mirror of https://github.com/seald/nedb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2036 lines
87 KiB
2036 lines
87 KiB
/* eslint-env mocha */
const testDb = 'workspace/test.db'
const { promises: fs } = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const assert = require('assert').strict
const model = require('../lib/model')
const Datastore = require('../lib/datastore')
const Persistence = require('../lib/persistence')
const { wait } = require('./utils.test')
const { exists } = require('./utils.test.js')
const reloadTimeUpperBound = 60 // In ms, an upper bound for the reload time used to check createdAt and updatedAt
describe('Database async', function () {
let d
beforeEach(async () => {
d = new Datastore({ filename: testDb })
assert.equal(d.filename, testDb)
assert.equal(d.inMemoryOnly, false)
await Persistence.ensureDirectoryExistsAsync(path.dirname(testDb))
if (await exists(testDb)) await fs.unlink(testDb)
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 0)
it('Constructor compatibility with v0.6-', () => {
const db1 = new Datastore('somefile')
assert.equal(db1.filename, 'somefile')
assert.equal(db1.inMemoryOnly, false)
const db2 = new Datastore('')
assert.equal(db2.filename, null)
assert.equal(db2.inMemoryOnly, true)
const db3 = new Datastore()
assert.equal(db3.filename, null)
assert.equal(db3.inMemoryOnly, true)
describe('Autoloading', () => {
it('Can autoload a database and query it right away', async () => {
const fileStr = model.serialize({
_id: '1',
a: 5,
planet: 'Earth'
}) + '\n' + model.serialize({
_id: '2',
a: 5,
planet: 'Mars'
}) + '\n'
const autoDb = 'workspace/auto.db'
await fs.writeFile(autoDb, fileStr, 'utf8')
const db = new Datastore({ filename: autoDb, autoload: true })
const docs = await db.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 2)
it('Throws if autoload fails', async () => {
const fileStr = model.serialize({
_id: '1',
a: 5,
planet: 'Earth'
}) + '\n' + model.serialize({
_id: '2',
a: 5,
planet: 'Mars'
}) + '\n' + '{"$$indexCreated":{"fieldName":"a","unique":true}}'
const autoDb = 'workspace/auto.db'
await fs.writeFile(autoDb, fileStr, 'utf8')
const db = new Datastore({ filename: autoDb, autoload: true })
await Promise.race([
// Check the loadDatabase generated an error
assert.rejects(() => db.autoloadPromise, err => {
assert.equal(err.errorType, 'uniqueViolated')
return true
db.findAsync({}).finally(() => { throw new Error('Find should not be executed since autoload failed') })
describe('Insert', () => {
it('Able to insert a document in the database, setting an _id if none provided, and retrieve it even after a reload', async () => {
const docsEmpty = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docsEmpty.length, 0)
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'ok' })
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
// The data was correctly updated
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
assert.equal(Object.keys(docs[0]).length, 2)
assert.equal(docs[0].somedata, 'ok')
assert.notEqual(docs[0]._id, undefined)
// After a reload the data has been correctly persisted
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
const docsReloaded = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docsReloaded.length, 1)
assert.equal(Object.keys(docsReloaded[0]).length, 2)
assert.equal(docsReloaded[0].somedata, 'ok')
assert.notEqual(docsReloaded[0]._id, undefined)
it('Can insert multiple documents in the database', async () => {
const docsEmpty = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docsEmpty.length, 0)
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'ok' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'another' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again' })
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 3)
const values = docs.map(x => x.somedata)
it('Can insert and get back from DB complex objects with all primitive and secondary types', async () => {
const da = new Date()
const obj = { a: ['ee', 'ff', 42], date: da, subobj: { a: 'b', b: 'c' } }
await d.insertAsync(obj)
const res = await d.findOneAsync({})
assert.deepEqual(res.a, obj.a)
assert.equal(res.date.getTime(), da.getTime())
assert.deepEqual(res.subobj, obj.subobj)
it('If an object returned from the DB is modified and refetched, the original value should be found', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ a: 'something' })
const doc = await d.findOneAsync({})
assert.equal(doc.a, 'something')
doc.a = 'another thing'
assert.equal(doc.a, 'another thing')
