The JavaScript Database, for Node.js, nw.js, electron and the browser
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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const { EventEmitter } = require('events')
const { callbackify, deprecate } = require('util')
const Cursor = require('./cursor.js')
const customUtils = require('./customUtils.js')
const Executor = require('./executor.js')
const Index = require('./indexes.js')
const model = require('./model.js')
const Persistence = require('./persistence.js')
const { isDate } = require('./utils.js')
* Compaction event. Happens when the Datastore's Persistence has been compacted.
* It happens when calling `datastore.persistence.compactDatafile`, which is called periodically if you have called
* `datastore.persistence.setAutocompactionInterval`.
* @event Datastore#event:"compaction.done"
* @type {undefined}
* String comparison function.
* ```
* if (a < b) return -1
* if (a > b) return 1
* return 0
* ```
* @callback compareStrings
* @param {string} a
* @param {string} b
* @return {number}
* Generic document in NeDB.
* It consists of an Object with anything you want inside.
* @typedef document
* @property {?string} _id Internal `_id` of the document, which can be `null` at some points (when not inserted yet
* for example).
* @type {object.<string, *>}
* Nedb query.
* Each key of a query references a field name, which can use the dot-notation to reference subfields inside nested
* documents, arrays, arrays of subdocuments and to match a specific element of an array.
* Each value of a query can be one of the following:
* - `string`: matches all documents which have this string as value for the referenced field name
* - `number`: matches all documents which have this number as value for the referenced field name
* - `Regexp`: matches all documents which have a value that matches the given `Regexp` for the referenced field name
* - `object`: matches all documents which have this object as deep-value for the referenced field name
* - Comparison operators: the syntax is `{ field: { $op: value } }` where `$op` is any comparison operator:
* - `$lt`, `$lte`: less than, less than or equal
* - `$gt`, `$gte`: greater than, greater than or equal
* - `$in`: member of. `value` must be an array of values
* - `$ne`, `$nin`: not equal, not a member of
* - `$stat`: checks whether the document posses the property `field`. `value` should be true or false
* - `$regex`: checks whether a string is matched by the regular expression. Contrary to MongoDB, the use of
* `$options` with `$regex` is not supported, because it doesn't give you more power than regex flags. Basic
* queries are more readable so only use the `$regex` operator when you need to use another operator with it
* - `$size`: if the referenced filed is an Array, matches on the size of the array
* - `$elemMatch`: matches if at least one array element matches the sub-query entirely
* - Logical operators: You can combine queries using logical operators:
* - For `$or` and `$and`, the syntax is `{ $op: [query1, query2, ...] }`.
* - For `$not`, the syntax is `{ $not: query }`
* - For `$where`, the syntax is:
* ```
* { $where: function () {
* // object is 'this'
* // return a boolean
* } }
* ```
* @typedef query
* @type {object.<string, *>}
* Nedb projection.
* You can give `find` and `findOne` an optional second argument, `projections`.
* The syntax is the same as MongoDB: `{ a: 1, b: 1 }` to return only the `a`
* and `b` fields, `{ a: 0, b: 0 }` to omit these two fields. You cannot use both
* modes at the time, except for `_id` which is by default always returned and
* which you can choose to omit. You can project on nested documents.
* To reference subfields, you can use the dot-notation.
* @typedef projection
* @type {object.<string, 0|1>}
* The `beforeDeserialization`and `afterDeserialization` callbacks should
* @callback serializationHook
* @param {string} x
* @return {string}
* The `Datastore` class is the main class of NeDB.
* @extends EventEmitter
class Datastore extends EventEmitter {
* Create a new collection, either persistent or in-memory.
* If you use a persistent datastore without the `autoload` option, you need to call `loadDatabase` manually. This
* function fetches the data from datafile and prepares the database. **Don't forget it!** If you use a persistent
* datastore, no command (insert, find, update, remove) will be executed before `loadDatabase` is called, so make sure
* to call it yourself or use the `autoload` option.
* @param {object|string} options Can be an object or a string. If options is a string, the behavior is the same as in
* v0.6: it will be interpreted as `options.filename`. **Giving a string is deprecated, and will be removed in the
* next major version.**
* @param {string} [options.filename = null] Path to the file where the data is persisted. If left blank, the datastore is
* automatically considered in-memory only. It cannot end with a `~` which is used in the temporary files NeDB uses to
* perform crash-safe writes.
* @param {boolean} [options.inMemoryOnly = false] If set to true, no data will be written in storage.
* @param {boolean} [options.timestampData = false] If set to true, createdAt and updatedAt will be created and
* populated automatically (if not specified by user)
* @param {boolean} [options.autoload = false] If used, the database will automatically be loaded from the datafile
* upon creation (you don't need to call `loadDatabase`). Any command issued before load is finished is buffered and
* will be executed when load is done. When autoloading is done, you can either use the `onload` callback, or you can
* use `this.autoloadPromise` which resolves (or rejects) when autloading is done.
