/* eslint-env mocha */ const chai = require('chai') const testDb = 'workspace/test.db' const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const async = require('async') const model = require('../lib/model') const Datastore = require('../lib/datastore') const Persistence = require('../lib/persistence') const reloadTimeUpperBound = 60 // In ms, an upper bound for the reload time used to check createdAt and updatedAt const { assert } = chai chai.should() describe('Database', function () { let d beforeEach(function (done) { d = new Datastore({ filename: testDb }) d.filename.should.equal(testDb) d.inMemoryOnly.should.equal(false) async.waterfall([ function (cb) { Persistence.ensureDirectoryExists(path.dirname(testDb), function () { fs.access(testDb, fs.constants.FS_OK, function (err) { if (!err) { fs.unlink(testDb, cb) } else { return cb() } }) }) }, function (cb) { d.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err) d.getAllData().length.should.equal(0) return cb() }) } ], done) }) it('Constructor compatibility with v0.6-', function () { let dbef = new Datastore('somefile') dbef.filename.should.equal('somefile') dbef.inMemoryOnly.should.equal(false) dbef = new Datastore('') assert.isNull(dbef.filename) dbef.inMemoryOnly.should.equal(true) dbef = new Datastore() assert.isNull(dbef.filename) dbef.inMemoryOnly.should.equal(true) }) describe('Autoloading', function () { it('Can autoload a database and query it right away', function (done) { const fileStr = model.serialize({ _id: '1', a: 5, planet: 'Earth' }) + '\n' + model.serialize({ _id: '2', a: 5, planet: 'Mars' }) + '\n' const autoDb = 'workspace/auto.db' fs.writeFileSync(autoDb, fileStr, 'utf8') const db = new Datastore({ filename: autoDb, autoload: true }) db.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(2) done() }) }) it('Throws if autoload fails', function (done) { const fileStr = model.serialize({ _id: '1', a: 5, planet: 'Earth' }) + '\n' + model.serialize({ _id: '2', a: 5, planet: 'Mars' }) + '\n' + '{"$$indexCreated":{"fieldName":"a","unique":true}}' const autoDb = 'workspace/auto.db' fs.writeFileSync(autoDb, fileStr, 'utf8') // Check the loadDatabase generated an error function onload (err) { err.errorType.should.equal('uniqueViolated') done() } const db = new Datastore({ filename: autoDb, autoload: true, onload: onload }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err db.find({}, function (err, docs) { done(new Error('Find should not be executed since autoload failed')) }) }) }) describe('Insert', function () { it('Able to insert a document in the database, setting an _id if none provided, and retrieve it even after a reload', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(0) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { // The data was correctly updated d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(1) Object.keys(docs[0]).length.should.equal(2) docs[0].somedata.should.equal('ok') assert.isDefined(docs[0]._id) // After a reload the data has been correctly persisted // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.loadDatabase(function (err) { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(1) Object.keys(docs[0]).length.should.equal(2) docs[0].somedata.should.equal('ok') assert.isDefined(docs[0]._id) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can insert multiple documents in the database', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(0) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'another' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(3) docs.map(x => x.somedata).should.contain('ok') docs.map(x => x.somedata).should.contain('another') docs.map(x => x.somedata).should.contain('again') done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can insert and get back from DB complex objects with all primitive and secondary types', function (done) { const da = new Date() const obj = { a: ['ee', 'ff', 42], date: da, subobj: { a: 'b', b: 'c' } } // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert(obj, function (err) { d.findOne({}, function (err, res) { assert.isNull(err) res.a.length.should.equal(3) res.a[0].should.equal('ee') res.a[1].should.equal('ff') res.a[2].should.equal(42) res.date.getTime().should.equal(da.getTime()) res.subobj.a.should.equal('b') res.subobj.b.should.equal('c') done() }) }) }) it('If an object returned from the DB is modified and refetched, the original value should be found', function (done) { d.insert({ a: 'something' }, function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.findOne({}, function (err, doc) { doc.a.should.equal('something') doc.a = 'another thing' doc.a.should.equal('another thing') // Re-fetching with findOne should yield the persisted value // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.findOne({}, function (err, doc) { doc.a.should.equal('something') doc.a = 'another thing' doc.a.should.equal('another thing') // Re-fetching with find should yield the persisted value // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs[0].a.should.equal('something') done() }) }) }) }) }) it('Cannot insert a doc that has a field beginning with a $ sign', function (done) { d.insert({ $something: 'atest' }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err) done() }) }) it('If an _id is already given when we insert a document, use that instead of generating a random one', function (done) { d.insert({ _id: 'test', stuff: true }, function (err, newDoc) { if (err) { return done(err) } newDoc.stuff.should.equal(true) newDoc._id.should.equal('test') d.insert({ _id: 'test', otherstuff: 42 }, function (err) { err.errorType.should.equal('uniqueViolated') done() }) }) }) it('Modifying the insertedDoc after an insert doesnt change the copy saved in the database', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, hello: 'world' }, function (err, newDoc) { newDoc.hello = 'changed' // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.findOne({ a: 2 }, function (err, doc) { doc.hello.should.equal('world') done() }) }) }) it('Can insert an array of documents at once', function (done) { const docs = [{ a: 5, b: 'hello' }, { a: 42, b: 'world' }] // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert(docs, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(2) docs.find(function (doc) { return doc.a === 5 }).b.should.equal('hello') docs.find(function (doc) { return doc.a === 42 }).b.should.equal('world') // The data has been persisted correctly const data = fs.readFileSync(testDb, 'utf8').split('\n').filter(function (line) { return line.length > 0 }) data.length.should.equal(2) model.deserialize(data[0]).a.should.equal(5) model.deserialize(data[0]).b.should.equal('hello') model.deserialize(data[1]).a.should.equal(42) model.deserialize(data[1]).b.should.equal('world') done() }) }) }) it('If a bulk insert violates a constraint, all changes are rolled back', function (done) { const docs = [{ a: 5, b: 'hello' }, { a: 42, b: 'world' }, { a: 5, b: 'bloup' }, { a: 7 }] d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a', unique: true }, function () { // Important to specify callback here to make sure filesystem synced d.insert(docs, function (err) { err.errorType.should.equal('uniqueViolated') // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { // Datafile only contains index definition const datafileContents = model.deserialize(fs.readFileSync(testDb, 'utf8')) assert.deepStrictEqual(datafileContents, { $$indexCreated: { fieldName: 'a', unique: true } }) docs.length.should.equal(0) done() }) }) }) }) it('If timestampData option is set, a createdAt field is added and persisted', function (done) { const newDoc = { hello: 'world' }; const beginning = Date.now() d = new Datastore({ filename: testDb, timestampData: true, autoload: true }) d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(0) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert(newDoc, function (err, insertedDoc) { // No side effect on given input assert.deepStrictEqual(newDoc, { hello: 'world' }) // Insert doc has two new fields, _id and createdAt insertedDoc.hello.should.equal('world') assert.isDefined(insertedDoc.createdAt) assert.isDefined(insertedDoc.updatedAt) insertedDoc.createdAt.should.equal(insertedDoc.updatedAt) assert.isDefined(insertedDoc._id) Object.keys(insertedDoc).length.should.equal(4) assert.isBelow(Math.abs(insertedDoc.createdAt.getTime() - beginning), reloadTimeUpperBound) // No more than 30ms should have elapsed (worst case, if there is a flush) // Modifying results of insert doesn't change the cache insertedDoc.bloup = 'another' Object.keys(insertedDoc).length.should.equal(5) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(newDoc, { hello: 'world' }) assert.deepStrictEqual({ hello: 'world', _id: insertedDoc._id, createdAt: insertedDoc.createdAt, updatedAt: insertedDoc.updatedAt }, docs[0]) // All data correctly persisted on disk d.loadDatabase(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(newDoc, { hello: 'world' }) assert.deepStrictEqual({ hello: 'world', _id: insertedDoc._id, createdAt: insertedDoc.createdAt, updatedAt: insertedDoc.updatedAt }, docs[0]) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('If timestampData option not set, don\'t create a createdAt and a updatedAt field', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ hello: 'world' }, function (err, insertedDoc) { Object.keys(insertedDoc).length.should.equal(2) assert.isUndefined(insertedDoc.createdAt) assert.isUndefined(insertedDoc.updatedAt) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[0], insertedDoc) done() }) }) }) it('If timestampData is set but createdAt is specified by user, don\'t change it', function (done) { const newDoc = { hello: 'world', createdAt: new Date(234) }; const beginning = Date.now() d = new Datastore({ filename: testDb, timestampData: true, autoload: true }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert(newDoc, function (err, insertedDoc) { Object.keys(insertedDoc).length.should.equal(4) insertedDoc.createdAt.getTime().should.equal(234) // Not modified assert.isBelow(insertedDoc.updatedAt.getTime() - beginning, reloadTimeUpperBound) // Created // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.deepStrictEqual(insertedDoc, docs[0]) d.loadDatabase(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.deepStrictEqual(insertedDoc, docs[0]) done() }) }) }) }) }) it('If timestampData is set but updatedAt is specified by user, don\'t change it', function (done) { const newDoc = { hello: 'world', updatedAt: new Date(234) }; const beginning = Date.now() d = new Datastore({ filename: testDb, timestampData: true, autoload: true }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert(newDoc, function (err, insertedDoc) { Object.keys(insertedDoc).length.should.equal(4) insertedDoc.updatedAt.getTime().should.equal(234) // Not modified assert.isBelow(insertedDoc.createdAt.getTime() - beginning, reloadTimeUpperBound) // Created // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.deepStrictEqual(insertedDoc, docs[0]) d.loadDatabase(function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.deepStrictEqual(insertedDoc, docs[0]) done() }) }) }) }) }) it('Can insert a doc with id 0', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ _id: 0, hello: 'world' }, function (err, doc) { doc._id.should.equal(0) doc.hello.should.equal('world') done() }) }) /** * Complicated behavior here. Basically we need to test that when a user function throws an exception, it is not caught * in NeDB and the callback called again, transforming a user error into a NeDB error. * * So we need a way to check that the callback is called only once and the exception thrown is indeed the client exception * Mocha's exception handling mechanism interferes with this since it already registers a listener on uncaughtException * which we need to use since findOne is not called in the same turn of the event loop (so no try/catch) * So we remove all current listeners, put our own which when called will register the former listeners (incl. Mocha's) again. * * Note: maybe using an in-memory only NeDB would give us an easier solution */ it('If the callback throws an uncaught exception, do not catch it inside findOne, this is userspace concern', function (done) { let tryCount = 0 const currentUncaughtExceptionHandlers = process.listeners('uncaughtException') const currentUnhandledRejectionHandlers = process.listeners('unhandledRejection') let i process.removeAllListeners('uncaughtException') process.removeAllListeners('unhandledRejection') process.on('uncaughtException', function MINE (ex) { process.removeAllListeners('uncaughtException') for (i = 0; i < currentUncaughtExceptionHandlers.length; i += 1) { process.on('uncaughtException', currentUncaughtExceptionHandlers[i]) } ex.message.should.equal('SOME EXCEPTION') done() }) process.on('unhandledRejection', function MINE (ex) { process.removeAllListeners('unhandledRejection') for (i = 0; i < currentUnhandledRejectionHandlers.length; i += 1) { process.on('unhandledRejection', currentUnhandledRejectionHandlers[i]) } ex.message.should.equal('SOME EXCEPTION') done() }) d.insert({ a: 5 }, function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.findOne({ a: 5 }, function (err, doc) { if (tryCount === 0) { tryCount += 1 throw new Error('SOME EXCEPTION') } else { done(new Error('Callback was called twice')) } }) }) }) }) // ==== End of 'Insert' ==== // describe('#getCandidates', function () { it('Can use an index to get docs with a basic match', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'tf' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 4 }, function (err, _doc1) { d.insert({ tf: 6 }, function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 4, an: 'other' }, function (err, _doc2) { d.insert({ tf: 9 }, function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.getCandidates({ r: 6, tf: 4 }, function (err, data) { const doc1 = data.find(function (d) { return d._id === _doc1._id }) const doc2 = data.find(function (d) { return d._id === _doc2._id }) data.length.should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc1, { _id: doc1._id, tf: 4 }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { _id: doc2._id, tf: 4, an: 'other' }) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can use an index to get docs with a $in match', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'tf' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 4 }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 6 }, function (err, _doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 4, an: 'other' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 9 }, function (err, _doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.getCandidates({ r: 6, tf: { $in: [6, 9, 5] } }, function (err, data) { const doc1 = data.find(function (d) { return d._id === _doc1._id }) const doc2 = data.find(function (d) { return d._id === _doc2._id }) data.length.should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc1, { _id: doc1._id, tf: 6 }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { _id: doc2._id, tf: 9 }) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('If no index can be used, return the whole database', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'tf' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 4 }, function (err, _doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 6 }, function (err, _doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 4, an: 'other' }, function (err, _doc3) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 9 }, function (err, _doc4) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.getCandidates({ r: 6, notf: { $in: [6, 9, 5] } }, function (err, data) { const doc1 = data.find(function (d) { return d._id === _doc1._id }) const doc2 = data.find(function (d) { return d._id === _doc2._id }) const doc3 = data.find(function (d) { return d._id === _doc3._id }) const doc4 = data.find(function (d) { return d._id === _doc4._id }) data.length.should.equal(4) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc1, { _id: doc1._id, tf: 4 }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { _id: doc2._id, tf: 6 }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc3, { _id: doc3._id, tf: 4, an: 'other' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc4, { _id: doc4._id, tf: 9 }) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can use indexes for comparison matches', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'tf' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 4 }, function (err, _doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 6 }, function (err, _doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 4, an: 'other' }, function (err, _doc3) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ tf: 9 }, function (err, _doc4) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.getCandidates({ r: 6, tf: { $lte: 9, $gte: 6 } }, function (err, data) { const doc2 = data.find(function (d) { return d._id === _doc2._id }) const doc4 = data.find(function (d) { return d._id === _doc4._id }) data.length.should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { _id: doc2._id, tf: 6 }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc4, { _id: doc4._id, tf: 9 }) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can set a TTL index that expires documents', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'exp', expireAfterSeconds: 0.2 }, function () { d.insert({ hello: 'world', exp: new Date() }, function () { setTimeout(function () { d.findOne({}, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) doc.hello.should.equal('world') setTimeout(function () { d.findOne({}, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) assert.isNull(doc) d.on('compaction.done', function () { // After compaction, no more mention of the document, correctly removed const datafileContents = fs.readFileSync(testDb, 'utf8') datafileContents.split('\n').length.should.equal(2) assert.isNull(datafileContents.match(/world/)) // New datastore on same datafile is empty const d2 = new Datastore({ filename: testDb, autoload: true }) d2.findOne({}, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) assert.isNull(doc) done() }) }) d.persistence.compactDatafile() }) }, 101) }) }, 100) }) }) }) it('TTL indexes can expire multiple documents and only what needs to be expired', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'exp', expireAfterSeconds: 0.2 }, function () { d.insert({ hello: 'world1', exp: new Date() }, function () { d.insert({ hello: 'world2', exp: new Date() }, function () { d.insert({ hello: 'world3', exp: new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 100) }, function () { setTimeout(function () { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(3) setTimeout(function () { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(1) docs[0].hello.should.equal('world3') setTimeout(function () { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(0) done() }) }, 101) }) }, 101) }) }, 100) }) }) }) }) }) it('Document where indexed field is absent or not a date are ignored', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'exp', expireAfterSeconds: 0.2 }, function () { d.insert({ hello: 'world1', exp: new Date() }, function () { d.insert({ hello: 'world2', exp: 'not a date' }, function () { d.insert({ hello: 'world3' }, function () { setTimeout(function () { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(3) setTimeout(function () { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(2) docs[0].hello.should.not.equal('world1') docs[1].hello.should.not.equal('world1') done() }) }, 101) }) }, 100) }) }) }) }) }) }) // ==== End of '#getCandidates' ==== // describe('Find', function () { it('Can find all documents if an empty query is used', function (done) { async.waterfall([ function (cb) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'another', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err) { return cb(err) }) }) }) }, function (cb) { // Test with empty object d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(3) docs.map(x => x.somedata).should.contain('ok') docs.map(x => x.somedata).should.contain('another') docs.find(function (d) { return d.somedata === 'another' }).plus.should.equal('additional data') docs.map(x => x.somedata).should.contain('again') return cb() }) } ], done) }) it('Can find all documents matching a basic query', function (done) { async.waterfall([ function (cb) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err) { return cb(err) }) }) }) }, function (cb) { // Test with query that will return docs d.find({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(2) docs.map(x => x.somedata).should.not.contain('ok') return cb() }) }, function (cb) { // Test with query that doesn't match anything d.find({ somedata: 'nope' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(0) return cb() }) } ], done) }) it('Can find one document matching a basic query and return null if none is found', function (done) { async.waterfall([ function (cb) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err) { return cb(err) }) }) }) }, function (cb) { // Test with query that will return docs d.findOne({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(doc).length.should.equal(2) doc.somedata.should.equal('ok') assert.isDefined(doc._id) return cb() }) }, function (cb) { // Test with query that doesn't match anything d.findOne({ somedata: 'nope' }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) assert.isNull(doc) return cb() }) } ], done) }) it('Can find dates and objects (non JS-native types)', function (done) { const date1 = new Date(1234543) const date2 = new Date(9999) d.insert({ now: date1, sth: { name: 'nedb' } }, function () { d.findOne({ now: date1 }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) doc.sth.name.should.equal('nedb') d.findOne({ now: date2 }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) assert.isNull(doc) d.findOne({ sth: { name: 'nedb' } }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) doc.sth.name.should.equal('nedb') d.findOne({ sth: { name: 'other' } }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) assert.isNull(doc) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can use dot-notation to query subfields', function (done) { d.insert({ greeting: { english: 'hello' } }, function () { d.findOne({ 'greeting.english': 'hello' }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) doc.greeting.english.should.equal('hello') d.findOne({ 'greeting.english': 'hellooo' }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) assert.isNull(doc) d.findOne({ 