# Analysis results for test-filename.sol ## Unchecked CALL return value - SWC ID: 104 - Type: Informational - Contract: Unknown - Function name: `_function_0x141f32ff` - PC address: 626 - Estimated Gas Usage: 1104 - 35856 ### Description The return value of an external call is not checked. Note that execution continue even if the called contract throws. ## Unchecked CALL return value - SWC ID: 104 - Type: Informational - Contract: Unknown - Function name: `_function_0x9b58bc26` - PC address: 857 - Estimated Gas Usage: 1161 - 35913 ### Description The return value of an external call is not checked. Note that execution continue even if the called contract throws. ## Message call to external contract - SWC ID: 107 - Type: Warning - Contract: Unknown - Function name: `_function_0xeea4c864` - PC address: 1038 - Estimated Gas Usage: 471 - 1223 ### Description This contract executes a message call to an address provided as a function argument. Generally, it is not recommended to call user-supplied addresses using Solidity's call() construct. Note that attackers might leverage reentrancy attacks to exploit race conditions or manipulate this contract's state. ## Unchecked CALL return value - SWC ID: 104 - Type: Informational - Contract: Unknown - Function name: `_function_0xeea4c864` - PC address: 1046 - Estimated Gas Usage: 1186 - 35938 ### Description The return value of an external call is not checked. Note that execution continue even if the called contract throws.