* @param {function} [options.onload] If you use autoloading, this is the handler called after the `loadDatabase`. It
* takes one `error` argument. If you use autoloading without specifying this handler, and an error happens during
* load, an error will be thrown.
* @param {function} [options.beforeDeserialization] Hook you can use to transform data after it was serialized and
* before it is written to disk. Can be used for example to encrypt data before writing database to disk. This
* function takes a string as parameter (one line of an NeDB data file) and outputs the transformed string, **which
* must absolutely not contain a `\n` character** (or data will be lost).
* @param {function} [options.afterSerialization] Inverse of `afterSerialization`. Make sure to include both and not
* just one, or you risk data loss. For the same reason, make sure both functions are inverses of one another. Some
* failsafe mechanisms are in place to prevent data loss if you misuse the serialization hooks: NeDB checks that never
* one is declared without the other, and checks that they are reverse of one another by testing on random strings of
* various lengths. In addition, if too much data is detected as corrupt, NeDB will refuse to start as it could mean
* you're not using the deserialization hook corresponding to the serialization hook used before.
* @param {number} [options.corruptAlertThreshold = 0.1] Between 0 and 1, defaults to 10%. NeDB will refuse to start
* if more than this percentage of the datafile is corrupt. 0 means you don't tolerate any corruption, 1 means you
* don't care.
* @param {compareStrings} [options.compareStrings] If specified, it overrides default string comparison which is not
* well adapted to non-US characters in particular accented letters. Native `localCompare` will most of the time be
* the right choice.
* @param {string} [options.nodeWebkitAppName] **Deprecated:** if you are using NeDB from whithin a Node Webkit app,
* specify its name (the same one you use in the `package.json`) in this field and the `filename` will be relative to
* the directory Node Webkit uses to store the rest of the application's data (local storage etc.). It works on Linux,
* OS X and Windows. Now that you can use `require('nw.gui').App.dataPath` in Node Webkit to get the path to the data
* directory for your application, you should not use this option anymore and it will be removed.
* @fires Datastore#event:"compaction.done"
constructor (options) {
let filename
// Retrocompatibility with v0.6 and before
if (typeof options === 'string') {
deprecate(() => {
filename = options
this.inMemoryOnly = false // Default
}, 'Giving a string to the Datastore constructor is deprecated and will be removed in the next version. Please use an options object with an argument \'filename\'.')()
} else {
options = options || {}
filename = options.filename
* Determines if the `Datastore` keeps data in-memory, or if it saves it in storage. Is not read after
* instanciation.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.inMemoryOnly = options.inMemoryOnly || false
* Determines if the `Datastore` should autoload the database upon instantiation. Is not read after instanciation.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.autoload = options.autoload || false
* Determines if the `Datastore` should add `createdAt` and `updatedAt` fields automatically if not set by the user.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.timestampData = options.timestampData || false
// Determine whether in memory or persistent
if (!filename || typeof filename !== 'string' || filename.length === 0) {
* If null, it means `inMemoryOnly` is `true`. The `filename` is the name given to the storage module. Is not read
* after instanciation.
* @type {?string}
* @private
this.filename = null
this.inMemoryOnly = true
} else {
this.filename = filename
// String comparison function
* Overrides default string comparison which is not well adapted to non-US characters in particular accented
* letters. Native `localCompare` will most of the time be the right choice
* @type {compareStrings}
* @private
this.compareStrings = options.compareStrings
// Persistence handling
* The `Persistence` instance for this `Datastore`.
* @type {Persistence}
this.persistence = new Persistence({
db: this,
nodeWebkitAppName: options.nodeWebkitAppName,
afterSerialization: options.afterSerialization,
beforeDeserialization: options.beforeDeserialization,
corruptAlertThreshold: options.corruptAlertThreshold
// This new executor is ready if we don't use persistence
// If we do, it will only be ready once loadDatabase is called
* The `Executor` instance for this `Datastore`. It is used in all methods exposed by the `Datastore`, any `Cursor`
* produced by the `Datastore` and by `this.persistence.compactDataFile` & `this.persistence.compactDataFileAsync`
* to ensure operations are performed sequentially in the database.
* @type {Executor}
this.executor = new Executor()
if (this.inMemoryOnly) this.executor.ready = true
* Indexed by field name, dot notation can be used.
* _id is always indexed and since _ids are generated randomly the underlying binary search tree is always well-balanced
* @type {Object.<string, Index>}
* @private
this.indexes = {}
this.indexes._id = new Index({ fieldName: '_id', unique: true })
* Stores the time to live (TTL) of the indexes created. The key represents the field name, the value the number of
* seconds after which data with this index field should be removed.
