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186 lines
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186 lines
6.1 KiB
from mythril.laser.ethereum.svm import LaserEVM
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.account import Account
from mythril.laser.ethereum.state.world_state import WorldState
from mythril.disassembler.disassembly import Disassembly
from mythril.laser.ethereum.transaction.concolic import execute_message_call
from mythril.laser.smt import Expression, BitVec, symbol_factory
from datetime import datetime
import binascii
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from z3 import ExprRef, simplify
evm_test_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "VMTests"
test_types = [
tests_with_gas_support = ["gas0", "gas1"]
tests_with_block_number_support = [
tests_with_log_support = ["log1MemExp"]
tests_not_relevent = [
"loop_stacklimit_1020", # We won't be looping till 1020 as we have a max_depth
tests_to_resolve = ["jumpTo1InstructionafterJump", "sstore_load_2", "jumpi_at_the_end"]
ignored_test_names = (
+ tests_with_log_support
+ tests_with_block_number_support
+ tests_with_block_number_support
+ tests_not_relevent
+ tests_to_resolve
def load_test_data(designations):
:param designations:
return_data = []
for designation in designations:
for file_reference in (evm_test_dir / designation).iterdir():
with file_reference.open() as file:
top_level = json.load(file)
for test_name, data in top_level.items():
pre_condition = data["pre"]
action = data["exec"]
gas_before = int(action["gas"], 16)
gas_after = data.get("gas")
gas_used = (
gas_before - int(gas_after, 16)
if gas_after is not None
else None
post_condition = data.get("post", {})
environment = data.get("env")
return return_data
"test_name, environment, pre_condition, action, gas_used, post_condition",
def test_vmtest(
test_name: str,
environment: dict,
pre_condition: dict,
action: dict,
gas_used: int,
post_condition: dict,
) -> None:
# Arrange
if test_name in ignored_test_names:
world_state = WorldState()
for address, details in pre_condition.items():
account = Account(address, concrete_storage=True)
account.code = Disassembly(details["code"][2:])
account.nonce = int(details["nonce"], 16)
for key, value in details["storage"].items():
key_bitvec = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(int(key, 16), 256)
account.storage[key_bitvec] = symbol_factory.BitVecVal(int(value, 16), 256)
account.set_balance(int(details["balance"], 16))
laser_evm = LaserEVM()
laser_evm.open_states = [world_state]
# Act
laser_evm.time = datetime.now()
final_states = execute_message_call(
callee_address=symbol_factory.BitVecVal(int(action["address"], 16), 256),
caller_address=symbol_factory.BitVecVal(int(action["caller"], 16), 256),
origin_address=symbol_factory.BitVecVal(int(action["origin"], 16), 256),
gas_limit=int(action["gas"], 16),
gas_price=int(action["gasPrice"], 16),
value=int(action["value"], 16),
# Assert
if gas_used is not None and gas_used < int(environment["currentGasLimit"], 16):
# avoid gas usage larger than block gas limit
# this currently exceeds our estimations
gas_min_max = [
(s.mstate.min_gas_used, s.mstate.max_gas_used) for s in final_states
gas_ranges = [g[0] <= gas_used for g in gas_min_max]
assert all(map(lambda g: g[0] <= g[1], gas_min_max))
assert any(gas_ranges)
if post_condition == {}:
# no more work to do if error happens or out of gas
assert len(laser_evm.open_states) == 0
assert len(laser_evm.open_states) == 1
world_state = laser_evm.open_states[0]
for address, details in post_condition.items():
account = world_state[symbol_factory.BitVecVal(int(address, 16), 256)]
assert account.nonce == int(details["nonce"], 16)
assert account.code.bytecode == details["code"][2:]
for index, value in details["storage"].items():
expected = int(value, 16)
actual = account.storage[symbol_factory.BitVecVal(int(index, 16), 256)]
if isinstance(actual, Expression):
actual = actual.value
actual = 1 if actual is True else 0 if actual is False else actual
if type(actual) == bytes:
actual = int(binascii.b2a_hex(actual), 16)
elif type(actual) == str:
actual = int(actual, 16)
assert actual == expected