'greeting.englis': 'hello' }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) assert.isNull(doc) done() }) }) }) }) }) it('Array fields match if any element matches', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ fruits: ['pear', 'apple', 'banana'] }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ fruits: ['coconut', 'orange', 'pear'] }, function (err, doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ fruits: ['banana'] }, function (err, doc3) { d.find({ fruits: 'pear' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(2) docs.map(x => x._id).should.contain(doc1._id) docs.map(x => x._id).should.contain(doc2._id) d.find({ fruits: 'banana' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(2) docs.map(x => x._id).should.contain(doc1._id) docs.map(x => x._id).should.contain(doc3._id) d.find({ fruits: 'doesntexist' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(0) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Returns an error if the query is not well formed', function (done) { d.insert({ hello: 'world' }, function () { d.find({ $or: { hello: 'world' } }, function (err, docs) { assert.isDefined(err) assert.isUndefined(docs) d.findOne({ $or: { hello: 'world' } }, function (err, doc) { assert.isDefined(err) assert.isUndefined(doc) done() }) }) }) }) it('Changing the documents returned by find or findOne do not change the database state', function (done) { d.insert({ a: 2, hello: 'world' }, function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.findOne({ a: 2 }, function (err, doc) { doc.hello = 'changed' // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.findOne({ a: 2 }, function (err, doc) { doc.hello.should.equal('world') // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({ a: 2 }, function (err, docs) { docs[0].hello = 'changed' // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.findOne({ a: 2 }, function (err, doc) { doc.hello.should.equal('world') done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can use sort, skip and limit if the callback is not passed to find but to exec', function (done) { d.insert({ a: 2, hello: 'world' }, function () { d.insert({ a: 24, hello: 'earth' }, function () { d.insert({ a: 13, hello: 'blueplanet' }, function () { d.insert({ a: 15, hello: 'home' }, function () { d.find({}).sort({ a: 1 }).limit(2).exec(function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(2) docs[0].hello.should.equal('world') docs[1].hello.should.equal('blueplanet') done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can use sort and skip if the callback is not passed to findOne but to exec', function (done) { d.insert({ a: 2, hello: 'world' }, function () { d.insert({ a: 24, hello: 'earth' }, function () { d.insert({ a: 13, hello: 'blueplanet' }, function () { d.insert({ a: 15, hello: 'home' }, function () { // No skip no query d.findOne({}).sort({ a: 1 }).exec(function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) doc.hello.should.equal('world') // A query d.findOne({ a: { $gt: 14 } }).sort({ a: 1 }).exec(function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) doc.hello.should.equal('home') // And a skip d.findOne({ a: { $gt: 14 } }).sort({ a: 1 }).skip(1).exec(function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) doc.hello.should.equal('earth') // No result d.findOne({ a: { $gt: 14 } }).sort({ a: 1 }).skip(2).exec(function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) assert.isNull(doc) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can use projections in find, normal or cursor way', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, hello: 'world' }, function (err, doc0) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 24, hello: 'earth' }, function (err, doc1) { d.find({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, _id: 0 }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[0], { hello: 'world' }) d.find({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, _id: 0 }).exec(function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[0], { hello: 'world' }) // Can't use both modes at once if not _id d.find({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, hello: 1 }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNotNull(err) assert.isUndefined(docs) d.find({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, hello: 1 }).exec(function (err, docs) { assert.isNotNull(err) assert.isUndefined(docs) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can use projections in findOne, normal or cursor way', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, hello: 'world' }, function (err, doc0) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 24, hello: 'earth' }, function (err, doc1) { d.findOne({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, _id: 0 }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc, { hello: 'world' }) d.findOne({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, _id: 0 }).exec(function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc, { hello: 'world' }) // Can't use both modes at once if not _id d.findOne({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, hello: 1 }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNotNull(err) assert.isUndefined(doc) d.findOne({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, hello: 1 }).exec(function (err, doc) { assert.isNotNull(err) assert.isUndefined(doc) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) // ==== End of 'Find' ==== // describe('Count', function () { it('Count all documents if an empty query is used', function (done) { async.waterfall([ function (cb) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'another', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err) { return cb(err) }) }) }) }, function (cb) { // Test with empty object d.count({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.should.equal(3) return cb() }) } ], done) }) it('Count all documents matching a basic query', function (done) { async.waterfall([ function (cb) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err) { return cb(err) }) }) }) }, function (cb) { // Test with query that will return docs d.count({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.should.equal(2) return cb() }) }, function (cb) { // Test with query that doesn't match anything d.count({ somedata: 'nope' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.should.equal(0) return cb() }) } ], done) }) it('Array fields match if any element matches', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ fruits: ['pear', 'apple', 'banana'] }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ fruits: ['coconut', 'orange', 'pear'] }, function (err, doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ fruits: ['banana'] }, function (err, doc3) { d.count({ fruits: 'pear' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.should.equal(2) d.count({ fruits: 'banana' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.should.equal(2) d.count({ fruits: 'doesntexist' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.should.equal(0) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Returns an error if the query is not well formed', function (done) { d.insert({ hello: 'world' }, function () { d.count({ $or: { hello: 'world' } }, function (err, docs) { assert.isDefined(err) assert.isUndefined(docs) done() }) }) }) }) describe('Update', function () { it('If the query doesn\'t match anything, database is not modified', function (done) { async.waterfall([ function (cb) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'another' }, function (err) { return cb(err) }) }) }) }, function (cb) { // Test with query that doesn't match anything d.update({ somedata: 'nope' }, { newDoc: 'yes' }, { multi: true }, function (err, n) { assert.isNull(err) n.should.equal(0) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { const doc1 = docs.find(function (d) { return d.somedata === 'ok' }) const doc2 = docs.find(function (d) { return d.somedata === 'again' }) const doc3 = docs.find(function (d) { return d.somedata === 'another' }) docs.length.should.equal(3) assert.isUndefined(docs.find(function (d) { return d.newDoc === 'yes' })) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc1, { _id: doc1._id, somedata: 'ok' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { _id: doc2._id, somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc3, { _id: doc3._id, somedata: 'another' }) return cb() }) }) } ], done) }) it('If timestampData option is set, update the updatedAt field', function (done) { const beginning = Date.now() d = new Datastore({ filename: testDb, autoload: true, timestampData: true }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ hello: 'world' }, function (err, insertedDoc) { assert.isBelow(insertedDoc.updatedAt.getTime() - beginning, reloadTimeUpperBound) assert.isBelow(insertedDoc.createdAt.getTime() - beginning, reloadTimeUpperBound) Object.keys(insertedDoc).length.should.equal(4) // Wait 100ms before performing the update setTimeout(function () { const step1 = Date.now() d.update({ _id: insertedDoc._id }, { $set: { hello: 'mars' } }, {}, function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({ _id: insertedDoc._id }, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) Object.keys(docs[0]).length.should.equal(4) docs[0]._id.should.equal(insertedDoc._id) docs[0].createdAt.should.equal(insertedDoc.createdAt) docs[0].hello.should.equal('mars') assert.isAbove(docs[0].updatedAt.getTime() - beginning, 99) // updatedAt modified assert.isBelow(docs[0].updatedAt.getTime() - step1, reloadTimeUpperBound) // updatedAt modified done() }) }) }, 100) }) }) it('Can update multiple documents matching the query', function (done) { let id1 let id2 let id3 // Test DB state after update and reload function testPostUpdateState (cb) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { const doc1 = docs.find(function (d) { return d._id === id1 }) const doc2 = docs.find(function (d) { return d._id === id2 }) const doc3 = docs.find(function (d) { return d._id === id3 }) docs.length.should.equal(3) Object.keys(doc1).length.should.equal(2) doc1.somedata.should.equal('ok') doc1._id.should.equal(id1) Object.keys(doc2).length.should.equal(2) doc2.newDoc.should.equal('yes') doc2._id.should.equal(id2) Object.keys(doc3).length.should.equal(2) doc3.newDoc.should.equal('yes') doc3._id.should.equal(id3) return cb() }) } // Actually launch the tests async.waterfall([ function (cb) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err, doc1) { id1 = doc1._id // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err, doc2) { id2 = doc2._id d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err, doc3) { id3 = doc3._id return cb(err) }) }) }) }, function (cb) { d.update({ somedata: 'again' }, { newDoc: 'yes' }, { multi: true }, function (err, n) { assert.isNull(err) n.should.equal(2) return cb() }) }, async.apply(testPostUpdateState), function (cb) { d.loadDatabase(function (err) { cb(err) }) }, async.apply(testPostUpdateState) ], done) }) it('Can update only one document matching the query', function (done) { let id1 let id2 let id3 // Test DB state after update and reload function testPostUpdateState (cb) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { const doc1 = docs.find(function (d) { return