* @type {Object.<string, number>}
* @private
this.ttlIndexes = {}
// Queue a load of the database right away and call the onload handler
// By default (no onload handler), if there is an error there, no operation will be possible so warn the user by throwing an exception
if (this.autoload) {
* A Promise that resolves when the autoload has finished.
* The onload callback is not awaited by this Promise, it is started immediately after that.
* @type {Promise}
this.autoloadPromise = this.loadDatabaseAsync()
.then(() => {
if (options.onload) options.onload()
}, err => {
if (options.onload) options.onload(err)
else throw err
* Load the database from the datafile, and trigger the execution of buffered commands if any.
* @param {function} callback
loadDatabase (callback) {
this.executor.push({ this: this.persistence, fn: this.persistence.loadDatabase, arguments: [callback] }, true)
* Load the database from the datafile, and trigger the execution of buffered commands if any.
* @async
* @return {Promise}
loadDatabaseAsync () {
return this.executor.pushAsync(() => this.persistence.loadDatabaseAsync(), true)
* Get an array of all the data in the database
* @return {document[]}
getAllData () {
return this.indexes._id.getAll()
* Reset all currently defined indexes
resetIndexes (newData) {
for (const index of Object.values(this.indexes)) {
* @callback Datastore~ensureIndexCallback
* @param {?Error} err
* Ensure an index is kept for this field. Same parameters as lib/indexes
* This function acts synchronously on the indexes, however the persistence of the indexes is deferred with the
* executor.
* Previous versions said explicitly the callback was optional, it is now recommended setting one.
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} options.fieldName Name of the field to index. Use the dot notation to index a field in a nested document.
* @param {boolean} [options.unique = false] Enforce field uniqueness. Note that a unique index will raise an error if you try to index two documents for which the field is not defined.
* @param {boolean} [options.sparse = false] don't index documents for which the field is not defined. Use this option along with "unique" if you want to accept multiple documents for which it is not defined.
* @param {number} [options.expireAfterSeconds] - if set, the created index is a TTL (time to live) index, that will automatically remove documents when the system date becomes larger than the date on the indexed field plus `expireAfterSeconds`. Documents where the indexed field is not specified or not a `Date` object are ignored
* @param {Datastore~ensureIndexCallback} callback Callback, signature: err
// TODO: contrary to what is said in the JSDoc, this function should probably be called through the executor, it persists a new state
ensureIndex (options = {}, callback = () => {}) {
callbackify(this.ensureIndexAsync.bind(this))(options, callback)
* Ensure an index is kept for this field. Same parameters as lib/indexes
* This function acts synchronously on the indexes, however the persistence of the indexes is deferred with the
* executor.
* Previous versions said explicitly the callback was optional, it is now recommended setting one.
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} options.fieldName Name of the field to index. Use the dot notation to index a field in a nested document.
* @param {boolean} [options.unique = false] Enforce field uniqueness. Note that a unique index will raise an error if you try to index two documents for which the field is not defined.
* @param {boolean} [options.sparse = false] Don't index documents for which the field is not defined. Use this option along with "unique" if you want to accept multiple documents for which it is not defined.
* @param {number} [options.expireAfterSeconds] - If set, the created index is a TTL (time to live) index, that will automatically remove documents when the system date becomes larger than the date on the indexed field plus `expireAfterSeconds`. Documents where the indexed field is not specified or not a `Date` object are ignored
* @return {Promise<void>}
// TODO: contrary to what is said in the JSDoc, this function should probably be called through the executor, it persists a new state
async ensureIndexAsync (options = {}) {
if (!options.fieldName) {
const err = new Error('Cannot create an index without a fieldName')
err.missingFieldName = true
throw err
if (this.indexes[options.fieldName]) return
this.indexes[options.fieldName] = new Index(options)
if (options.expireAfterSeconds !== undefined) this.ttlIndexes[options.fieldName] = options.expireAfterSeconds // With this implementation index creation is not necessary to ensure TTL but we stick with MongoDB's API here
try {
} catch (e) {
delete this.indexes[options.fieldName]
throw e
// We may want to force all options to be persisted including defaults, not just the ones passed the index creation function
await this.persistence.persistNewStateAsync([{ $$indexCreated: options }])
* @callback Datastore~removeIndexCallback
* @param {?Error} err
* Remove an index
* Previous versions said explicitly the callback was optional, it is now recommended setting one.
* @param {string} fieldName Field name of the index to remove. Use the dot notation to remove an index referring to a
* field in a nested document.
