Security analysis tool for EVM bytecode. Supports smart contracts built for Ethereum, Hedera, Quorum, Vechain, Roostock, Tron and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
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from mythril.analysis.modules.delegatecall import execute, _concrete_call, _symbolic_call
from mythril.analysis.ops import Call, Variable, VarType
from mythril.analysis.symbolic import SymExecWrapper
from mythril.disassembler.disassembly import Disassembly
from mythril.laser.ethereum.cfg import Node
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state import GlobalState, Environment, Account
import pytest
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
import pytest_mock
def test_concrete_call():
# arrange
address = "0x10"
active_account = Account(address)
active_account.code = Disassembly("00")
environment = Environment(active_account, None, None, None, None, None)
state = GlobalState(None, environment, None)
state.mstate.memory = ["placeholder", "calldata_bling_0"]
node = Node("example")
node.contract_name = "the contract name"
node.function_name = "the function name"
to = Variable(1, VarType.CONCRETE)
meminstart = Variable(1, VarType.CONCRETE)
call = Call(node, state, None, None, to, None)
# act
issues = _concrete_call(call, state, address, meminstart)
# assert
issue = issues[0]
assert issue.address == address
assert issue.contract == node.contract_name
assert issue.function == node.function_name
assert issue.title == "Call data forwarded with delegatecall()"
assert issue.type == 'Informational'
assert issue.description == "This contract forwards its call data via DELEGATECALL in its fallback function." \
" This means that any function in the called contract can be executed." \
" Note that the callee contract will have access to the storage of the " \
"calling contract.\n DELEGATECALL target: 0x1"
def test_concrete_call_symbolic_to():
# arrange
address = "0x10"
active_account = Account(address)
active_account.code = Disassembly("00")
environment = Environment(active_account, None, None, None, None, None)
state = GlobalState(None, environment, None)
state.mstate.memory = ["placeholder", "calldata_bling_0"]
node = Node("example")
node.contract_name = "the contract name"
node.function_name = "the function name"
to = Variable("calldata_3", VarType.SYMBOLIC)
meminstart = Variable(1, VarType.CONCRETE)
call = Call(node, state, None, None, to, None)
# act
issues = _concrete_call(call, state, address, meminstart)
# assert
issue = issues[0]
assert issue.address == address
assert issue.contract == node.contract_name
assert issue.function == node.function_name
assert issue.title == "Call data forwarded with delegatecall()"
assert issue.type == 'Informational'
assert issue.description == "This contract forwards its call data via DELEGATECALL in its fallback function." \
" This means that any function in the called contract can be executed." \
" Note that the callee contract will have access to the storage of the " \
"calling contract.\n DELEGATECALL target: calldata_3"
def test_concrete_call_not_calldata():
# arrange
state = GlobalState(None, None, None)
state.mstate.memory = ["placeholder", "not_calldata"]
meminstart = Variable(1, VarType.CONCRETE)
# act
issues = _concrete_call(None, state, None, meminstart)
# assert
assert issues == []
def test_symbolic_call_storage_to(mocker):
# arrange
address = "0x10"
active_account = Account(address)
active_account.code = Disassembly("00")
environment = Environment(active_account, None, None, None, None, None)
state = GlobalState(None, environment, None)
state.mstate.memory = ["placeholder", "calldata_bling_0"]
node = Node("example")
node.contract_name = "the contract name"
node.function_name = "the function name"
to = Variable("storage_1", VarType.SYMBOLIC)
call = Call(node, state, None, "Type: ", to, None)
mocker.patch.object(SymExecWrapper, "__init__", lambda x, y: None)
statespace = SymExecWrapper(1)
mocker.patch.object(statespace, 'find_storage_write')
statespace.find_storage_write.return_value = "Function name"
# act
issues = _symbolic_call(call, state, address, statespace)
# assert
issue = issues[0]
assert issue.address == address
assert issue.contract == node.contract_name
assert issue.function == node.function_name
assert issue.title == 'Type: to a user-supplied address'
assert issue.type == 'Informational'
assert issue.description == 'This contract delegates execution to a contract address in storage slot 1.' \
' This storage slot can be written to by calling the function `Function name`. ' \
'Be aware that the called contract gets unrestricted access to this contract\'s state.'