// Re-fetching with findOne should yield the persisted value
const doc2 = await d.findOneAsync({})
assert.equal(doc2.a, 'something')
doc2.a = 'another thing'
assert.equal(doc2.a, 'another thing')
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs[0].a, 'something')
it('Cannot insert a doc that has a field beginning with a $ sign', async () => {
await assert.rejects(() => d.insertAsync({ $something: 'atest' }))
it('If an _id is already given when we insert a document, use that instead of generating a random one', async () => {
const newDoc = await d.insertAsync({ _id: 'test', stuff: true })
assert.equal(newDoc.stuff, true)
assert.equal(newDoc._id, 'test')
await assert.rejects(() => d.insertAsync({
_id: 'test',
otherstuff: 42
}), err => {
assert.equal(err.errorType, 'uniqueViolated')
return true
it('Modifying the insertedDoc after an insert doesnt change the copy saved in the database', async () => {
const newDoc = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, hello: 'world' })
newDoc.hello = 'changed'
const doc = await d.findOneAsync({ a: 2 })
assert.equal(doc.hello, 'world')
it('Can insert an array of documents at once', async () => {
const docsToInsert = [{ a: 5, b: 'hello' }, { a: 42, b: 'world' }]
await d.insertAsync(docsToInsert)
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.find(doc => doc.a === 5).b, 'hello')
assert.equal(docs.find(doc => doc.a === 42).b, 'world')
assert.equal(docs.length, 2)
const data = (await fs.readFile(testDb, 'utf8'))
.filter(line => line.length > 0)
assert.equal(data.length, 2)
assert.equal(model.deserialize(data[0]).a, 5)
assert.equal(model.deserialize(data[0]).b, 'hello')
assert.equal(model.deserialize(data[1]).a, 42)
assert.equal(model.deserialize(data[1]).b, 'world')
it('If a bulk insert violates a constraint, all changes are rolled back', async () => {
const docsToInsert = [{ a: 5, b: 'hello' }, { a: 42, b: 'world' }, { a: 5, b: 'bloup' }, { a: 7 }]
// Important to await here to make sure filesystem synced
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a', unique: true })
await assert.rejects(() => d.insertAsync(docsToInsert), err => {
assert.equal(err.errorType, 'uniqueViolated')
return true
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
// Datafile only contains index definition
const datafileContents = model.deserialize(await fs.readFile(testDb, 'utf8'))
assert.deepEqual(datafileContents, { $$indexCreated: { fieldName: 'a', unique: true } })
assert.equal(docs.length, 0)
it('If timestampData option is set, a createdAt field is added and persisted', async () => {
const newDoc = { hello: 'world' }
const beginning = Date.now()
d = new Datastore({ filename: testDb, timestampData: true, autoload: true })
const docsEmpty = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docsEmpty.length, 0)
const insertedDoc = await d.insertAsync(newDoc)
// No side effect on given input
assert.deepEqual(newDoc, { hello: 'world' })
// Insert doc has two new fields, _id and createdAt
assert.equal(insertedDoc.hello, 'world')
assert.notEqual(insertedDoc.createdAt, undefined)
assert.notEqual(insertedDoc.updatedAt, undefined)
assert.equal(insertedDoc.createdAt, insertedDoc.updatedAt)
assert.notEqual(insertedDoc._id, undefined)
assert.equal(Object.keys(insertedDoc).length, 4)
assert.ok(Math.abs(insertedDoc.createdAt.getTime() - beginning) < reloadTimeUpperBound) // No more than 30ms should have elapsed (worst case, if there is a flush)
// Modifying results of insert doesn't change the cache
insertedDoc.bloup = 'another'
assert.equal(Object.keys(insertedDoc).length, 5)
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
// No side effect on given input
assert.deepEqual(newDoc, { hello: 'world' })
hello: 'world',
_id: insertedDoc._id,
createdAt: insertedDoc.createdAt,
updatedAt: insertedDoc.updatedAt
}, docs[0])
// All data correctly persisted on disk
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
const docsReloaded = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docsReloaded.length, 1)
// No side effect on given input
assert.deepEqual(newDoc, { hello: 'world' })
hello: 'world',
_id: insertedDoc._id,
createdAt: insertedDoc.createdAt,
updatedAt: insertedDoc.updatedAt
}, docsReloaded[0])
it('If timestampData option not set, don\'t create a createdAt and a updatedAt field', async () => {
const insertedDoc = await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world' })
assert.equal(Object.keys(insertedDoc).length, 2)
assert.equal(insertedDoc.createdAt, undefined)
assert.equal(insertedDoc.updatedAt, undefined)