* @param {Datastore~removeIndexCallback} callback Optional callback, signature: err
// TODO: contrary to what is said in the JSDoc, this function should probably be called through the executor, it persists a new state
removeIndex (fieldName, callback = () => {}) {
callbackify(this.removeIndexAsync.bind(this))(fieldName, callback)
* Remove an index
* Previous versions said explicitly the callback was optional, it is now recommended setting one.
* @param {string} fieldName Field name of the index to remove. Use the dot notation to remove an index referring to a
* field in a nested document.
* @return {Promise<void>}
// TODO: contrary to what is said in the JSDoc, this function should probably be called through the executor, it persists a new state
async removeIndexAsync (fieldName) {
delete this.indexes[fieldName]
await this.persistence.persistNewStateAsync([{ $$indexRemoved: fieldName }])
* Add one or several document(s) to all indexes
* @param {document} doc
* @private
addToIndexes (doc) {
let failingIndex
let error
const keys = Object.keys(this.indexes)
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
try {
} catch (e) {
failingIndex = i
error = e
// If an error happened, we need to rollback the insert on all other indexes
if (error) {
for (let i = 0; i < failingIndex; i += 1) {
throw error
* Remove one or several document(s) from all indexes
* @param {document} doc
removeFromIndexes (doc) {
for (const index of Object.values(this.indexes)) {
* Update one or several documents in all indexes
* To update multiple documents, oldDoc must be an array of { oldDoc, newDoc } pairs
* If one update violates a constraint, all changes are rolled back
* @param {document|Array.<{oldDoc: document, newDoc: document}>} oldDoc Document to update, or an `Array` of
* `{oldDoc, newDoc}` pairs.
* @param {document} [newDoc] Document to replace the oldDoc with. If the first argument is an `Array` of
* `{oldDoc, newDoc}` pairs, this second argument is ignored.
updateIndexes (oldDoc, newDoc) {
let failingIndex
let error
const keys = Object.keys(this.indexes)
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
try {
this.indexes[keys[i]].update(oldDoc, newDoc)
} catch (e) {
failingIndex = i
error = e
// If an error happened, we need to rollback the update on all other indexes
if (error) {
for (let i = 0; i < failingIndex; i += 1) {
this.indexes[keys[i]].revertUpdate(oldDoc, newDoc)
throw error
* Get all candidate documents matching the query, regardless of their expiry status.
* @param {query} query
* @return {document[]}
* @private
_getCandidates (query) {
const indexNames = Object.keys(this.indexes)
// STEP 1: get candidates list by checking indexes from most to least frequent usecase
// For a basic match
let usableQuery
usableQuery = Object.entries(query)
.filter(([k, v]) =>
!!(typeof v === 'string' || typeof v === 'number' || typeof v === 'boolean' || isDate(v) || v === null) &&
if (usableQuery) return this.indexes[usableQuery[0]].getMatching(usableQuery[1])
// For a $in match
usableQuery = Object.entries(query)
.filter(([k, v]) =>
!!(query[k] &&[k], '$in')) &&
if (usableQuery) return this.indexes[usableQuery[0]].getMatching(usableQuery[1].$in)
// For a comparison match
usableQuery = Object.entries(query)
.filter(([k, v]) =>
!!(query[k] && ([k], '$lt') ||[k], '$lte') ||[k], '$gt') ||[k], '$gte'))) &&
if (usableQuery) return this.indexes[usableQuery[0]].getBetweenBounds(usableQuery[1])
// By default, return all the DB data
return this.getAllData()
* @callback Datastore~getCandidatesCallback
* @param {?Error} err
* @param {?document[]} candidates
* Return the list of candidates for a given query
* Crude implementation for now, we return the candidates given by the first usable index if any
* We try the following query types, in this order: basic match, $in match, comparison match
* One way to make it better would be to enable the use of multiple indexes if the first usable index
* returns too much data. I may do it in the future.
* Returned candidates will be scanned to find and remove all expired documents
* @param {query} query
* @param {boolean|function} [dontExpireStaleDocs = false] If true don't remove stale docs. Useful for the remove
* function which shouldn't be impacted by expirations. If argument is not given, it is used as the callback.
* @param {Datastore~getCandidatesCallback} callback Signature err, candidates
* @private
getCandidates (query, dontExpireStaleDocs, callback) {
if (typeof dontExpireStaleDocs === 'function') {
callback = dontExpireStaleDocs
dontExpireStaleDocs = false
callbackify(this.getCandidatesAsync.bind(this))(query, dontExpireStaleDocs, callback)
* Return the list of candidates for a given query
* Crude implementation for now, we return the candidates given by the first usable index if any
* We try the following query types, in this order: basic match, $in match, comparison match
* One way to make it better would be to enable the use of multiple indexes if the first usable index
* returns too much data. I may do it in the future.
