Security analysis tool for EVM bytecode. Supports smart contracts built for Ethereum, Hedera, Quorum, Vechain, Roostock, Tron and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from subprocess import check_output
from tests import BaseTestCase, TESTDATA, PROJECT_DIR, TESTS_DIR
from mock import patch
MYTH = str(PROJECT_DIR / "myth")
def output_of(command):
:param command:
return check_output(command, shell=True).decode("UTF-8")
class CommandLineToolTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test_disassemble_code_correctly(self):
command = "python3 {} disassemble --bin-runtime -c 0x5050".format(MYTH)
self.assertIn("0 POP\n1 POP\n", output_of(command))
def test_disassemble_solidity_file_correctly(self):
solidity_file = str(TESTDATA / "input_contracts" / "metacoin.sol")
command = "python3 {} disassemble {}".format(MYTH, solidity_file)
self.assertIn("2 PUSH1 0x40\n4 MSTORE", output_of(command))
def test_hash_a_function_correctly(self):
command = "python3 {} function-to-hash 'setOwner(address)'".format(MYTH)
self.assertIn("0x13af4035\n", output_of(command))
def test_failure_json(self):
command = "python3 {} analyze doesnt_exist.sol -o json".format(MYTH)
self.assertIn(""""success": false""", output_of(command))
def test_failure_text(self):
command = "python3 {} analyze doesnt_exist.sol".format(MYTH)
assert output_of(command) == ""
def test_failure_jsonv2(self):
command = "python3 {} analyze doesnt_exist.sol -o jsonv2".format(MYTH)
self.assertIn(""""level": "error""" "", output_of(command))
def test_analyze(self):
solidity_file = str(TESTDATA / "input_contracts" / "origin.sol")
command = "python3 {} analyze {}".format(MYTH, solidity_file)
self.assertIn("111", output_of(command))
def test_analyze_bytecode(self):
solidity_file = str(TESTDATA / "inputs" / "origin.sol.o")
command = "python3 {} analyze --bin-runtime -f {}".format(MYTH, solidity_file)
self.assertIn("111", output_of(command))
def test_invalid_args_iprof(self):
solidity_file = str(TESTDATA / "input_contracts" / "origin.sol")
command = "python3 {} analyze {} --enable-iprof -o json".format(
MYTH, solidity_file
self.assertIn(""""success": false""", output_of(command))
def test_only_epic(self):
command = "python3 {} --epic".format(MYTH)
# Just check for crashes
def test_storage(self):
command = """python3 {} read-storage "438767356, 3" 0x76799f77587738bfeef09452df215b63d2cfb08a """.format(
self.assertIn("0x1a270efc", output_of(command))
class InfuraTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test_infura_mainnet(self):
command = "python3 {} disassemble --rpc infura-mainnet -a 0x2a0c0dbecc7e4d658f48e01e3fa353f44050c208".format(
output = output_of(command)
self.assertIn("0 PUSH1 0x60\n2 PUSH1 0x40\n4 MSTORE", output)
self.assertIn("7278 POP\n7279 POP\n7280 JUMP\n7281 STOP", output)
def test_infura_rinkeby(self):
command = "python3 {} disassemble --rpc infura-rinkeby -a 0xB6f2bFED892a662bBF26258ceDD443f50Fa307F5".format(
output = output_of(command)
self.assertIn("34 JUMPDEST\n35 CALLVALUE", output)
def test_infura_kovan(self):
command = "python3 {} disassemble --rpc infura-kovan -a 0xE6bBF9B5A3451242F82f8cd458675092617a1235".format(
output = output_of(command)
self.assertIn("9999 PUSH1 0x00\n10001 NOT\n10002 AND\n10003 PUSH1 0x00", output)
def test_infura_ropsten(self):
command = "python3 {} disassemble --rpc infura-ropsten -a 0x6e0E0e02377Bc1d90E8a7c21f12BA385C2C35f78".format(
output = output_of(command)
self.assertIn("1821 PUSH1 0x01\n1823 PUSH2 0x070c", output)