* Responsible for sequentially executing actions on the database
var async = require('async')
function Executor () {
this.buffer = [];
this.ready = false;
// This queue will execute all commands, one-by-one in order
this.queue = async.queue(function (task, cb) {
var callback
, lastArg = task.arguments[task.arguments.length - 1]
, i, newArguments = []
// task.arguments is an array-like object on which adding a new field doesn't work, so we transform it into a real array
for (i = 0; i < task.arguments.length; i += 1) { newArguments.push(task.arguments[i]); }
// Always tell the queue task is complete. Execute callback if any was given.
if (typeof lastArg === 'function') {
callback = function () {
lastArg.apply(null, arguments);
newArguments[newArguments.length - 1] = callback;
} else {
callback = function () { cb(); };
task.fn.apply(task.this, newArguments);
}, 1);
* If executor is ready, queue task (and process it immediately if executor was idle)
* If not, buffer task for later processing
* @param {Object} task
* task.this - Object to use as this
* task.fn - Function to execute
* task.arguments - Array of arguments
* @param {Boolean} forceQueuing Optional (defaults to false) force executor to queue task even if it is not ready
Executor.prototype.push = function (task, forceQueuing) {
if (this.ready || forceQueuing) {
} else {
* Queue all tasks in buffer (in the same order they came in)
* Automatically sets executor as ready
Executor.prototype.processBuffer = function () {
var i;
this.ready = true;
for (i = 0; i < this.buffer.length; i += 1) { this.queue.push(this.buffer[i]); }
this.buffer = [];
// Interface
module.exports = Executor;