* Returned candidates will be scanned to find and remove all expired documents
* @param {query} query
* @param {boolean} [dontExpireStaleDocs = false] If true don't remove stale docs. Useful for the remove function
* which shouldn't be impacted by expirations.
* @return {Promise<document[]>} candidates
* @private
async getCandidatesAsync (query, dontExpireStaleDocs = false) {
const validDocs = []
// STEP 1: get candidates list by checking indexes from most to least frequent usecase
const docs = this._getCandidates(query)
// STEP 2: remove all expired documents
if (!dontExpireStaleDocs) {
const expiredDocsIds = []
const ttlIndexesFieldNames = Object.keys(this.ttlIndexes)
docs.forEach(doc => {
if (ttlIndexesFieldNames.every(i => !(doc[i] !== undefined && isDate(doc[i]) && > doc[i].getTime() + this.ttlIndexes[i] * 1000))) validDocs.push(doc)
else expiredDocsIds.push(doc._id)
for (const _id of expiredDocsIds) {
await this._removeAsync({ _id: _id }, {})
} else validDocs.push(
return validDocs
* @callback Datastore~insertCallback
* @param {?Error} err
* @param {?document} insertedDoc
* Insert a new document
* Private Use Datastore.insert which has the same signature
* @param {?document} newDoc
* @param {Datastore~insertCallback} callback Optional callback, signature: err, insertedDoc
* @private
_insert (newDoc, callback = () => {}) {
return callbackify(this._insertAsync.bind(this))(newDoc, callback)
* Insert a new document
* Private Use Datastore.insertAsync which has the same signature
* @param {document} newDoc
* @return {Promise<document>}
* @private
async _insertAsync (newDoc) {
const preparedDoc = this._prepareDocumentForInsertion(newDoc)
await this.persistence.persistNewStateAsync(Array.isArray(preparedDoc) ? preparedDoc : [preparedDoc])
return model.deepCopy(preparedDoc)
* Create a new _id that's not already in use
* @return {string} id
* @private
_createNewId () {
let attemptId = customUtils.uid(16)
// Try as many times as needed to get an unused _id. As explained in customUtils, the probability of this ever happening is extremely small, so this is O(1)
if (this.indexes._id.getMatching(attemptId).length > 0) attemptId = this._createNewId()
return attemptId
* Prepare a document (or array of documents) to be inserted in a database
* Meaning adds _id and timestamps if necessary on a copy of newDoc to avoid any side effect on user input
* @param {document|document[]} newDoc document, or Array of documents, to prepare
* @return {document|document[]} prepared document, or Array of prepared documents
* @private
_prepareDocumentForInsertion (newDoc) {
let preparedDoc
if (Array.isArray(newDoc)) {
preparedDoc = []
newDoc.forEach(doc => { preparedDoc.push(this._prepareDocumentForInsertion(doc)) })
} else {
preparedDoc = model.deepCopy(newDoc)
if (preparedDoc._id === undefined) preparedDoc._id = this._createNewId()
const now = new Date()
if (this.timestampData && preparedDoc.createdAt === undefined) preparedDoc.createdAt = now
if (this.timestampData && preparedDoc.updatedAt === undefined) preparedDoc.updatedAt = now
return preparedDoc
* If newDoc is an array of documents, this will insert all documents in the cache
* @param {document|document[]} preparedDoc
* @private
_insertInCache (preparedDoc) {
if (Array.isArray(preparedDoc)) this._insertMultipleDocsInCache(preparedDoc)
else this.addToIndexes(preparedDoc)
* If one insertion fails (e.g. because of a unique constraint), roll back all previous
* inserts and throws the error
* @param {document[]} preparedDocs
* @private
_insertMultipleDocsInCache (preparedDocs) {
let failingIndex
let error
for (let i = 0; i < preparedDocs.length; i += 1) {
try {
} catch (e) {
error = e
failingIndex = i
if (error) {
for (let i = 0; i < failingIndex; i += 1) {
throw error
* Insert a new document
* Private Use Datastore.insert which has the same signature
* @param {document} newDoc
* @param {Datastore~insertCallback} callback Optional callback, signature: err, insertedDoc
* @private
insert (...args) {
this.executor.push({ this: this, fn: this._insert, arguments: args })
* Insert a new document
* Private Use Datastore.insertAsync which has the same signature
* @param {document} newDoc
* @return {Promise<document>}
* @async
insertAsync (...args) {
return this.executor.pushAsync(() => this._insertAsync(...args))
* @callback Datastore~countCallback
* @param {?Error} err
* @param {?number} count
* Count all documents matching the query
* @param {query} query MongoDB-style query
* @param {Datastore~countCallback} [callback] If given, the function will return undefined, otherwise it will return the Cursor.
