store_true', help='trace, use with -c or -a and --data (optional)') parser.add_argument('-g', '--graph', help='generate a call graph', metavar='OUTPUT_FILE') parser.add_argument('-l', '--fire-lasers', action='store_true', help='detect vulnerabilities, use with -c or -a') parser.add_argument('-c', '--code', help='hex-encoded bytecode string ("6060604052...")', metavar='BYTECODE') parser.add_argument('-a', '--address', help='contract address') parser.add_argument('-v', type=int, help='log level (0-2)') parser.add_argument('--data', help='message call input data for tracing') parser.add_argument('--search', help='search the contract database') parser.add_argument('--xrefs', help='get xrefs from contract in database', metavar='CONTRACT_HASH') parser.add_argument('--hash', help='calculate function signature hash', metavar='SIGNATURE') parser.add_argument('--init-db', action='store_true', help='Initialize the contract database') parser.add_argument('--sync-all', action='store_true', help='Also sync contracts with zero balance') parser.add_argument('--rpchost', default='', help='RPC host') parser.add_argument('--rpcport', type=int, default=8545, help='RPC port') try: db_dir = os.environ['DB_DIR'] except KeyError: db_dir = None contract_storage = get_persistent_storage(db_dir) args = parser.parse_args() if (args.v): if (0 <= args.v < 3): logging.basicConfig(level=[logging.NOTSET, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG][args.v]) if (args.disassemble or args.graph or args.fire_lasers): if (args.code): encoded_bytecode = args.code elif (args.address): try: eth = EthJsonRpc(args.rpchost, args.rpcport) encoded_bytecode = eth.eth_getCode(args.address) except Exception as e: exitWithError("Exception loading bytecode via RPC: " + str(e)) else: exitWithError("No input bytecode. Please provide the code via -c BYTECODE or -a address") try: disassembly = Disassembly(encoded_bytecode) # instruction_list = asm.disassemble(util.safe_decode(encoded_bytecode)) except binascii.Error: exitWithError("Disassembler: Invalid code string.") if (args.disassemble): easm_text = disassembly.get_easm() sys.stdout.write(easm_text) elif (args.graph): generate_callgraph(disassembly, args.graph) elif (args.fire_lasers): laserfree.fire(disassembly) elif (args.trace): if (args.code): encoded_bytecode = args.code elif (args.address): eth = EthJsonRpc(args.rpchost, args.rpcport) encoded_bytecode = eth.eth_getCode(args.address) else: exitWithError("Disassembler: Provide the input bytecode via -c BYTECODE or --id ID") if (args.data): trace = evm.trace(encoded_bytecode, args.data) else: trace = evm.trace(encoded_bytecode) for i in trace: if (re.match(r'^PUSH.*', i['op'])): print(str(i['pc']) + " " + i['op'] + " " + i['pushvalue'] + ";\tSTACK: " + i['stack']) else: print(str(i['pc']) + " " + i['op'] + ";\tSTACK: " + i['stack']) elif (args.search): try: contract_storage.search(args.search, searchCallback) except SyntaxError: exitWithError("Syntax error in search expression.") elif (args.xrefs): try: contract_hash = util.safe_decode(args.xrefs) except binascii.Error: exitWithError("Invalid contract hash.") try: contract = contract_storage.get_contract_by_hash(contract_hash) print("\n".join(contract.get_xrefs())) except KeyError: exitWithError("Contract not found in the database.") elif (args.init_db): contract_storage.initialize(args.rpchost, args.rpcport, args.sync_all) elif (args.hash): print("0x" + utils.sha3(args.hash)[:4].hex()) else: parser.print_help()