Security analysis tool for EVM bytecode. Supports smart contracts built for Ethereum, Hedera, Quorum, Vechain, Roostock, Tron and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
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graph {
graph [bgcolor="#333333" fontcolor=white fontsize=16 overlap=false]
node [color=white fillcolor="#006699" fontcolor=white fontname=Helvetica shape=box style=filled]
edge [arrowhead=normal color=white dir=forward fontcolor=white fontname=Courier fontsize=12 style=dashed]
0 [label="0 PROLOGUE\l2 PUSH1 0x40\l4 MSTORE\l5 CALLDATASIZE\l6 ISZERO\l7 PUSH2 0x002a\l10 JUMPI\l11 PUSH1 0xe0\l13 PUSH1 0x02\l15 EXP\l16 PUSH1 0x00\l18 CALLDATALOAD\l19 DIV\l20 PUSH4 0x16c72721\l25 DUP2\l26 EQ\l27 PUSH2 0x0033\l30 JUMPI\l31 DUP1\l32 PUSH4 0xf7654176\l37 EQ\l38 PUSH2 0x003f\l41 JUMPI\l"]
1 [label="42 - JUMPDEST_UNK -\l43 PUSH2 0x0050\l"]
2 [label="46 - JUMPDEST_UNK -\l47 PUSH2 0x0002\l50 JUMP\l"]
3 [label="51 - JUMPDEST_UNK -\l52 PUSH2 0x00f0\l55 PUSH1 0x00\l57 SLOAD\l58 PUSH1 0xff\l60 AND\l61 DUP2\l62 JUMP\l"]
4 [label="63 - FUNCTION split() -\l64 PUSH2 0x0050\l67 CALLVALUE\l68 PUSH1 0x00\l70 EQ\l71 ISZERO\l72 PUSH2 0x0052\l75 JUMPI\l76 PUSH2 0x0002\l79 JUMP\l"]
5 [label="80 - JUMPDEST_UNK -\l81 STOP\l"]
6 [label="82 - JUMPDEST_UNK -\l83 PUSH1 0x00\l85 SLOAD\l86 PUSH1 0xff\l88 AND\l89 DUP1\l90 ISZERO\l91 PUSH2 0x0087\l94 JUMPI\l95 POP\l96 PUSH20 0x267be1c1d684f78cb4f6a176c4911b741e4ffdc0\l117 PUSH1 0x00\l119 CALLVALUE\l120 PUSH1 0x60\l122 DUP3\l123 DUP2\l124 DUP2\l125 DUP2\l126 DUP6\l127 DUP9\l128 DUP4\l129 CALL\l130 SWAP4\l131 POP\l132 POP\l133 POP\l134 POP\l"]
7 [label="135 - JUMPDEST_UNK -\l136 ISZERO\l137 PUSH2 0x00fc\l140 JUMPI\l141 PUSH1 0x40\l143 DUP1\l144 MLOAD\l145 CALLVALUE\l146 DUP2\l147 MSTORE\l148 SWAP1\l149 MLOAD\l150 PUSH20 0x267be1c1d684f78cb4f6a176c4911b741e4ffdc0\l171 SWAP2\l172 CALLER\l173 PUSH20 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\l194 AND\l195 SWAP2\l196 PUSH32 0x56b138798bd325f6cc79f626c4644aa2fd6703ecb0ab0fb168f883caed75bf32\l229 SWAP2\l230 DUP2\l231 SWAP1\l232 SUB\l233 PUSH1 0x20\l235 ADD\l236 SWAP1\l237 LOG3\l"]
8 [label="238 - JUMPDEST_UNK -\l239 JUMP\l"]
9 [label="240 - JUMPDEST_UNK -\l241 ISZERO\l242 ISZERO\l243 PUSH1 0x60\l245 SWAP1\l246 DUP2\l247 MSTORE\l248 PUSH1 0x20\l250 SWAP1\l251 RETURN\l"]
10 [label="252 - JUMPDEST_UNK -\l253 PUSH1 0x00\l255 SLOAD\l256 PUSH1 0xff\l258 AND\l259 ISZERO\l260 DUP1\l261 ISZERO\l262 PUSH2 0x0136\l265 JUMPI\l266 POP\l267 PUSH1 0x40\l269 MLOAD\l270 PUSH20 0xb68884048cdd9f3d67a94c9586068c024d8679ca\l291 SWAP1\l292 PUSH1 0x00\l294 SWAP1\l295 CALLVALUE\l296 SWAP1\l297 DUP3\l298 DUP2\l299 DUP2\l300 DUP2\l301 DUP6\l302 DUP9\l303 DUP4\l304 CALL\l305 SWAP4\l306 POP\l307 POP\l308 POP\l309 POP\l"]
0 -- 1
0 -- 3
0 -- 4
2 -- 0
4 -- 0
4 -- 6
6 -- 7
7 -- 10