* @return {Cursor<number>|undefined}
count (query, callback) {
const cursor = this.countAsync(query)
if (typeof callback === 'function') callbackify(cursor.execAsync.bind(cursor))(callback)
else return cursor
* Count all documents matching the query
* @param {query} query MongoDB-style query
* @return {Cursor<number>} count
* @async
countAsync (query) {
return new Cursor(this, query, async docs => docs.length, true) // this is a trick, Cursor itself is a thenable, which allows to await it
* @callback Datastore~findCallback
* @param {?Error} err
* @param {document[]} docs
* Find all documents matching the query
* If no callback is passed, we return the cursor so that user can limit, skip and finally exec
* @param {query} query MongoDB-style query
* @param {projection|Datastore~findCallback} [projection = {}] MongoDB-style projection. If not given, will be
* interpreted as the callback.
* @param {Datastore~findCallback} [callback] Optional callback, signature: err, docs
* @return {Cursor<document[]>|undefined}
find (query, projection, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
projection = {}
// callback is undefined, will return a cursor
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
if (typeof projection === 'function') {
callback = projection
projection = {}
} // If not assume projection is an object and callback undefined
const cursor = this.findAsync(query, projection)
if (typeof callback === 'function') callbackify(cursor.execAsync.bind(cursor))(callback)
else return cursor
* Find all documents matching the query
* If no callback is passed, we return the cursor so that user can limit, skip and finally exec
* @param {query} query MongoDB-style query
* @param {projection} [projection = {}] MongoDB-style projection
* @return {Cursor<document[]>}
* @async
findAsync (query, projection = {}) {
const cursor = new Cursor(this, query, docs => => model.deepCopy(doc)), true)
return cursor
* @callback Datastore~findOneCallback
* @param {?Error} err
* @param {document} doc
* Find one document matching the query
* @param {query} query MongoDB-style query
* @param {projection} projection MongoDB-style projection
* @param {Datastore~findOneCallback} callback Optional callback, signature: err, doc
* @return {Cursor<document>|undefined}
findOne (query, projection, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
projection = {}
// callback is undefined, will return a cursor
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
if (typeof projection === 'function') {
callback = projection
projection = {}
} // If not assume projection is an object and callback undefined
const cursor = this.findOneAsync(query, projection)
if (typeof callback === 'function') callbackify(cursor.execAsync.bind(cursor))(callback)
else return cursor
* Find one document matching the query
* @param {query} query MongoDB-style query
* @param {projection} projection MongoDB-style projection
* @return {Cursor<document>}
findOneAsync (query, projection = {}) {
const cursor = new Cursor(this, query, docs => docs.length === 1 ? model.deepCopy(docs[0]) : null, true)
return cursor
* If update was an upsert, `upsert` flag is set to true, `affectedDocuments` can be one of the following:
* - For an upsert, the upserted document
* - For an update with returnUpdatedDocs option false, null
* - For an update with returnUpdatedDocs true and multi false, the updated document
* - For an update with returnUpdatedDocs true and multi true, the array of updated documents
* **WARNING:** The API was changed between v1.7.4 and v1.8, for consistency and readability reasons. Prior and
* including to v1.7.4, the callback signature was (err, numAffected, updated) where updated was the updated document
* in case of an upsert or the array of updated documents for an update if the returnUpdatedDocs option was true. That
* meant that the type of affectedDocuments in a non multi update depended on whether there was an upsert or not,
* leaving only two ways for the user to check whether an upsert had occured: checking the type of affectedDocuments
* or running another find query on the whole dataset to check its size. Both options being ugly, the breaking change
* was necessary.
* @callback Datastore~updateCallback
* @param {?Error} err
* @param {?number} numAffected
* @param {?document[]|?document} affectedDocuments
* @param {?boolean} upsert
* Update all docs matching query.
* Use Datastore.update which has the same signature
* @param {query} query is the same kind of finding query you use with `find` and `findOne`
* @param {document|update} update specifies how the documents should be modified. It is either a new document or a
* set of modifiers (you cannot use both together, it doesn't make sense!):
* - A new document will replace the matched docs
* - The modifiers create the fields they need to modify if they don't exist, and you can apply them to subdocs.
* Available field modifiers are `$set` to change a field's value, `$unset` to delete a field, `$inc` to increment a
* field's value and `$min`/`$max` to change field's value, only if provided value is less/greater than current
* value. To work on arrays, you have `$push`, `$pop`, `$addToSet`, `$pull`, and the special `$each` and `$slice`.
* @param {object|Datastore~updateCallback} [options] Optional options. If not given, is interpreted as the callback.