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
assert.deepEqual(docs[0], insertedDoc)
it('If timestampData is set but createdAt is specified by user, don\'t change it', async () => {
const newDoc = { hello: 'world', createdAt: new Date(234) }
const beginning = Date.now()
d = new Datastore({ filename: testDb, timestampData: true, autoload: true })
const insertedDoc = await d.insertAsync(newDoc)
assert.equal(Object.keys(insertedDoc).length, 4)
assert.equal(insertedDoc.createdAt.getTime(), 234) // Not modified
assert.ok(insertedDoc.updatedAt.getTime() - beginning < reloadTimeUpperBound) // Created
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.deepEqual(insertedDoc, docs[0])
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
const docsReloaded = await d.findAsync({})
assert.deepEqual(insertedDoc, docsReloaded[0])
it('If timestampData is set but updatedAt is specified by user, don\'t change it', async () => {
const newDoc = { hello: 'world', updatedAt: new Date(234) }
const beginning = Date.now()
d = new Datastore({ filename: testDb, timestampData: true, autoload: true })
const insertedDoc = await d.insertAsync(newDoc)
assert.equal(Object.keys(insertedDoc).length, 4)
assert.equal(insertedDoc.updatedAt.getTime(), 234)
assert.ok(insertedDoc.createdAt.getTime() - beginning < reloadTimeUpperBound)
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.deepEqual(insertedDoc, docs[0])
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
const docsReloaded = await d.findAsync({})
assert.deepEqual(insertedDoc, docsReloaded[0])
it('Can insert a doc with id 0', async () => {
const doc = await d.insertAsync({ _id: 0, hello: 'world' })
assert.equal(doc._id, 0)
assert.equal(doc.hello, 'world')
}) // ==== End of 'Insert' ==== //
describe('#getCandidates', function () {
it('Can use an index to get docs with a basic match', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'tf' })
const _doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ tf: 4 })
await d.insertAsync({ tf: 6 })
const _doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ tf: 4, an: 'other' })
await d.insertAsync({ tf: 9 })
const data = await d._getCandidatesAsync({ r: 6, tf: 4 })
const doc1 = data.find(d => d._id === _doc1._id)
const doc2 = data.find(d => d._id === _doc2._id)
assert.equal(data.length, 2)
assert.deepEqual(doc1, { _id: doc1._id, tf: 4 })
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { _id: doc2._id, tf: 4, an: 'other' })
it('Can use an index to get docs with a $in match', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'tf' })
await d.insertAsync({ tf: 4 })
const _doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ tf: 6 })
await d.insertAsync({ tf: 4, an: 'other' })
const _doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ tf: 9 })
const data = await d._getCandidatesAsync({ r: 6, tf: { $in: [6, 9, 5] } })
const doc1 = data.find(d => d._id === _doc1._id)
const doc2 = data.find(d => d._id === _doc2._id)
assert.equal(data.length, 2)
assert.deepEqual(doc1, { _id: doc1._id, tf: 6 })
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { _id: doc2._id, tf: 9 })
it('If no index can be used, return the whole database', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'tf' })
const _doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ tf: 4 })
const _doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ tf: 6 })
const _doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ tf: 4, an: 'other' })
const _doc4 = await d.insertAsync({ tf: 9 })
const data = await d._getCandidatesAsync({ r: 6, notf: { $in: [6, 9, 5] } })
const doc1 = data.find(d => d._id === _doc1._id)
const doc2 = data.find(d => d._id === _doc2._id)
const doc3 = data.find(d => d._id === _doc3._id)
const doc4 = data.find(d => d._id === _doc4._id)
assert.equal(data.length, 4)
assert.deepEqual(doc1, { _id: doc1._id, tf: 4 })
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { _id: doc2._id, tf: 6 })
assert.deepEqual(doc3, { _id: doc3._id, tf: 4, an: 'other' })
assert.deepEqual(doc4, { _id: doc4._id, tf: 9 })
it('Can use indexes for comparison matches', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'tf' })
await d.insertAsync({ tf: 4 })
const _doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ tf: 6 })
await d.insertAsync({ tf: 4, an: 'other' })
const _doc4 = await d.insertAsync({ tf: 9 })
const data = await d._getCandidatesAsync({ r: 6, tf: { $lte: 9, $gte: 6 } })
const doc2 = data.find(d => d._id === _doc2._id)
const doc4 = data.find(d => d._id === _doc4._id)
