* Functions that are used in several benchmark tests
var customUtils = require('../lib/customUtils')
, fs = require('fs')
, path = require('path')
* Ensure the workspace exists and the db is empty
module.exports.prepareDb = function (filename, cb) {
customUtils.ensureDirectoryExists(path.dirname(filename), function () {
fs.exists(filename, function (exists) {
if (exists) {
fs.unlink(filename, cb);
} else { return cb(); }
* Return an array with the numbers from 0 to n-1, in a random order
* Useful to get fair tests
function getRandomArray (n) {
var res, next;
if (n === 0) { return []; }
if (n === 1) { return [0]; }
res = getRandomArray(n - 1);
next = Math.floor(Math.random() * n);
res.splice(next, 0, n - 1); // Add n-1 at a random position in the array
return res;
module.exports.getRandomArray = getRandomArray;
* Insert a certain number of documents for testing
module.exports.insertDocs = function (d, n, profiler, cb) {
var beg = new Date()
profiler.step('Begin inserting ' + n + ' docs');
function runFrom(i) {
if (i === n) { // Finished
console.log("Average time for one insert: " + (profiler.elapsedSinceLastStep() / n) + "ms");
profiler.step('Finished inserting ' + n + ' docs');
return cb();
d.insert({ docNumber: i }, function (err) {
process.nextTick(function () {
runFrom(i + 1);
* Find documents with find
module.exports.findDocs = function (d, n, profiler, cb) {
var beg = new Date()
, order = getRandomArray(n)
profiler.step("Finding " + n + " documents");
function runFrom(i) {
if (i === n) { // Finished
console.log("Average time for one find in a collection of " + n + " docs: " + (profiler.elapsedSinceLastStep() / n) + "ms");
profiler.step('Finished finding ' + n + ' docs');
return cb();
d.find({ docNumber: order[i] }, function (err, docs) {
if (docs.length !== 1 || docs[0].docNumber !== order[i]) { return cb('One find didnt work'); }
process.nextTick(function () {
runFrom(i + 1);
* Find documents with findOne
module.exports.findOneDocs = function (d, n, profiler, cb) {
var beg = new Date()
, order = getRandomArray(n)
profiler.step("FindingOne " + n + " documents");
function runFrom(i) {
if (i === n) { // Finished
console.log("Average time for one findOne in a collection of " + n + " docs: " + (profiler.elapsedSinceLastStep() / n) + "ms");
profiler.step('Finished finding ' + n + ' docs');
return cb();
d.findOne({ docNumber: order[i] }, function (err, doc) {
if (!doc || doc.docNumber !== order[i]) { return cb('One find didnt work'); }
process.nextTick(function () {
runFrom(i + 1);
* Update documents
* options is the same as the options object for update
module.exports.updateDocs = function (options, d, n, profiler, cb) {
var beg = new Date()
, order = getRandomArray(n)
profiler.step("Updating " + n + " documents");
function runFrom(i) {
if (i === n) { // Finished
console.log("Average time for one update in a collection of " + n + " docs: " + (profiler.elapsedSinceLastStep() / n) + "ms");
profiler.step('Finished updating ' + n + ' docs');
return cb();
d.update({ docNumber: order[i] }, { newDocNumber: i }, options, function (err, nr) {
if (nr !== 1) { return cb('One update didnt work'); }
process.nextTick(function () {
runFrom(i + 1);
* Remove documents
* options is the same as the options object for update
module.exports.removeDocs = function (options, d, n, profiler, cb) {
var beg = new Date()
, order = getRandomArray(n)
profiler.step("Removing " + n + " documents");
function runFrom(i) {
if (i === n) { // Finished
console.log("Average time for one remove in a collection of " + n + " docs: " + (profiler.elapsedSinceLastStep() / n) + "ms");
profiler.step('Finished removing ' + n + ' docs');
return cb();
d.remove({ docNumber: order[i] }, options, function (err, nr) {
if (nr !== 1) { return cb('One remove didnt work'); }
d.insert({ docNumber: order[i] }, function (err) { // Reinserting just removed document so that the collection size doesn't change
// Time is about 70x smaller for an insert so the impact on the results is minimal
process.nextTick(function () {
runFrom(i + 1);