var Datastore = require('../lib/datastore') , testDb = 'workspace/test.db' , fs = require('fs') , path = require('path') , customUtils = require('../lib/customUtils') , should = require('chai').should() , assert = require('chai').assert , _ = require('underscore') , async = require('async') ; describe('Database', function () { var d = new Datastore(testDb); beforeEach(function (done) { async.waterfall([ function (cb) { customUtils.ensureDirectoryExists(path.dirname(testDb), function () { fs.exists(testDb, function (exists) { if (exists) { fs.unlink(testDb, cb); } else { return cb(); } }); }); } , function (cb) { d.loadDatabase(function (err) { assert.isNull(err); return cb(); }); } ], done); }); describe('Insert', function () { it('Able to insert a document in the database, setting an _id if none provided, and retrieve it even after a reload', function (done) { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(0); d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { // The data was correctly updated d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err); docs.length.should.equal(1); Object.keys(docs[0]).length.should.equal(2); docs[0].somedata.should.equal('ok'); assert.isDefined(docs[0]._id); // After a reload the data has been correctly persisted d.loadDatabase(function (err) { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err); docs.length.should.equal(1); Object.keys(docs[0]).length.should.equal(2); docs[0].somedata.should.equal('ok'); assert.isDefined(docs[0]._id); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('Can insert multiple documents in the database', function (done) { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(0); d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'another' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err) { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(3); _.pluck(docs, 'somedata').should.contain('ok'); _.pluck(docs, 'somedata').should.contain('another'); _.pluck(docs, 'somedata').should.contain('again'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('Can insert and get back from DB complex objects with all primitive and secondary types', function (done) { var da = new Date() , obj = { a: ['ee', 'ff', 42], date: da, subobj: { a: 'b', b: 'c' } } ; d.insert(obj, function (err) { d.findOne({}, function (err, res) { assert.isNull(err); res.a.length.should.equal(3); res.a[0].should.equal('ee'); res.a[1].should.equal('ff'); res.a[2].should.equal(42);; res.subobj.a.should.equal('b'); res.subobj.b.should.equal('c'); done(); }); }); }); it('If an object returned from the DB is modified and refetched, the original value should be found', function (done) { d.insert({ a: 'something' }, function () { d.findOne({}, function (err, doc) { doc.a.should.equal('something'); doc.a = 'another thing'; doc.a.should.equal('another thing'); // Re-fetching with findOne should yield the persisted value d.findOne({}, function (err, doc) { doc.a.should.equal('something'); doc.a = 'another thing'; doc.a.should.equal('another thing'); // Re-fetching with find should yield the persisted value d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs[0].a.should.equal('something'); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('Cannot insert a doc that has a field beginning with a $ sign', function (done) { d.insert({ $something: 'atest' }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err); done(); }); }); it('If an _id is already given when we insert a document, use it and not the default uid', function (done) { d.insert({ _id: 'test', stuff: true }, function (err, newDoc) { if (err) { return done(err); } newDoc.stuff.should.equal(true); newDoc._id.should.equal('test'); done(); }); }); }); // ==== End of 'Insert' ==== // describe('Find', function () { it('Can find all documents an empty query is used', function (done) { async.waterfall([ function (cb) { d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'another', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err) { return cb(err); }); }); }); } , function (cb) { // Test with empty object d.find({}, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err); docs.length.should.equal(3); _.pluck(docs, 'somedata').should.contain('ok'); _.pluck(docs, 'somedata').should.contain('another'); _.find(docs, function (d) { return d.somedata === 