assert.equal(data.length, 2)
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { _id: doc2._id, tf: 6 })
assert.deepEqual(doc4, { _id: doc4._id, tf: 9 })
it('Can set a TTL index that expires documents', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'exp', expireAfterSeconds: 0.2 })
await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world', exp: new Date() })
await wait(100)
const doc1 = await d.findOneAsync({})
assert.equal(doc1.hello, 'world')
await wait(101)
const doc2 = await d.findOneAsync({})
assert.equal(doc2, null)
await d.persistence.compactDatafileAsync()
// After compaction, no more mention of the document, correctly removed
const datafileContents = await fs.readFile(testDb, 'utf8')
assert.equal(datafileContents.split('\n').length, 2)
assert.doesNotMatch(datafileContents, /world/)
// New datastore on same datafile is empty
const d2 = new Datastore({ filename: testDb, autoload: true })
const doc3 = await d2.findOneAsync({})
assert.equal(doc3, null)
it('TTL indexes can expire multiple documents and only what needs to be expired', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'exp', expireAfterSeconds: 0.2 })
await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world1', exp: new Date() })
await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world2', exp: new Date() })
await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world3', exp: new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 100) })
await wait(100)
const docs1 = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs1.length, 3)
await wait(101)
const docs2 = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs2.length, 1)
assert.equal(docs2[0].hello, 'world3')
await wait(101)
const docs3 = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs3.length, 0)
it('Document where indexed field is absent or not a date are ignored', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'exp', expireAfterSeconds: 0.2 })
await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world1', exp: new Date() })
await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world2', exp: 'not a date' })
await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world3' })
await wait(101)
const docs1 = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs1.length, 3)
await wait(101)
const docs2 = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs2.length, 2)
}) // ==== End of '#getCandidates' ==== //
describe('Find', function () {
it('Can find all documents if an empty query is used', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'ok' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'another', plus: 'additional data' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again' })
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 3)
assert.ok(docs.map(x => x.somedata).includes('ok'))
assert.ok(docs.map(x => x.somedata).includes('another'))
assert.ok(docs.map(x => x.somedata).includes('again'))
assert.equal(docs.find(d => d.somedata === 'another').plus, 'additional data')
it('Can find all documents matching a basic query', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'ok' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again' })
// Test with query that will return docs
const docs = await d.findAsync({ somedata: 'again' })
assert.equal(docs.length, 2)
assert.ok(!docs.map(x => x.somedata).includes('ok'))
// Test with query that doesn't match anything
const docs2 = await d.findAsync({ somedata: 'nope' })
assert.equal(docs2.length, 0)
it('Can find one document matching a basic query and return null if none is found', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'ok' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again' })
// Test with query that will return docs
const doc = await d.findOneAsync({ somedata: 'ok' })
assert.equal(Object.keys(doc).length, 2)
assert.equal(doc.somedata, 'ok')
assert.notEqual(doc._id, undefined)
// Test with query that doesn't match anything
const doc2 = await d.findOneAsync({ somedata: 'nope' })
assert.equal(doc2, null)
it('Can find dates and objects (non JS-native types)', async () => {
const date1 = new Date(1234543)
const date2 = new Date(9999)
await d.insertAsync({ now: date1, sth: { name: 'nedb' } })
const doc1 = await d.findOneAsync({ now: date1 })
assert.equal(doc1.sth.name, 'nedb')
const doc2 = await d.findOneAsync({ now: date2 })
assert.equal(doc2, null)
const doc3 = await d.findOneAsync({ sth: { name: 'nedb' } })
assert.equal(doc3.sth.name, 'nedb')
const doc4 = await d.findOneAsync({ sth: { name: 'other' } })