d._id === id1 }) const doc2 = docs.find(function (d) { return d._id === id2 }) const doc3 = docs.find(function (d) { return d._id === id3 }) docs.length.should.equal(3) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc1, { somedata: 'ok', _id: doc1._id }) // doc2 or doc3 was modified. Since we sort on _id and it is random // it can be either of two situations try { assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { newDoc: 'yes', _id: doc2._id }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc3, { somedata: 'again', _id: doc3._id }) } catch (e) { assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data', _id: doc2._id }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc3, { newDoc: 'yes', _id: doc3._id }) } return cb() }) } // Actually launch the test async.waterfall([ function (cb) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err, doc1) { id1 = doc1._id // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err, doc2) { id2 = doc2._id d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err, doc3) { id3 = doc3._id return cb(err) }) }) }) }, function (cb) { // Test with query that doesn't match anything d.update({ somedata: 'again' }, { newDoc: 'yes' }, { multi: false }, function (err, n) { assert.isNull(err) n.should.equal(1) return cb() }) }, async.apply(testPostUpdateState), function (cb) { d.loadDatabase(function (err) { return cb(err) }) }, async.apply(testPostUpdateState) // The persisted state has been updated ], done) }) describe('Upserts', function () { it('Can perform upserts if needed', function (done) { d.update({ impossible: 'db is empty anyway' }, { newDoc: true }, {}, function (err, nr, upsert) { assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(0) assert.isUndefined(upsert) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(0) // Default option for upsert is false d.update({ impossible: 'db is empty anyway' }, { something: 'created ok' }, { upsert: true }, function (err, nr, newDoc) { assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(1) newDoc.something.should.equal('created ok') assert.isDefined(newDoc._id) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) // Default option for upsert is false docs[0].something.should.equal('created ok') // Modifying the returned upserted document doesn't modify the database newDoc.newField = true // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs[0].something.should.equal('created ok') assert.isUndefined(docs[0].newField) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('If the update query is a normal object with no modifiers, it is the doc that will be upserted', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.update({ $or: [{ a: 4 }, { a: 5 }] }, { hello: 'world', bloup: 'blap' }, { upsert: true }, function (err) { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(1) const doc = docs[0] Object.keys(doc).length.should.equal(3) doc.hello.should.equal('world') doc.bloup.should.equal('blap') done() }) }) }) it('If the update query contains modifiers, it is applied to the object resulting from removing all operators from the find query 1', function (done) { d.update({ $or: [{ a: 4 }, { a: 5 }] }, { $set: { hello: 'world' }, $inc: { bloup: 3 } // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err }, { upsert: true }, function (err) { d.find({ hello: 'world' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(1) const doc = docs[0] Object.keys(doc).length.should.equal(3) doc.hello.should.equal('world') doc.bloup.should.equal(3) done() }) }) }) it('If the update query contains modifiers, it is applied to the object resulting from removing all operators from the find query 2', function (done) { d.update({ $or: [{ a: 4 }, { a: 5 }], cac: 'rrr' }, { $set: { hello: 'world' }, $inc: { bloup: 3 } // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err }, { upsert: true }, function (err) { d.find({ hello: 'world' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err) docs.length.should.equal(1) const doc = docs[0] Object.keys(doc).length.should.equal(4) doc.cac.should.equal('rrr') doc.hello.should.equal('world') doc.bloup.should.equal(3) done() }) }) }) it('Performing upsert with badly formatted fields yields a standard error not an exception', function (done) { d.update({ _id: '1234' }, { $set: { $$badfield: 5 } }, { upsert: true }, function (err, doc) { assert.isDefined(err) done() }) }) }) // ==== End of 'Upserts' ==== // it('Cannot perform update if the update query is not either registered-modifiers-only or copy-only, or contain badly formatted fields', function (done) { d.insert({ something: 'yup' }, function () { d.update({}, { boom: { $badfield: 5 } }, { multi: false }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err) d.update({}, { boom: { 'bad.field': 5 } }, { multi: false }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err) d.update({}, { $inc: { test: 5 }, mixed: 'rrr' }, { multi: false }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err) d.update({}, { $inexistent: { test: 5 } }, { multi: false }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can update documents using multiple modifiers', function (done) { let id // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ something: 'yup', other: 40 }, function (err, newDoc) { id = newDoc._id d.update({}, { $set: { something: 'changed' }, $inc: { other: 10 } }, { multi: false }, function (err, nr) { assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(1) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.findOne({ _id: id }, function (err, doc) { Object.keys(doc).length.should.equal(3) doc._id.should.equal(id) doc.something.should.equal('changed') doc.other.should.equal(50) done() }) }) }) }) it('Can upsert a document even with modifiers', function (done) { d.update({ bloup: 'blap' }, { $set: { hello: 'world' } }, { upsert: true }, function (err, nr, newDoc) { assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(1) newDoc.bloup.should.equal('blap') newDoc.hello.should.equal('world') assert.isDefined(newDoc._id) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) Object.keys(docs[0]).length.should.equal(3) docs[0].hello.should.equal('world') docs[0].bloup.should.equal('blap') assert.isDefined(docs[0]._id) done() }) }) }) it('When using modifiers, the only way to update subdocs is with the dot-notation', function (done) { d.insert({ bloup: { blip: 'blap', other: true } }, function () { // Correct methos d.update({}, { $set: { 'bloup.blip': 'hello' } }, {}, function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.findOne({}, function (err, doc) { doc.bloup.blip.should.equal('hello') doc.bloup.other.should.equal(true) // Wrong d.update({}, { $set: { bloup: { blip: 'ola' } } }, {}, function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.findOne({}, function (err, doc) { doc.bloup.blip.should.equal('ola') assert.isUndefined(doc.bloup.other) // This information was lost done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Returns an error if the query is not well formed', function (done) { d.insert({ hello: 'world' }, function () { d.update({ $or: { hello: 'world' } }, { a: 1 }, {}, function (err, nr, upsert) { assert.isDefined(err) assert.isUndefined(nr) assert.isUndefined(upsert) done() }) }) }) it('If an error is thrown by a modifier, the database state is not changed', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ hello: 'world' }, function (err, newDoc) { d.update({}, { $inc: { hello: 4 } }, {}, function (err, nr) { assert.isDefined(err) assert.isUndefined(nr) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.deepStrictEqual(docs, [{ _id: newDoc._id, hello: 'world' }]) done() }) }) }) }) it('Cant change the _id of a document', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2 }, function (err, newDoc) { d.update({ a: 2 }, { a: 2, _id: 'nope' }, {}, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) Object.keys(docs[0]).length.should.equal(2) docs[0].a.should.equal(2) docs[0]._id.should.equal(newDoc._id) d.update({ a: 2 }, { $set: { _id: 'nope' } }, {}, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) Object.keys(docs[0]).length.should.equal(2) docs[0].a.should.equal(2) docs[0]._id.should.equal(newDoc._id) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Non-multi updates are persistent', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, hello: 'world' }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, hello: 'earth' }, function (err, doc2) { d.update({ a: 2 }, { $set: { hello: 'changed' } }, {}, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.sort(function (a, b) { return a.a - b.a }) docs.length.should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[0], { _id: doc1._id, a: 1, hello: 'world' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[1], { _id: doc2._id, a: 2, hello: 'changed' }) // Even after a reload the database state hasn't changed d.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.sort(function (a, b) { return a.a - b.a }) docs.length.should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[0], { _id: doc1._id, a: 1, hello: 'world' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[1], { _id: doc2._id, a: 2, hello: 'changed' }) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Multi updates are persistent', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, hello: 'world' }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, hello: 'earth' }, function (err, doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 5, hello: 'pluton' }, function (err, doc3) { d.update({ a: { $in: [1, 2] } }, { $set: { hello: 'changed' } }, { multi: true }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.sort(function (a, b) { return a.a - b.a }) docs.length.should.equal(3) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[0], { _id: doc1._id, a: 1, hello: 'changed' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[1], { _id: doc2._id, a: 2, hello: 'changed' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[2], { _id: doc3._id, a: 5, hello: 'pluton' }) // Even after a reload the database state hasn't changed d.