/* eslint-env mocha */ /** * Load and modify part of fs to ensure writeFile will crash after writing 5000 bytes */ const fs = require('fs') const { Writable } = require('stream') const { callbackify } = require('util') fs.promises.writeFile = async function (path, data) { let onePassDone = false const options = { encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666, flag: 'w' } // we don't care about the actual options passed const filehandle = await fs.promises.open(path, options.flag, options.mode) const buffer = (data instanceof Buffer) ? data : Buffer.from('' + data, options.encoding || 'utf8') let length = buffer.length let offset = 0 try { while (length > 0) { if (onePassDone) { process.exit(1) } // Crash on purpose before rewrite done const { bytesWritten } = await filehandle.write(buffer, offset, Math.min(5000, length)) // Force write by chunks of 5000 bytes to ensure data will be incomplete on crash onePassDone = true offset += bytesWritten length -= bytesWritten } } finally { await filehandle.close() } } class FakeFsWriteStream extends Writable { constructor (filename) { super() this.filename = filename this._content = Buffer.alloc(0) } _write (chunk, encoding, callback) { this._content = Buffer.concat([this._content, Buffer.from(chunk, encoding)]) callback() } _end (chunk, encoding, callback) { this._content = Buffer.concat([this._content, Buffer.from(chunk, encoding)]) callback() } close (callback) { callbackify(fs.promises.writeFile)(this.filename, this._content, 'utf8', callback) } } fs.createWriteStream = path => new FakeFsWriteStream(path) // End of fs monkey patching const Nedb = require('../lib/datastore.js') const db = new Nedb({ filename: 'workspace/lac.db' }) db.loadDatabaseAsync() // no need to await