assert.equal(doc4, null)
it('Can use dot-notation to query subfields', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ greeting: { english: 'hello' } })
const doc1 = await d.findOneAsync({ 'greeting.english': 'hello' })
assert.equal(doc1.greeting.english, 'hello')
const doc2 = await d.findOneAsync({ 'greeting.english': 'hellooo' })
assert.equal(doc2, null)
const doc3 = await d.findOneAsync({ 'greeting.englis': 'hello' })
assert.equal(doc3, null)
it('Array fields match if any element matches', async () => {
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ fruits: ['pear', 'apple', 'banana'] })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ fruits: ['coconut', 'orange', 'pear'] })
const doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ fruits: ['banana'] })
const docs = await d.findAsync({ fruits: 'pear' })
assert.equal(docs.length, 2)
assert.ok(docs.map(x => x._id).includes(doc1._id))
assert.ok(docs.map(x => x._id).includes(doc2._id))
const docs2 = await d.findAsync({ fruits: 'banana' })
assert.equal(docs2.length, 2)
assert.ok(docs2.map(x => x._id).includes(doc1._id))
assert.ok(docs2.map(x => x._id).includes(doc3._id))
const docs3 = await d.findAsync({ fruits: 'doesntexist' })
assert.equal(docs3.length, 0)
it('Returns an error if the query is not well formed', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world' })
await assert.rejects(() => d.findAsync({ $or: { hello: 'world' } }))
await assert.rejects(() => d.findOneAsync({ $or: { hello: 'world' } }))
it('Changing the documents returned by find or findOne do not change the database state', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, hello: 'world' })
const doc1 = await d.findOneAsync({ a: 2 })
doc1.hello = 'changed'
const doc2 = await d.findOneAsync({ a: 2 })
assert.equal(doc2.hello, 'world')
const docs = await d.findAsync({ a: 2 })
docs[0].hello = 'changed'
const doc3 = await d.findOneAsync({ a: 2 })
assert.equal(doc3.hello, 'world')
it('Can use sort, skip and limit if the callback is not passed to find but to exec', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, hello: 'world' })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 24, hello: 'earth' })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 13, hello: 'blueplanet' })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 15, hello: 'home' })
const docs = await d.findAsync({}).sort({ a: 1 }).limit(2)
assert.equal(docs.length, 2)
assert.equal(docs[0].hello, 'world')
assert.equal(docs[1].hello, 'blueplanet')
it('Can use sort and skip if the callback is not passed to findOne but to exec', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, hello: 'world' })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 24, hello: 'earth' })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 13, hello: 'blueplanet' })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 15, hello: 'home' })
// No skip no query
const doc1 = await d.findOneAsync({}).sort({ a: 1 })
assert.equal(doc1.hello, 'world')
// A query
const doc2 = await d.findOneAsync({ a: { $gt: 14 } }).sort({ a: 1 })
assert.equal(doc2.hello, 'home')
// And a skip
const doc3 = await d.findOneAsync({ a: { $gt: 14 } }).sort({ a: 1 }).skip(1)
assert.equal(doc3.hello, 'earth')
// No result
const doc4 = await d.findOneAsync({ a: { $gt: 14 } }).sort({ a: 1 }).skip(2)
assert.equal(doc4, null)
it('Can use projections in find, normal or cursor way', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, hello: 'world' })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 24, hello: 'earth' })
const docs = await d.findAsync({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, _id: 0 })
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
assert.deepEqual(docs[0], { hello: 'world' })
const docs1 = await d.findAsync({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, _id: 0 }).execAsync()
assert.equal(docs1.length, 1)
assert.deepEqual(docs1[0], { hello: 'world' })
// Can't use both modes at once if not _id
await assert.rejects(() => d.findAsync({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, hello: 1 }))
await assert.rejects(() => d.findAsync({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, hello: 1 }).execAsync())
it('Can use projections in findOne, normal or cursor way', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, hello: 'world' })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 24, hello: 'earth' })
const doc1 = await d.findOneAsync({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, _id: 0 })