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.sort(function (a, b) { return a.a - b.a }) docs.length.should.equal(3) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[0], { _id: doc1._id, a: 1, hello: 'changed' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[1], { _id: doc2._id, a: 2, hello: 'changed' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[2], { _id: doc3._id, a: 5, hello: 'pluton' }) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can update without the options arg (will use defaults then)', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, hello: 'world' }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, hello: 'earth' }, function (err, doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 5, hello: 'pluton' }, function (err, doc3) { d.update({ a: 2 }, { $inc: { a: 10 } }, function (err, nr) { assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(1) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { const d1 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === doc1._id }) const d2 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === doc2._id }) const d3 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === doc3._id }) d1.a.should.equal(1) d2.a.should.equal(12) d3.a.should.equal(5) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('If a multi update fails on one document, previous updates should be rolled back', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a' }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 4 }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 5 }, function (err, doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 'abc' }, function (err, doc3) { // With this query, candidates are always returned in the order 4, 5, 'abc' so it's always the last one which fails d.update({ a: { $in: [4, 5, 'abc'] } }, { $inc: { a: 10 } }, { multi: true }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err) // No index modified for (const key in d.indexes) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d.indexes, key)) { const index = d.indexes[key] const docs = index.getAll() const d1 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === doc1._id }) const d2 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === doc2._id }) const d3 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === doc3._id }) // All changes rolled back, including those that didn't trigger an error d1.a.should.equal(4) d2.a.should.equal(5) d3.a.should.equal('abc') } } done() }) }) }) }) }) it('If an index constraint is violated by an update, all changes should be rolled back', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a', unique: true }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 4 }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 5 }, function (err, doc2) { // With this query, candidates are always returned in the order 4, 5, 'abc' so it's always the last one which fails d.update({ a: { $in: [4, 5, 'abc'] } }, { $set: { a: 10 } }, { multi: true }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err) // Check that no index was modified for (const key in d.indexes) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d.indexes, key)) { const index = d.indexes[key] const docs = index.getAll() const d1 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === doc1._id }) const d2 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === doc2._id }) d1.a.should.equal(4) d2.a.should.equal(5) } } done() }) }) }) }) it('If options.returnUpdatedDocs is true, return all matched docs', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert([{ a: 4 }, { a: 5 }, { a: 6 }], function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(3) d.update({ a: 7 }, { $set: { u: 1 } }, { multi: true, returnUpdatedDocs: true // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err }, function (err, num, updatedDocs) { num.should.equal(0) updatedDocs.length.should.equal(0) d.update({ a: 5 }, { $set: { u: 2 } }, { multi: true, returnUpdatedDocs: true // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err }, function (err, num, updatedDocs) { num.should.equal(1) updatedDocs.length.should.equal(1) updatedDocs[0].a.should.equal(5) updatedDocs[0].u.should.equal(2) d.update({ a: { $in: [4, 6] } }, { $set: { u: 3 } }, { multi: true, returnUpdatedDocs: true // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err }, function (err, num, updatedDocs) { num.should.equal(2) updatedDocs.length.should.equal(2) updatedDocs[0].u.should.equal(3) updatedDocs[1].u.should.equal(3) if (updatedDocs[0].a === 4) { updatedDocs[0].a.should.equal(4) updatedDocs[1].a.should.equal(6) } else { updatedDocs[0].a.should.equal(6) updatedDocs[1].a.should.equal(4) } done() }) }) }) }) }) it('createdAt property is unchanged and updatedAt correct after an update, even a complete document replacement', function (done) { const d2 = new Datastore({ inMemoryOnly: true, timestampData: true }) d2.insert({ a: 1 }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d2.findOne({ a: 1 }, function (err, doc) { const createdAt = doc.createdAt.getTime() // Modifying update setTimeout(function () { d2.update({ a: 1 }, { $set: { b: 2 } }, {}) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d2.findOne({ a: 1 }, function (err, doc) { doc.createdAt.getTime().should.equal(createdAt) assert.isBelow(Date.now() - doc.updatedAt.getTime(), 5) // Complete replacement setTimeout(function () { d2.update({ a: 1 }, { c: 3 }, {}) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d2.findOne({ c: 3 }, function (err, doc) { doc.createdAt.getTime().should.equal(createdAt) assert.isBelow(Date.now() - doc.updatedAt.getTime(), 5) done() }) }, 20) }) }, 20) }) }) describe('Callback signature', function () { it('Regular update, multi false', function (done) { d.insert({ a: 1 }) d.insert({ a: 2 }) // returnUpdatedDocs set to false d.update({ a: 1 }, { $set: { b: 20 } }, {}, function (err, numAffected, affectedDocuments, upsert) { assert.isNull(err) numAffected.should.equal(1) assert.isUndefined(affectedDocuments) assert.isUndefined(upsert) // returnUpdatedDocs set to true d.update({ a: 1 }, { $set: { b: 21 } }, { returnUpdatedDocs: true }, function (err, numAffected, affectedDocuments, upsert) { assert.isNull(err) numAffected.should.equal(1) affectedDocuments.a.should.equal(1) affectedDocuments.b.should.equal(21) assert.isUndefined(upsert) done() }) }) }) it('Regular update, multi true', function (done) { d.insert({ a: 1 }) d.insert({ a: 2 }) // returnUpdatedDocs set to false d.update({}, { $set: { b: 20 } }, { multi: true }, function (err, numAffected, affectedDocuments, upsert) { assert.isNull(err) numAffected.should.equal(2) assert.isUndefined(affectedDocuments) assert.isUndefined(upsert) // returnUpdatedDocs set to true d.update({}, { $set: { b: 21 } }, { multi: true, returnUpdatedDocs: true }, function (err, numAffected, affectedDocuments, upsert) { assert.isNull(err) numAffected.should.equal(2) affectedDocuments.length.should.equal(2) assert.isUndefined(upsert) done() }) }) }) it('Upsert', function (done) { d.insert({ a: 1 }) d.insert({ a: 2 }) // Upsert flag not set d.update({ a: 3 }, { $set: { b: 20 } }, {}, function (err, numAffected, affectedDocuments, upsert) { assert.isNull(err) numAffected.should.equal(0) assert.isUndefined(affectedDocuments) assert.isUndefined(upsert) // Upsert flag set d.update({ a: 3 }, { $set: { b: 21 } }, { upsert: true }, function (err, numAffected, affectedDocuments, upsert) { assert.isNull(err) numAffected.should.equal(1) affectedDocuments.a.should.equal(3) affectedDocuments.b.should.equal(21) upsert.should.equal(true) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(3) done() }) }) }) }) }) // ==== End of 'Update - Callback signature' ==== // }) // ==== End of 'Update' ==== // describe('Remove', function () { it('Can remove multiple documents', function (done) { let id1 // Test DB status function testPostUpdateState (cb) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) Object.keys(docs[0]).length.should.equal(2) docs[0]._id.should.equal(id1) docs[0].somedata.should.equal('ok') return cb() }) } // Actually launch the test async.waterfall([ function (cb) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err, doc1) { id1 = doc1._id // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err, doc2) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err, doc3) { return cb(err) }) }) }) }, function (cb) { // Test with query that doesn't match anything d.remove({ somedata: 'again' }, { multi: true }, function (err, n) { assert.isNull(err) n.should.equal(2) return cb() }) }, async.apply(testPostUpdateState), function (cb) { d.loadDatabase(function (err) { return cb(err) }) }, async.apply(testPostUpdateState) ], done) }) // This tests concurrency issues it('Remove can be called multiple times in parallel and everything that needs to be removed will be', function (done) { d.insert({ planet: 'Earth' }, function () { d.insert({ planet: 'Mars' }, function () { d.insert({ planet: 'Saturn' }, function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(3) // Remove two docs simultaneously const toRemove = ['Mars', 'Saturn'] async.each(toRemove, function (planet, cb) { d.remove({ planet: planet }, function (err) { return cb(err) }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err }, function (err) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Returns an error if the query is not well formed', function (done) { d.insert({ hello: 'world' }, function () { d.remove({ $or: { hello: 'world' } }, {}, function (err, nr, upsert) { assert.isDefined(err) assert.isUndefined(nr) assert.isUndefined(upsert) done() }) }) }) it('Non-multi removes are persistent', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, hello: 'world' }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, hello: 'earth' }, function (err, doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 3, hello: 'moto' }, function (err, doc3) { d.remove({ a: 2 }, {}, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.sort(function (a, b) { return a.a - b.a }) docs.length.should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[0], { _id: doc1._id, a: 1, hello: 'world' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[1], { _id: doc3._id, a: 3, hello: 'moto' }) // Even after a reload the database state hasn't changed d.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.sort(function (a, b) { return a.a - b.a }) docs.length.should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[0], { _id: doc1._id, a: 1, hello: 'world' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[1], { _id: doc3._id, a: 3, hello: 'moto' }) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Multi removes are persistent', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, hello: 'world' }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, hello: 'earth' }, function (err, doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 3, hello: 'moto' }, function (err, doc3) { d.remove({ a: { $in: [1, 3] } }, { multi: true }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[0], { _id: doc2._id, a: 2, hello: 'earth' }) // Even after a reload the database state hasn't changed d.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(docs[0], { _id: doc2._id, a: 2, hello: 'earth' }) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can remove without the options arg (will use defaults then)', function (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, hello: 'world' }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, hello: 'earth' }, function (err, doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 5, hello: 'pluton' }, function (err, doc3) { d.remove({ a: 2 }, function (err, nr) { assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(1) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { const d1 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === doc1._id }) const d2 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === doc2._id }) const d3 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === doc3._id }) d1.a.should.equal(1) assert.isUndefined(d2) d3.a.should.equal(5) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) // ==== End of 'Remove' ==== // describe('Using indexes', function () { describe('ensureIndex and index initialization in database loading', function () { it('ensureIndex can be called right after a loadDatabase and be initialized and filled correctly', function (done) { const now = new Date() const rawData = model.serialize({ _id: 'aaa', z: '1', a: 2, ages: [1, 5, 12] }) + '\n' + model.serialize({ _id: 'bbb', z: '2', hello: 'world' }) + '\n' + model.serialize({ _id: 'ccc', z: '3', nested: { today: now } }) d.getAllData().length.should.equal(0) fs.writeFile(testDb, rawData, 'utf8', function () { d.loadDatabase(function () { d.getAllData().length.should.equal(3) assert.deepStrictEqual(Object.keys(d.indexes), ['_id']) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'z' }) d.indexes.z.fieldName.should.equal('z') d.indexes.z.unique.should.equal(false) d.indexes.z.sparse.should.equal(false) d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(3) d.indexes.z.tree.search('1')[0].should.equal(d.getAllData()[0]) d.indexes.z.tree.search('2')[0].should.equal(d.getAllData()[1]) d.indexes.z.tree.search('3')[0].should.equal(d.getAllData()[2]) done() }) }) }) it('ensureIndex can be called twice on the same field, the second call will ahve no effect', function (done) { Object.keys(d.indexes).length.should.equal(1) Object.keys(d.