var Datastore = require('../lib/datastore') , benchDb = 'workspace/remove.bench.db' , fs = require('fs') , path = require('path') , async = require('async') , execTime = require('exec-time') , profiler = new execTime('REMOVE BENCH') , commonUtilities = require('./commonUtilities') , config = commonUtilities.getConfiguration(benchDb) , d = config.d , n = config.n ; async.waterfall([ async.apply(commonUtilities.prepareDb, benchDb) , function (cb) { d.loadDatabase(function (err) { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (config.program.withIndex) { d.ensureIndex({ fieldName: 'docNumber' }); } cb(); }); } , function (cb) { profiler.beginProfiling(); return cb(); } , async.apply(commonUtilities.insertDocs, d, n, profiler) // Test with remove only one document , function (cb) { profiler.step('MULTI: FALSE'); return cb(); } , async.apply(commonUtilities.removeDocs, { multi: false }, d, n, profiler) // Test with multiple documents , function (cb) { d.remove({}, { multi: true }, function () { return cb(); }); } , async.apply(commonUtilities.insertDocs, d, n, profiler) , function (cb) { profiler.step('MULTI: TRUE'); return cb(); } , async.apply(commonUtilities.removeDocs, { multi: true }, d, n, profiler) ], function (err) { profiler.step("Benchmark finished"); if (err) { return console.log("An error was encountered: ", err); } });