The JavaScript Database, for Node.js, nw.js, electron and the browser
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Manage access to data, be it to find, update or remove it
const model = require('./model.js')
const { callbackify, promisify } = require('util')
class Cursor {
* Create a new cursor for this collection
* @param {Datastore} db - The datastore this cursor is bound to
* @param {Query} query - The query this cursor will operate on
* @param {Function} execFn - Handler to be executed after cursor has found the results and before the callback passed to find/findOne/update/remove
constructor (db, query, execFn, async = false) {
this.db = db
this.query = query || {}
if (execFn) { this.execFn = execFn }
if (async) { this.async = true }
* Set a limit to the number of results
limit (limit) {
this._limit = limit
return this
* Skip a the number of results
skip (skip) {
this._skip = skip
return this
* Sort results of the query
* @param {SortQuery} sortQuery - SortQuery is { field: order }, field can use the dot-notation, order is 1 for ascending and -1 for descending
sort (sortQuery) {
this._sort = sortQuery
return this
* Add the use of a projection
* @param {Object} projection - MongoDB-style projection. {} means take all fields. Then it's { key1: 1, key2: 1 } to take only key1 and key2
* { key1: 0, key2: 0 } to omit only key1 and key2. Except _id, you can't mix takes and omits
projection (projection) {
this._projection = projection
return this
* Apply the projection
project (candidates) {
const res = []
let action
if (this._projection === undefined || Object.keys(this._projection).length === 0) {
return candidates
const keepId = this._projection._id !== 0
const { _id, } = this._projection
this._projection = rest
// Check for consistency
const keys = Object.keys(this._projection)
4 years ago
keys.forEach(k => {
if (action !== undefined && this._projection[k] !== action) throw new Error('Can\'t both keep and omit fields except for _id')
action = this._projection[k]
// Do the actual projection
4 years ago
candidates.forEach(candidate => {
let toPush
if (action === 1) { // pick-type projection
toPush = { $set: {} }
4 years ago
keys.forEach(k => {
toPush.$set[k] = model.getDotValue(candidate, k)
4 years ago
if (toPush.$set[k] === undefined) delete toPush.$set[k]
toPush = model.modify({}, toPush)
} else { // omit-type projection
toPush = { $unset: {} }
4 years ago
keys.forEach(k => { toPush.$unset[k] = true })
toPush = model.modify(candidate, toPush)
4 years ago
if (keepId) toPush._id = candidate._id
else delete toPush._id
return res
* Get all matching elements
* Will return pointers to matched elements (shallow copies), returning full copies is the role of find or findOne
* This is an internal function, use exec which uses the executor
* @param {Function} callback - Signature: err, results
async _execAsync () {
let res = []
let added = 0
let skipped = 0
let error = null
try {
const candidates = await this.db.getCandidatesAsync(this.query)
for (const candidate of candidates) {
if (model.match(candidate, this.query)) {
// If a sort is defined, wait for the results to be sorted before applying limit and skip
if (!this._sort) {
if (this._skip && this._skip > skipped) skipped += 1
else {
added += 1
if (this._limit && this._limit <= added) break
} else res.push(candidate)
// Apply all sorts
4 years ago
if (this._sort) {
// Sorting
const criteria = Object.entries(this._sort).map(([key, direction]) => ({ key, direction }))
4 years ago
res.sort((a, b) => {
for (const criterion of criteria) {
const compare = criterion.direction * model.compareThings(model.getDotValue(a, criterion.key), model.getDotValue(b, criterion.key), this.db.compareStrings)
if (compare !== 0) return compare
return 0
// Applying limit and skip
4 years ago
const limit = this._limit || res.length
const skip = this._skip || 0
res = res.slice(skip, skip + limit)
// Apply projection
try {
4 years ago
res = this.project(res)
} catch (e) {
error = e
res = undefined
} catch (e) {
error = e
if (this.execFn && !this.async) return promisify(this.execFn)(error, res)
else if (error) throw error
else if (this.execFn) return this.execFn(res)
else return res
_exec (_callback) {
exec () {
this.db.executor.push({ this: this, fn: this._exec, arguments: arguments })
execAsync () {
return this.db.executor.pushAsync({ this: this, fn: this._execAsync, arguments: arguments })
then (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
return this.execAsync().then(onFulfilled, onRejected)
catch (onRejected) {
return this.execAsync().catch(onRejected)
finally (onFinally) {
return this.execAsync().finally(onFinally)
// Interface
module.exports = Cursor