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') d.insert({ planet: 'Earth' }, function () { d.insert({ planet: 'Mars' }, function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(2) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'planet' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(d.indexes).length.should.equal(2) Object.keys(d.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(d.indexes)[1].should.equal('planet') d.indexes.planet.getAll().length.should.equal(2) // This second call has no effect, documents don't get inserted twice in the index d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'planet' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(d.indexes).length.should.equal(2) Object.keys(d.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(d.indexes)[1].should.equal('planet') d.indexes.planet.getAll().length.should.equal(2) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('ensureIndex can be called after the data set was modified and the index still be correct', function (done) { const rawData = model.serialize({ _id: 'aaa', z: '1', a: 2, ages: [1, 5, 12] }) + '\n' + model.serialize({ _id: 'bbb', z: '2', hello: 'world' }) d.getAllData().length.should.equal(0) fs.writeFile(testDb, rawData, 'utf8', function () { d.loadDatabase(function () { d.getAllData().length.should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(Object.keys(d.indexes), ['_id']) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ z: '12', yes: 'yes' }, function (err, newDoc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ z: '14', nope: 'nope' }, function (err, newDoc2) { d.remove({ z: '2' }, {}, function () { d.update({ z: '1' }, { $set: { yes: 'yep' } }, {}, function () { assert.deepStrictEqual(Object.keys(d.indexes), ['_id']) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'z' }) d.indexes.z.fieldName.should.equal('z') d.indexes.z.unique.should.equal(false) d.indexes.z.sparse.should.equal(false) d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(3) // The pointers in the _id and z indexes are the same d.indexes.z.tree.search('1')[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching('aaa')[0]) d.indexes.z.tree.search('12')[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(newDoc1._id)[0]) d.indexes.z.tree.search('14')[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(newDoc2._id)[0]) // The data in the z index is correct // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { const doc0 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === 'aaa' }) const doc1 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === newDoc1._id }) const doc2 = docs.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === newDoc2._id }) docs.length.should.equal(3) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc0, { _id: 'aaa', z: '1', a: 2, ages: [1, 5, 12], yes: 'yep' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc1, { _id: newDoc1._id, z: '12', yes: 'yes' }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { _id: newDoc2._id, z: '14', nope: 'nope' }) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('ensureIndex can be called before a loadDatabase and still be initialized and filled correctly', function (done) { const now = new Date() const rawData = model.serialize({ _id: 'aaa', z: '1', a: 2, ages: [1, 5, 12] }) + '\n' + model.serialize({ _id: 'bbb', z: '2', hello: 'world' }) + '\n' + model.serialize({ _id: 'ccc', z: '3', nested: { today: now } }) d.getAllData().length.should.equal(0) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'z' }) d.indexes.z.fieldName.should.equal('z') d.indexes.z.unique.should.equal(false) d.indexes.z.sparse.should.equal(false) d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) fs.writeFile(testDb, rawData, 'utf8', function () { d.loadDatabase(function () { const doc1 = d.getAllData().find(function (doc) { return doc.z === '1' }) const doc2 = d.getAllData().find(function (doc) { return doc.z === '2' }) const doc3 = d.getAllData().find(function (doc) { return doc.z === '3' }) d.getAllData().length.should.equal(3) d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(3) d.indexes.z.tree.search('1')[0].should.equal(doc1) d.indexes.z.tree.search('2')[0].should.equal(doc2) d.indexes.z.tree.search('3')[0].should.equal(doc3) done() }) }) }) it('Can initialize multiple indexes on a database load', function (done) { const now = new Date() const rawData = model.serialize({ _id: 'aaa', z: '1', a: 2, ages: [1, 5, 12] }) + '\n' + model.serialize({ _id: 'bbb', z: '2', a: 'world' }) + '\n' + model.serialize({ _id: 'ccc', z: '3', a: { today: now } }) d.getAllData().length.should.equal(0) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'z' }, function () { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a' }, function () { d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) fs.writeFile(testDb, rawData, 'utf8', function () { d.loadDatabase(function (err) { const doc1 = d.getAllData().find(function (doc) { return doc.z === '1' }) const doc2 = d.getAllData().find(function (doc) { return doc.z === '2' }) const doc3 = d.getAllData().find(function (doc) { return doc.z === '3' }) assert.isNull(err) d.getAllData().length.should.equal(3) d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(3) d.indexes.z.tree.search('1')[0].should.equal(doc1) d.indexes.z.tree.search('2')[0].should.equal(doc2) d.indexes.z.tree.search('3')[0].should.equal(doc3) d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(3) d.indexes.a.tree.search(2)[0].should.equal(doc1) d.indexes.a.tree.search('world')[0].should.equal(doc2) d.indexes.a.tree.search({ today: now })[0].should.equal(doc3) done() }) }) }) }) }) it('If a unique constraint is not respected, database loading will not work and no data will be inserted', function (done) { const now = new Date() const rawData = model.serialize({ _id: 'aaa', z: '1', a: 2, ages: [1, 5, 12] }) + '\n' + model.serialize({ _id: 'bbb', z: '2', a: 'world' }) + '\n' + model.serialize({ _id: 'ccc', z: '1', a: { today: now } }) d.getAllData().length.should.equal(0) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'z', unique: true }) d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) fs.writeFile(testDb, rawData, 'utf8', function () { d.loadDatabase(function (err) { err.errorType.should.equal('uniqueViolated') err.key.should.equal('1') d.getAllData().length.should.equal(0) d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) done() }) }) }) it('If a unique constraint is not respected, ensureIndex will return an error and not create an index', function (done) { d.insert({ a: 1, b: 4 }, function () { d.insert({ a: 2, b: 45 }, function () { d.insert({ a: 1, b: 3 }, function () { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'b' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a', unique: true }, function (err) { err.errorType.should.equal('uniqueViolated') assert.deepStrictEqual(Object.keys(d.indexes), ['_id', 'b']) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Can remove an index', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'e' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(d.indexes).length.should.equal(2) assert.isNotNull(d.indexes.e) d.removeIndex('e', function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(d.indexes).length.should.equal(1) assert.isUndefined(d.indexes.e) done() }) }) }) }) // ==== End of 'ensureIndex and index initialization in database loading' ==== // describe('Indexing newly inserted documents', function () { it('Newly inserted documents are indexed', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'z' }) d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, z: 'yes' }, function (err, newDoc) { d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc]) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 5, z: 'nope' }, function (err, newDoc) { d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('nope'), [newDoc]) done() }) }) }) it('If multiple indexes are defined, the document is inserted in all of them', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'z' }) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'ya' }) d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, z: 'yes', ya: 'indeed' }, function (err, newDoc) { d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) d.indexes.ya.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc]) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.ya.getMatching('indeed'), [newDoc]) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 5, z: 'nope', ya: 'sure' }, function (err, newDoc2) { d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes.ya.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('nope'), [newDoc2]) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.ya.getMatching('sure'), [newDoc2]) done() }) }) }) it('Can insert two docs at the same key for a non unique index', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'z' }) d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, z: 'yes' }, function (err, newDoc) { d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc]) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 5, z: 'yes' }, function (err, newDoc2) { d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc, newDoc2]) done() }) }) }) it('If the index has a unique constraint, an error is thrown if it is violated and the data is not modified', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'z', unique: true }) d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, z: 'yes' }, function (err, newDoc) { d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc]) d.insert({ a: 5, z: 'yes' }, function (err) { err.errorType.should.equal('uniqueViolated') err.key.should.equal('yes') // Index didn't change d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc]) // Data didn't change assert.deepStrictEqual(d.getAllData(), [newDoc]) d.loadDatabase(function () { d.getAllData().length.should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.getAllData()[0], newDoc) done() }) }) }) }) it('If an index has a unique constraint, other indexes cannot be modified when it raises an error', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'nonu1' }) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'uni', unique: true }) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'nonu2' }) d.insert({ nonu1: 'yes', nonu2: 'yes2', uni: 'willfail' }, function (err, newDoc) { assert.isNull(err) d.indexes.nonu1.