def test_symbolic_call_calldata_to(mocker):
# arrange
address = "0x10"
active_account = Account(address)
active_account.code = Disassembly("00")
environment = Environment(active_account, None, None, None, None, None)
state = GlobalState(None, environment, None)
state.mstate.memory = ["placeholder", "calldata_bling_0"]
node = Node("example")
node.contract_name = "the contract name"
node.function_name = "the function name"
to = Variable("calldata", VarType.SYMBOLIC)
call = Call(node, state, None, "Type: ", to, None)
mocker.patch.object(SymExecWrapper, "__init__", lambda x, y: None)
statespace = SymExecWrapper(1)
mocker.patch.object(statespace, 'find_storage_write')
statespace.find_storage_write.return_value = "Function name"
# act
issues = _symbolic_call(call, state, address, statespace)
# assert
issue = issues[0]
assert issue.address == address
assert issue.contract == node.contract_name
assert issue.function == node.function_name
assert issue.title == 'Type: to a user-supplied address'
assert issue.type == 'Informational'
assert issue.description == 'This contract delegates execution to a contract address obtained from calldata. ' \
'Be aware that the called contract gets unrestricted access to this contract\'s state.'
def test_delegate_call(sym_mock, concrete_mock, curr_instruction):
# arrange
# sym_mock = mocker.patch.object(delegatecall, "_symbolic_call")
# concrete_mock = mocker.patch.object(delegatecall, "_concrete_call")
sym_mock.return_value = []
concrete_mock.return_value = []
curr_instruction.return_value = {'address': '0x10'}
active_account = Account('0x10')
active_account.code = Disassembly("00")
environment = Environment(active_account, None, None, None, None, None)
state = GlobalState(None, environment, Node)
state.mstate.memory = ["placeholder", "calldata_bling_0"]
state.mstate.stack = [1, 2, 3]
assert state.get_current_instruction() == {'address': '0x10'}
node = Node("example")
node.contract_name = "the contract name"
node.function_name = "fallback"
to = Variable("storage_1", VarType.SYMBOLIC)
call = Call(node, state, None, "DELEGATECALL", to, None)
statespace = MagicMock()
statespace.calls = [call]
# act
# assert
assert concrete_mock.call_count == 1
assert sym_mock.call_count == 1
def test_delegate_call_not_delegate(sym_mock, concrete_mock):
# arrange
# sym_mock = mocker.patch.object(delegatecall, "_symbolic_call")
# concrete_mock = mocker.patch.object(delegatecall, "_concrete_call")
sym_mock.return_value = []
concrete_mock.return_value = []
node = Node("example")
node.function_name = "fallback"
to = Variable("storage_1", VarType.SYMBOLIC)
call = Call(node, None, None, "NOT_DELEGATECALL", to, None)
statespace = MagicMock()
statespace.calls = [call]
# act
issues = execute(statespace)
# assert
assert issues == []
assert concrete_mock.call_count == 0
assert sym_mock.call_count == 0
def test_delegate_call_not_fallback(sym_mock, concrete_mock):
# arrange
# sym_mock = mocker.patch.object(delegatecall, "_symbolic_call")
# concrete_mock = mocker.patch.object(delegatecall, "_concrete_call")
sym_mock.return_value = []
concrete_mock.return_value = []
node = Node("example")
node.function_name = "not_fallback"
to = Variable("storage_1", VarType.SYMBOLIC)
call = Call(node, None, None, "DELEGATECALL", to, None)
statespace = MagicMock()
statespace.calls = [call]
# act
issues = execute(statespace)
# assert
assert issues == []
assert concrete_mock.call_count == 0
assert sym_mock.call_count == 0