{ "success": true, "error": null, "issues": [ { "debug": "", "function": "thisisfine()", "description": "The contract executes an external message call.\nAn external function call to a fixed contract address is executed. Make sure that the callee contract has been reviewed carefully.", "title": "External Call To Fixed Address", "min_gas_used": 643, "severity": "Low", "SourceMap": null, "contract": "Unknown", "swc-id": "107", "max_gas_used": 1254, "address": 661 }, { "function": "thisisfine()", "debug": "", "title": "Unchecked Call Return Value", "description": "The return value of a message call is not checked.\nExternal calls return a boolean value. If the callee contract halts with an exception, 'false' is returned and execution continues in the caller. It is usually recommended to wrap external calls into a require statement to prevent unexpected states.", "SourceMap": null, "severity": "Low", "min_gas_used": 1361, "address": 661, "max_gas_used": 35972, "swc-id": "104", "contract": "Unknown" }, { "max_gas_used": 1298, "address": 779, "contract": "Unknown", "swc-id": "107", "severity": "Low", "SourceMap": null, "min_gas_used": 687, "title": "External Call To Fixed Address", "description": "The contract executes an external message call.\nAn external function call to a fixed contract address is executed. Make sure that the callee contract has been reviewed carefully.", "function": "callstoredaddress()", "debug": "" }, { "title": "Unchecked Call Return Value", "description": "The return value of a message call is not checked.\nExternal calls return a boolean value. If the callee contract halts with an exception, 'false' is returned and execution continues in the caller. It is usually recommended to wrap external calls into a require statement to prevent unexpected states.", "function": "callstoredaddress()", "debug": "", "max_gas_used": 36016, "address": 779, "contract": "Unknown", "swc-id": "104", "severity": "Low", "SourceMap": null, "min_gas_used": 1405 }, { "contract": "Unknown", "swc-id": "107", "max_gas_used": 1320, "address": 858, "min_gas_used": 709, "severity": "Low", "SourceMap": null, "description": "The contract executes an external message call.\nAn external function call to a fixed contract address is executed. Make sure that the callee contract has been reviewed carefully.", "title": "External Call To Fixed Address", "debug": "", "function": "reentrancy()" }, { "description": "The return value of a message call is not checked.\nExternal calls return a boolean value. If the callee contract halts with an exception, 'false' is returned and execution continues in the caller. It is usually recommended to wrap external calls into a require statement to prevent unexpected states.", "title": "Unchecked Call Return Value", "debug": "", "function": "reentrancy()", "contract": "Unknown", "swc-id": "104", "max_gas_used": 61052, "address": 858, "min_gas_used": 6441, "severity": "Low", "SourceMap": null }, { "severity": "Medium", "SourceMap": null, "min_gas_used": 335, "max_gas_used": 616, "address": 912, "contract": "Unknown", "swc-id": "107", "function": "calluseraddress(address)", "debug": "", "title": "External Call To User-Supplied Address", "description": "A call to a user-supplied address is executed.\nThe callee address of an external message call can be set by the caller. Note that the callee can contain arbitrary code and may re-enter any function in this contract. Review the business logic carefully to prevent averse effects on thecontract state." }, { "min_gas_used": 1055, "SourceMap": null, "severity": "Low", "swc-id": "104", "contract": "Unknown", "address": 912, "max_gas_used": 35336, "debug": "", "function": "calluseraddress(address)", "description": "The return value of a message call is not checked.\nExternal calls return a boolean value. If the callee contract halts with an exception, 'false' is returned and execution continues in the caller. It is usually recommended to wrap external calls into a require statement to prevent unexpected states.", "title": "Unchecked Call Return Value" } ] }