* @param {boolean} [options.multi = false] If true, can update multiple documents
* @param {boolean} [options.upsert = false] If true, can insert a new document corresponding to the `update` rules if
* your `query` doesn't match anything. If your `update` is a simple object with no modifiers, it is the inserted
* document. In the other case, the `query` is stripped from all operator recursively, and the `update` is applied to
* it.
* @param {boolean} [options.returnUpdatedDocs = false] (not Mongo-DB compatible) If true and update is not an upsert,
* will return the array of documents matched by the find query and updated. Updated documents will be returned even
* if the update did not actually modify them.
* @param {Datastore~updateCallback} [cb] Optional callback
* @private
_update (query, update, options, cb) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
cb = options
options = {}
const callback = cb || (() => {})
const _callback = (err, res = {}) => {
callback(err, res.numAffected, res.affectedDocuments, res.upsert)
callbackify(this._updateAsync.bind(this))(query, update, options, _callback)
* Update all docs matching query.
* Use Datastore.updateAsync which has the same signature
* @param {query} query is the same kind of finding query you use with `find` and `findOne`
* @param {document|update} update specifies how the documents should be modified. It is either a new document or a
* set of modifiers (you cannot use both together, it doesn't make sense!):
* - A new document will replace the matched docs
* - The modifiers create the fields they need to modify if they don't exist, and you can apply them to subdocs.
* Available field modifiers are `$set` to change a field's value, `$unset` to delete a field, `$inc` to increment a
* field's value and `$min`/`$max` to change field's value, only if provided value is less/greater than current
* value. To work on arrays, you have `$push`, `$pop`, `$addToSet`, `$pull`, and the special `$each` and `$slice`.
* @param {Object} [options] Optional options
* @param {boolean} [options.multi = false] If true, can update multiple documents
* @param {boolean} [options.upsert = false] If true, can insert a new document corresponding to the `update` rules if
* your `query` doesn't match anything. If your `update` is a simple object with no modifiers, it is the inserted
* document. In the other case, the `query` is stripped from all operator recursively, and the `update` is applied to
* it.
* @param {boolean} [options.returnUpdatedDocs = false] (not Mongo-DB compatible) If true and update is not an upsert,
* will return the array of documents matched by the find query and updated. Updated documents will be returned even
* if the update did not actually modify them.
* @return {Promise<{numAffected: number, affectedDocuments: document[]|document, upsert: boolean}>}
* @private
async _updateAsync (query, update, options = {}) {
const multi = options.multi !== undefined ? options.multi : false
const upsert = options.upsert !== undefined ? options.upsert : false
// If upsert option is set, check whether we need to insert the doc
if (upsert) {
const cursor = new Cursor(this, query, x => x, true)
// Need to use an internal function not tied to the executor to avoid deadlock
const docs = await cursor.limit(1)._execAsync()
if (docs.length !== 1) {
let toBeInserted
try {
// updateQuery is a simple object with no modifier, use it as the document to insert
toBeInserted = update
} catch (e) {
// updateQuery contains modifiers, use the find query as the base,
// strip it from all operators and update it according to updateQuery
toBeInserted = model.modify(model.deepCopy(query, true), update)
const newDoc = await this._insertAsync(toBeInserted)
return { numAffected: 1, affectedDocuments: newDoc, upsert: true }
// Perform the update
let numReplaced = 0
let modifiedDoc
const modifications = []
let createdAt
const candidates = await this.getCandidatesAsync(query)
// Preparing update (if an error is thrown here neither the datafile nor
// the in-memory indexes are affected)
for (const candidate of candidates) {
if (model.match(candidate, query) && (multi || numReplaced === 0)) {
numReplaced += 1
if (this.timestampData) { createdAt = candidate.createdAt }
modifiedDoc = model.modify(candidate, update)
if (this.timestampData) {
modifiedDoc.createdAt = createdAt
modifiedDoc.updatedAt = new Date()
modifications.push({ oldDoc: candidate, newDoc: modifiedDoc })
// Change the docs in memory
// Update the datafile
const updatedDocs = => x.newDoc)
await this.persistence.persistNewStateAsync(updatedDocs)
if (!options.returnUpdatedDocs) return { numAffected: numReplaced, upsert: false, affectedDocuments: null }
else {
let updatedDocsDC = []
updatedDocs.forEach(doc => { updatedDocsDC.push(model.deepCopy(doc)) })
if (!multi) updatedDocsDC = updatedDocsDC[0]
return { numAffected: numReplaced, affectedDocuments: updatedDocsDC, upsert: false }
* Update all docs matching query.
* @param {query} query is the same kind of finding query you use with `find` and `findOne`
* @param {document|update} update specifies how the documents should be modified. It is either a new document or a
* set of modifiers (you cannot use both together, it doesn't make sense!):
* - A new document will replace the matched docs
* - The modifiers create the fields they need to modify if they don't exist, and you can apply them to subdocs.