'another' }).plus.should.equal('additional data'); _.pluck(docs, 'somedata').should.contain('again'); return cb(); }); } ], done); }); it('Can find all documents matching a basic query', function (done) { async.waterfall([ function (cb) { d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err) { return cb(err); }); }); }); } , function (cb) { // Test with query that will return docs d.find({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err); docs.length.should.equal(2); _.pluck(docs, 'somedata').should.not.contain('ok'); return cb(); }); } , function (cb) { // Test with query that doesn't match anything d.find({ somedata: 'nope' }, function (err, docs) { assert.isNull(err); docs.length.should.equal(0); return cb(); }); } ], done); }); it('Can find one document matching a basic query and return null if none is found', function (done) { async.waterfall([ function (cb) { d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err) { return cb(err); }); }); }); } , function (cb) { // Test with query that will return docs d.findOne({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err); Object.keys(doc).length.should.equal(2); doc.somedata.should.equal('ok'); assert.isDefined(doc._id); return cb(); }); } , function (cb) { // Test with query that doesn't match anything d.findOne({ somedata: 'nope' }, function (err, doc) { assert.isNull(err); assert.isNull(doc); return cb(); }); } ], done); }); }); // ==== End of 'Find' ==== // describe('Update', function () { it("If the query doesn't match anything, database is not modified", function (done) { async.waterfall([ function (cb) { d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err) { d.insert({ somedata: 'another' }, function (err) { return cb(err); }); }); }); } , function (cb) { // Test with query that doesn't match anything d.update({ somedata: 'nope' }, { newDoc: 'yes' }, { multi: true }, function (err, n) { assert.isNull(err); n.should.equal(0); d.find({}, function (err, docs) { var doc1 = _.find(docs, function (d) { return d.somedata === 'ok'; }) , doc2 = _.find(docs, function (d) { return d.somedata === 'again'; }) , doc3 = _.find(docs, function (d) { return d.somedata === 'another'; }) ; docs.length.should.equal(3); assert.isUndefined(_.find(docs, function (d) { return d.newDoc === 'yes'; })); Object.keys(doc1).length.should.equal(2); doc1.somedata.should.equal('ok'); assert.isDefined(doc1._id); Object.keys(doc2).length.should.equal(3); doc2.somedata.should.equal('again');'additional data'); assert.isDefined(doc2._id); Object.keys(doc3).length.should.equal(2); doc3.somedata.should.equal('another'); assert.isDefined(doc3._id); return cb(); }); }); } ], done); }); it("Can update multiple documents matching the query", function (done) { var id1, id2, id3; // Test DB state after update and reload function testPostUpdateState (cb) { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { var doc1 = _.find(docs, function (d) { return d._id === id1; }) , doc2 = _.find(docs, function (d) { return d._id === id2; }) , doc3 = _.find(docs, function (d) { return d._id === id3; }) ; docs.length.should.equal(3); Object.keys(doc1).length.should.equal(2); doc1.somedata.should.equal('ok'); doc1._id.should.equal(id1); Object.keys(doc2).length.should.equal(2); doc2.newDoc.should.equal('yes'); doc2._id.should.equal(id2); Object.keys(doc3).length.should.equal(2); doc3.newDoc.should.equal('yes'); doc3._id.should.equal(id3); return cb(); }); } // Actually launch the tests async.waterfall([ function (cb) { d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err, doc1) { id1 = doc1._id; d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err, doc2) { id2 = doc2._id; d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err, doc3) { id3 = doc3._id; return cb(err); }); }); }); } , function (cb) { // Test with query that doesn't match anything d.update({ somedata: 'again' }, { newDoc: 'yes' }, { multi: true }, function (err, n) { assert.isNull(err); n.should.equal(2); return cb(); }); } , async.apply(testPostUpdateState) , function (cb) { d.loadDatabase(function (err) { cb(err); }); } , async.apply(testPostUpdateState) ], done); }); it("Can update only one document matching the query", function (done) { var id1, id2, id3; // Test DB state after update and reload function testPostUpdateState (cb) { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { var doc1 = _.find(docs, function (d) { return d._id === id1; }) , doc2 = _.find(docs, function (d) { return d._id === id2; }) , doc3 = _.find(docs, function (d) { return d._id === id3; }) ; docs.length.should.equal(3); Object.keys(doc1).length.should.equal(2); doc1.somedata.should.equal('ok'); doc1._id.should.equal(id1); Object.keys(doc2).length.should.equal(2); doc2.newDoc.should.equal('yes'); doc2._id.should.equal(id2); // Third object was not updated Object.keys(doc3).length.should.equal(2); doc3.somedata.should.equal('again'); doc3._id.should.equal(id3); return cb(); }); } // Actually launch the test async.waterfall([ function (cb) { d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err, doc1) { id1 = doc1._id; d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err, doc2) { id2 = doc2._id; d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err, doc3) { id3 = doc3._id; return cb(err); }); }); }); } , function (cb) { // Test with query that doesn't match anything d.update({ somedata: 'again' }, { newDoc: 'yes' }, { multi: false }, function (err, n) { assert.isNull(err); n.should.equal(1); return cb(); }); } , async.apply(testPostUpdateState) , function (cb) { d.loadDatabase(function (err) { return cb(err); }); } , async.apply(testPostUpdateState) // The persisted state has been updated ], done); }); it('Can perform upserts if needed', function (done) { d.update({ impossible: 'db is empty anyway' }, { newDoc: true }, {}, function (err, nr, upsert) { assert.isNull(err); nr.should.equal(0); assert.isUndefined(upsert); d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(0); // Default option for upsert is false d.update({ impossible: 'db is empty anyway' }, { newDoc: true }, { upsert: true }, function (err, nr, upsert) { assert.isNull(err); nr.should.equal(1); upsert.should.equal(true); d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1); // Default option for upsert is false docs[0].newDoc.should.equal(true); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('Cannot perform update if the update query is not either registered-modifiers-only or copy-only, or contain badly formatted fields', function (done) { d.insert({ something: 'yup' }, function () { d.update({}, { boom: { $badfield: 5 } }, { multi: false }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err); d.update({}, { boom: { "bad.field": 5 } }, { multi: false }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err); d.update({}, { $inc: { test: 5 }, mixed: 'rrr' }, { multi: false }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err); d.update({}, { $inexistent: { test: 5 } }, { multi: false }, function (err) { assert.isDefined(err); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('Can update documents using multiple modifiers', function (done) { var id; d.insert({ something: 'yup', other: 40 }, function (err, newDoc) { id = newDoc._id; d.update({}, { $set: { something: 'changed' }, $inc: { other: 10 } }, { multi: false }, function (err, nr) { assert.isNull(err); nr.should.equal(1); d.findOne({ _id: id }, function (err, doc) { Object.keys(doc).length.should.equal(3); doc._id.should.equal(id); doc.something.should.equal('changed'); doc.other.should.equal(50); done(); }); }); }); }); }); // ==== End of 'Update' ==== // describe('Remove', function () { it('Can remove multiple documents', function (done) { var id1, id2, id3; // Test DB status function testPostUpdateState (cb) { d.find({}, function (err, docs) { docs.length.should.equal(1); Object.keys(docs[0]).length.should.equal(2); docs[0]._id.should.equal(id1); docs[0].somedata.should.equal('ok'); return cb(); }); } // Actually launch the test async.waterfall([ function (cb) { d.insert({ somedata: 'ok' }, function (err, doc1) { id1 = doc1._id; d.insert({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' }, function (err, doc2) { id2 = doc2._id; d.insert({ somedata: 'again' }, function (err, doc3) { id3 = doc3._id; return cb(err); }); }); }); } , function (cb) { // Test with query that doesn't match anything d.remove({ somedata: 'again' }, { multi: true }, function (err, n) { assert.isNull(err); n.should.equal(2); return cb(); }); } , async.apply(testPostUpdateState) , function (cb) { d.loadDatabase(function (err) { return cb(err); }); } , async.apply(testPostUpdateState) ], done); }); }); // ==== End of 'Remove' ==== // });