/** * Way data is stored for this database * For a Node.js/Node Webkit database it's the file system * For a browser-side database it's localStorage when supported * * This version is the Node.js/Node Webkit version */ function exists (filename, callback) { // In this specific case this always answers that the file doesn't exist if (typeof localStorage === 'undefined') { console.log("WARNING - This browser doesn't support localStorage, no data will be saved in NeDB!"); return callback(); } if (localStorage.getItem(filename) !== null) { return callback(true); } else { return callback(false); } } function rename (filename, newFilename, callback) { if (typeof localStorage === 'undefined') { console.log("WARNING - This browser doesn't support localStorage, no data will be saved in NeDB!"); return callback(); } if (localStorage.getItem(filename) === null) { localStorage.removeItem(newFilename); } else { localStorage.setItem(newFilename, localStorage.getItem(filename)); localStorage.removeItem(filename); } return callback(); } function writeFile (filename, contents, options, callback) { if (typeof localStorage === 'undefined') { console.log("WARNING - This browser doesn't support localStorage, no data will be saved in NeDB!"); return callback(); } // Options do not matter in browser setup if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; } localStorage.setItem(filename, contents); return callback(); } function appendFile (filename, toAppend, options, callback) { if (typeof localStorage === 'undefined') { console.log("WARNING - This browser doesn't support localStorage, no data will be saved in NeDB!"); return callback(); } // Options do not matter in browser setup if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; } var contents = localStorage.getItem(filename) || ''; contents += toAppend; localStorage.setItem(filename, contents); return callback(); } function readFile (filename, options, callback) { if (typeof localStorage === 'undefined') { console.log("WARNING - This browser doesn't support localStorage, no data will be saved in NeDB!"); return callback(); } // Options do not matter in browser setup if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; } var contents = localStorage.getItem(filename) || ''; return callback(null, contents); } function unlink (filename, callback) { if (typeof localStorage === 'undefined') { console.log("WARNING - This browser doesn't support localStorage, no data will be saved in NeDB!"); return callback(); } localStorage.removeItem(filename); return callback(); } // Nothing done, no directories will be used on the browser function mkdirp (dir, callback) { return callback(); } // Interface module.exports.exists = exists; module.exports.rename = rename; module.exports.writeFile = writeFile; module.exports.appendFile = appendFile; module.exports.readFile = readFile; module.exports.unlink = unlink; module.exports.mkdirp = mkdirp;