* Available field modifiers are `$set` to change a field's value, `$unset` to delete a field, `$inc` to increment a
* field's value and `$min`/`$max` to change field's value, only if provided value is less/greater than current
* value. To work on arrays, you have `$push`, `$pop`, `$addToSet`, `$pull`, and the special `$each` and `$slice`.
* @param {Object} [options] Optional options
* @param {boolean} [options.multi = false] If true, can update multiple documents
* @param {boolean} [options.upsert = false] If true, can insert a new document corresponding to the `update` rules if
* your `query` doesn't match anything. If your `update` is a simple object with no modifiers, it is the inserted
* document. In the other case, the `query` is stripped from all operator recursively, and the `update` is applied to
* it.
* @param {boolean} [options.returnUpdatedDocs = false] (not Mongo-DB compatible) If true and update is not an upsert,
* will return the array of documents matched by the find query and updated. Updated documents will be returned even
* if the update did not actually modify them.
* @param {Datastore~updateCallback} [cb] Optional callback
update (...args) {
this.executor.push({ this: this, fn: this._update, arguments: args })
* Update all docs matching query.
* @param {query} query is the same kind of finding query you use with `find` and `findOne`
* @param {document|update} update specifies how the documents should be modified. It is either a new document or a
* set of modifiers (you cannot use both together, it doesn't make sense!):
* - A new document will replace the matched docs
* - The modifiers create the fields they need to modify if they don't exist, and you can apply them to subdocs.
* Available field modifiers are `$set` to change a field's value, `$unset` to delete a field, `$inc` to increment a
* field's value and `$min`/`$max` to change field's value, only if provided value is less/greater than current
* value. To work on arrays, you have `$push`, `$pop`, `$addToSet`, `$pull`, and the special `$each` and `$slice`.
* @param {Object} [options] Optional options
* @param {boolean} [options.multi = false] If true, can update multiple documents
* @param {boolean} [options.upsert = false] If true, can insert a new document corresponding to the `update` rules if
* your `query` doesn't match anything. If your `update` is a simple object with no modifiers, it is the inserted
* document. In the other case, the `query` is stripped from all operator recursively, and the `update` is applied to
* it.
* @param {boolean} [options.returnUpdatedDocs = false] (not Mongo-DB compatible) If true and update is not an upsert,
* will return the array of documents matched by the find query and updated. Updated documents will be returned even
* if the update did not actually modify them.
* @async
* @return {Promise<{numAffected: number, affectedDocuments: document[]|document, upsert: boolean}>}
updateAsync (...args) {
return this.executor.pushAsync(() => this._updateAsync(...args))
* @callback Datastore~removeCallback
* @param {?Error} err
* @param {?number} numRemoved
* Remove all docs matching the query.
* Use Datastore.remove which has the same signature
* For now very naive implementation (similar to update)
* @param {query} query
* @param {object} [options] Optional options
* @param {boolean} [options.multi = false] If true, can update multiple documents
* @param {Datastore~removeCallback} [cb]
* @private
_remove (query, options, cb) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
cb = options
options = {}
const callback = cb || (() => {})
callbackify(this._removeAsync.bind(this))(query, options, callback)
* Remove all docs matching the query.
* Use Datastore.removeAsync which has the same signature
* @param {query} query
* @param {object} [options] Optional options
* @param {boolean} [options.multi = false] If true, can update multiple documents
* @return {Promise<number>} How many documents were removed
* @private
async _removeAsync (query, options = {}) {
const multi = options.multi !== undefined ? options.multi : false
const candidates = await this.getCandidatesAsync(query, true)
const removedDocs = []
let numRemoved = 0
candidates.forEach(d => {
if (model.match(d, query) && (multi || numRemoved === 0)) {
numRemoved += 1
removedDocs.push({ $$deleted: true, _id: d._id })
await this.persistence.persistNewStateAsync(removedDocs)
return numRemoved
* Remove all docs matching the query.
* @param {query} query
* @param {object} [options] Optional options
* @param {boolean} [options.multi = false] If true, can update multiple documents
* @param {Datastore~removeCallback} [cb] Optional callback, signature: err, numRemoved
remove (...args) {
this.executor.push({ this: this, fn: this._remove, arguments: args })
* Remove all docs matching the query.
* Use Datastore.removeAsync which has the same signature
* @param {query} query
* @param {object} [options] Optional options
* @param {boolean} [options.multi = false] If true, can update multiple documents
* @return {Promise<number>} How many documents were removed
* @async
removeAsync (...args) {
return this.executor.pushAsync(() => this._removeAsync(...args))
module.exports = Datastore