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) d.indexes.uni.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) d.indexes.nonu2.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) d.insert({ nonu1: 'no', nonu2: 'no2', uni: 'willfail' }, function (err) { err.errorType.should.equal('uniqueViolated') // No index was modified d.indexes.nonu1.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) d.indexes.uni.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) d.indexes.nonu2.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.nonu1.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc]) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.uni.getMatching('willfail'), [newDoc]) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.nonu2.getMatching('yes2'), [newDoc]) done() }) }) }) it('Unique indexes prevent you from inserting two docs where the field is undefined except if theyre sparse', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'zzz', unique: true }) d.indexes.zzz.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, z: 'yes' }, function (err, newDoc) { d.indexes.zzz.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) assert.deepStrictEqual(d.indexes.zzz.getMatching(undefined), [newDoc]) d.insert({ a: 5, z: 'other' }, function (err) { err.errorType.should.equal('uniqueViolated') assert.isUndefined(err.key) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'yyy', unique: true, sparse: true }) d.insert({ a: 5, z: 'other', zzz: 'set' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) d.indexes.yyy.getAll().length.should.equal(0) // Nothing indexed d.indexes.zzz.getAll().length.should.equal(2) done() }) }) }) }) it('Insertion still works as before with indexing', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a' }) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'b' }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, b: 'hello' }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, b: 'si' }, function (err, doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.deepStrictEqual(doc1, docs.find(function (d) { return d._id === doc1._id })) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, docs.find(function (d) { return d._id === doc2._id })) done() }) }) }) }) it('All indexes point to the same data as the main index on _id', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a' }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, b: 'hello' }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, b: 'si' }, function (err, doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(2) d.getAllData().length.should.equal(2) d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id).length.should.equal(1) d.indexes.a.getMatching(1).length.should.equal(1) d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id)[0].should.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(1)[0]) d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id).length.should.equal(1) d.indexes.a.getMatching(2).length.should.equal(1) d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id)[0].should.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0]) done() }) }) }) }) it('If a unique constraint is violated, no index is changed, including the main one', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a', unique: true }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, b: 'hello' }, function (err, doc1) { d.insert({ a: 1, b: 'si' }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1) d.getAllData().length.should.equal(1) d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id).length.should.equal(1) d.indexes.a.getMatching(1).length.should.equal(1) d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id)[0].should.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(1)[0]) d.indexes.a.getMatching(2).length.should.equal(0) done() }) }) }) }) }) // ==== End of 'Indexing newly inserted documents' ==== // describe('Updating indexes upon document update', function () { it('Updating docs still works as before with indexing', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a' }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, b: 'hello' }, function (err, _doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, b: 'si' }, function (err, _doc2) { d.update({ a: 1 }, { $set: { a: 456, b: 'no' } }, {}, function (err, nr) { const data = d.getAllData() const doc1 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc1._id }) const doc2 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc2._id }) assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(1) data.length.should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc1, { a: 456, b: 'no', _id: _doc1._id }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { a: 2, b: 'si', _id: _doc2._id }) d.update({}, { $inc: { a: 10 }, $set: { b: 'same' } }, { multi: true }, function (err, nr) { const data = d.getAllData() const doc1 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc1._id }) const doc2 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc2._id }) assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(2) data.length.should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc1, { a: 466, b: 'same', _id: _doc1._id }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { a: 12, b: 'same', _id: _doc2._id }) done() }) }) }) }) }) it('Indexes get updated when a document (or multiple documents) is updated', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a' }) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'b' }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, b: 'hello' }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, b: 'si' }, function (err, doc2) { // Simple update d.update({ a: 1 }, { $set: { a: 456, b: 'no' } }, {}, function (err, nr) { assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(1) d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes.a.getMatching(456)[0]._id.should.equal(doc1._id) d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0]._id.should.equal(doc2._id) d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes.b.getMatching('no')[0]._id.should.equal(doc1._id) d.indexes.b.getMatching('si')[0]._id.should.equal(doc2._id) // The same pointers are shared between all indexes d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes._id.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes.a.getMatching(456)[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id)[0]) d.indexes.b.getMatching('no')[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id)[0]) d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id)[0]) d.indexes.b.getMatching('si')[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id)[0]) // Multi update d.update({}, { $inc: { a: 10 }, $set: { b: 'same' } }, { multi: true }, function (err, nr) { assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(2) d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes.a.getMatching(466)[0]._id.should.equal(doc1._id) d.indexes.a.getMatching(12)[0]._id.should.equal(doc2._id) d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) d.indexes.b.getMatching('same').length.should.equal(2) d.indexes.b.getMatching('same').map(x => x._id).should.contain(doc1._id) d.indexes.b.getMatching('same').map(x => x._id).should.contain(doc2._id) // The same pointers are shared between all indexes d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(1) d.indexes.b.getAll().length.should.equal(2) d.indexes._id.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes.a.getMatching(466)[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id)[0]) d.indexes.a.getMatching(12)[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id)[0]) // Can't test the pointers in b as their order is randomized, but it is the same as with a done() }) }) }) }) }) it('If a simple update violates a contraint, all changes are rolled back and an error is thrown', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a', unique: true }) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'b', unique: true }) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'c', unique: true }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, b: 10, c: 100 }, function (err, _doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, b: 20, c: 200 }, function (err, _doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 3, b: 30, c: 300 }, function (err, _doc3) { // Will conflict with doc3 d.update({ a: 2 }, { $inc: { a: 10, c: 1000 }, $set: { b: 30 } }, {}, function (err) { const data = d.getAllData() const doc1 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc1._id }) const doc2 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc2._id }) const doc3 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc3._id }) err.errorType.should.equal('uniqueViolated') // Data left unchanged data.length.should.equal(3) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc1, { a: 1, b: 10, c: 100, _id: _doc1._id }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { a: 2, b: 20, c: 200, _id: _doc2._id }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc3, { a: 3, b: 30, c: 300, _id: _doc3._id }) // All indexes left unchanged and pointing to the same docs d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(3) d.indexes.a.getMatching(1)[0].should.equal(doc1) d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0].should.equal(doc2) d.indexes.a.getMatching(3)[0].should.equal(doc3) d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(3) d.indexes.b.getMatching(10)[0].should.equal(doc1) d.indexes.b.getMatching(20)[0].should.equal(doc2) d.indexes.b.getMatching(30)[0].should.equal(doc3) d.indexes.c.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(3) d.indexes.c.getMatching(100)[0].should.equal(doc1) d.indexes.c.getMatching(200)[0].should.equal(doc2) d.indexes.c.getMatching(300)[0].should.equal(doc3) done() }) }) }) }) }) it('If a multi update violates a contraint, all changes are rolled back and an error is thrown', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a', unique: true }) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'b', unique: true }) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'c', unique: true }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, b: 10, c: 100 }, function (err, _doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, b: 20, c: 200 }, function (err, _doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 3, b: 30, c: 300 }, function (err, _doc3) { // Will conflict with doc3 d.update({ a: { $in: [1, 2] } }, { $inc: { a: 10, c: 1000 }, $set: { b: 30 } }, { multi: true }, function (err) { const data = d.getAllData() const doc1 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc1._id }) const doc2 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc2._id }) const doc3 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc3._id }) err.errorType.should.equal('uniqueViolated') // Data left unchanged data.length.should.equal(3) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc1, { a: 1, b: 10, c: 100, _id: _doc1._id }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { a: 2, b: 20, c: 200, _id: _doc2._id }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc3, { a: 3, b: 30, c: 300, _id: _doc3._id }) // All indexes left unchanged and pointing to the same docs d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(3) d.indexes.a.getMatching(1)[0].should.equal(doc1) d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0].should.equal(doc2) d.indexes.a.getMatching(3)[0].should.equal(doc3) d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(3) d.indexes.b.getMatching(10)[0].should.equal(doc1) d.indexes.b.getMatching(20)[0].should.equal(doc2) d.indexes.b.getMatching(30)[0].should.equal(doc3) d.indexes.c.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(3) d.indexes.c.getMatching(100)[0].should.equal(doc1) d.indexes.c.getMatching(200)[0].should.equal(doc2) d.indexes.c.getMatching(300)[0].should.equal(doc3) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) // ==== End of 'Updating indexes upon document update' ==== // describe('Updating indexes upon document remove', function () { it('Removing docs still works as before with indexing', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a' }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, b: 'hello' }, function (err, _doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, b: 'si' }, function (err, _doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 3, b: 'coin' }, function (err, _doc3) { d.remove({ a: 1 }, {}, function (err, nr) { const data = d.getAllData() const doc2 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc2._id }) const doc3 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc3._id }) assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(1) data.length.should.equal(2) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc2, { a: 2, b: 'si', _id: _doc2._id }) assert.deepStrictEqual(doc3, { a: 3, b: 'coin', _id: _doc3._id }) d.remove({ a: { $in: [2, 3] } }, { multi: true }, function (err, nr) { const data = d.getAllData() assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(2) data.length.should.equal(0) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Indexes get updated when a document (or multiple documents) is removed', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'a' }) d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'b' }) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 1, b: 'hello' }, function (err, doc1) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 2, b: 'si' }, function (err, doc2) { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.insert({ a: 3, b: 'coin' }, function (err, doc3) { // Simple remove d.remove({ a: 1 }, {}, function (err, nr) { assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(1) d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0]._id.should.equal(doc2._id) d.indexes.a.getMatching(3)[0]._id.should.equal(doc3._id) d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes.b.getMatching('si')[0]._id.should.equal(doc2._id) d.indexes.b.getMatching('coin')[0]._id.should.equal(doc3._id) // The same pointers are shared between all indexes d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes._id.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(2) d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id)[0]) d.indexes.b.getMatching('si')[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id)[0]) d.indexes.a.getMatching(3)[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc3._id)[0]) d.indexes.b.getMatching('coin')[0].should.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc3._id)[0]) // Multi remove d.remove({}, { multi: true }, function (err, nr) { assert.isNull(err) nr.should.equal(2) d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) d.indexes._id.tree.getNumberOfKeys().should.equal(0) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) // ==== End of 'Updating indexes upon document remove' ==== // describe('Persisting indexes', function () { it('Indexes are persisted to a separate file and recreated upon reload', function (done) { const persDb = 'workspace/persistIndexes.db' let db if (fs.existsSync(persDb)) { fs.writeFileSync(persDb, '', 'utf8') } db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb, autoload: true }) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(1) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') db.insert({ planet: 'Earth' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) db.insert({ planet: 'Mars' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'planet' }, function (err) { Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(2) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(db.indexes)[1].should.equal('planet') db.indexes._id.getAll().length.should.equal(2) db.indexes.planet.getAll().length.should.equal(2) db.indexes.planet.fieldName.should.equal('planet') // After a reload the indexes are recreated db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb }) db.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(2) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(db.indexes)[1].should.equal('planet') db.indexes._id.getAll().length.should.equal(2) db.indexes.planet.getAll().length.should.equal(2) db.indexes.planet.fieldName.should.equal('planet') // After another reload the indexes are still there (i.e. they are preserved during autocompaction) db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb }) db.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(2) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(db.indexes)[1].should.equal('planet') db.indexes._id.getAll().length.should.equal(2) db.indexes.planet.getAll().length.should.equal(2) db.indexes.planet.fieldName.should.equal('planet') done() }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Indexes are persisted with their options and recreated even if some db operation happen between loads', function (done) { const persDb = 'workspace/persistIndexes.db' let db if (fs.existsSync(persDb)) { fs.writeFileSync(persDb, '', 'utf8') } db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb, autoload: true }) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(1) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') db.insert({ planet: 'Earth' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) db.insert({ planet: 'Mars' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'planet', unique: true, sparse: false }, function (err) { Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(2) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(db.indexes)[1].should.equal('planet') db.indexes._id.getAll().length.should.equal(2) db.indexes.planet.getAll().length.should.equal(2) db.indexes.planet.unique.should.equal(true) db.indexes.planet.sparse.should.equal(false) db.insert({ planet: 'Jupiter' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) // After a reload the indexes are recreated db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb }) db.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(2) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(db.indexes)[1].should.equal('planet') db.indexes._id.getAll().length.should.equal(3) db.indexes.planet.getAll().length.should.equal(3) db.indexes.planet.unique.should.equal(true) db.indexes.planet.sparse.should.equal(false) db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'bloup', unique: false, sparse: true }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(3) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(db.indexes)[1].should.equal('planet') Object.keys(db.indexes)[2].should.equal('bloup') db.indexes._id.getAll().length.should.equal(3) db.indexes.planet.getAll().length.should.equal(3) db.indexes.bloup.getAll().length.should.equal(0) db.indexes.planet.unique.should.equal(true) db.indexes.planet.sparse.should.equal(false) db.indexes.bloup.unique.should.equal(false) db.indexes.bloup.sparse.should.equal(true) // After another reload the indexes are still there (i.e. they are preserved during autocompaction) db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb }) db.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(3) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(db.indexes)[1].should.equal('planet') Object.keys(db.indexes)[2].should.equal('bloup') db.indexes._id.getAll().length.should.equal(3) db.indexes.planet.getAll().length.should.equal(3) db.indexes.bloup.getAll().length.should.equal(0) db.indexes.planet.unique.should.equal(true) db.indexes.planet.sparse.should.equal(false) db.indexes.bloup.unique.should.equal(false) db.indexes.bloup.sparse.should.equal(true) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) it('Indexes can also be removed and the remove persisted', function (done) { const persDb = 'workspace/persistIndexes.db' let db if (fs.existsSync(persDb)) { fs.writeFileSync(persDb, '', 'utf8') } db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb, autoload: true }) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(1) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') db.insert({ planet: 'Earth' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) db.insert({ planet: 'Mars' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'planet' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) db.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'another' }, function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(3) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(db.indexes)[1].should.equal('planet') Object.keys(db.indexes)[2].should.equal('another') db.indexes._id.getAll().length.should.equal(2) db.indexes.planet.getAll().length.should.equal(2) db.indexes.planet.fieldName.should.equal('planet') // After a reload the indexes are recreated db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb }) db.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(3) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(db.indexes)[1].should.equal('planet') Object.keys(db.indexes)[2].should.equal('another') db.indexes._id.getAll().length.should.equal(2) db.indexes.planet.getAll().length.should.equal(2) db.indexes.planet.fieldName.should.equal('planet') // Index is removed db.removeIndex('planet', function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(2) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(db.indexes)[1].should.equal('another') db.indexes._id.getAll().length.should.equal(2) // After a reload indexes are preserved db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb }) db.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(2) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(db.indexes)[1].should.equal('another') db.indexes._id.getAll().length.should.equal(2) // After another reload the indexes are still there (i.e. they are preserved during autocompaction) db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb }) db.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err) Object.keys(db.indexes).length.should.equal(2) Object.keys(db.indexes)[0].should.equal('_id') Object.keys(db.indexes)[1].should.equal('another') db.indexes._id.getAll().length.should.equal(2) done() }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) // ==== End of 'Persisting indexes' ==== it('Results of getMatching should never contain duplicates', function (done) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'bad' }) d.insert({ bad: ['a', 'b'] }, function () { // eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err d.getCandidates({ bad: { $in: ['a', 'b'] } }, function (err, res) { res.length.should.equal(1) done() }) }) }) }) // ==== End of 'Using indexes' ==== // })