assert.deepEqual(doc1, { hello: 'world' })
const doc2 = await d.findOneAsync({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, _id: 0 })
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { hello: 'world' })
// Can't use both modes at once if not _id
await assert.rejects(() => d.findOneAsync({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, hello: 1 }))
await assert.rejects(() => d.findOneAsync({ a: 2 }, { a: 0, hello: 1 }).execAsync())
}) // ==== End of 'Find' ==== //
describe('Count', function () {
it('Count all documents if an empty query is used', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'ok' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'another', plus: 'additional data' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again' })
// Test with empty object
const docs = await d.countAsync({})
assert.equal(docs, 3)
it('Count all documents matching a basic query', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'ok' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again' })
// Test with query that will return docs
const docs = await d.countAsync({ somedata: 'again' })
assert.equal(docs, 2)
// Test with query that doesn't match anything
const docs2 = await d.countAsync({ somedata: 'nope' })
assert.equal(docs2, 0)
it('Array fields match if any element matches', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ fruits: ['pear', 'apple', 'banana'] })
await d.insertAsync({ fruits: ['coconut', 'orange', 'pear'] })
await d.insertAsync({ fruits: ['banana'] })
const docs = await d.countAsync({ fruits: 'pear' })
assert.equal(docs, 2)
const docs2 = await d.countAsync({ fruits: 'banana' })
assert.equal(docs2, 2)
const docs3 = await d.countAsync({ fruits: 'doesntexist' })
assert.equal(docs3, 0)
it('Returns an error if the query is not well formed', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world' })
await assert.rejects(() => d.countAsync({ $or: { hello: 'world' } }))
describe('Update', function () {
it('If the query doesn\'t match anything, database is not modified', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'ok' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'another' })
// Test with query that doesn't match anything
const { numAffected } = await d.updateAsync({ somedata: 'nope' }, { newDoc: 'yes' }, { multi: true })
assert.equal(numAffected, 0)
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
const doc1 = docs.find(function (d) { return d.somedata === 'ok' })
const doc2 = docs.find(function (d) { return d.somedata === 'again' })
const doc3 = docs.find(function (d) { return d.somedata === 'another' })
assert.equal(docs.length, 3)
assert.equal(docs.find(d => d.newDoc === 'yes'), undefined)
assert.deepEqual(doc1, { _id: doc1._id, somedata: 'ok' })
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { _id: doc2._id, somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' })
assert.deepEqual(doc3, { _id: doc3._id, somedata: 'another' })
it('If timestampData option is set, update the updatedAt field', async () => {
const beginning = Date.now()
d = new Datastore({ filename: testDb, autoload: true, timestampData: true })
const insertedDoc = await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world' })
assert.ok(insertedDoc.updatedAt.getTime() - beginning < reloadTimeUpperBound)
assert.ok(insertedDoc.createdAt.getTime() - beginning < reloadTimeUpperBound)
assert.equal(Object.keys(insertedDoc).length, 4)
// Wait 100ms before performing the update
await wait(100)
const step1 = Date.now()
await d.updateAsync({ _id: insertedDoc._id }, { $set: { hello: 'mars' } }, {})
const docs = await d.findAsync({ _id: insertedDoc._id })
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
assert.equal(Object.keys(docs[0]).length, 4)
assert.equal(docs[0]._id, insertedDoc._id)
assert.equal(docs[0].createdAt, insertedDoc.createdAt)
assert.equal(docs[0].hello, 'mars')
assert.ok(docs[0].updatedAt.getTime() - beginning > 99) // updatedAt modified
assert.ok(docs[0].updatedAt.getTime() - step1 < reloadTimeUpperBound) // updatedAt modified
it('Can update multiple documents matching the query', async () => {
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'ok' })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' })
const doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again' })
const id1 = doc1._id
const id2 = doc2._id
const id3 = doc3._id
// Test DB state after update and reload
const testPostUpdateState = async () => {
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
const doc1 = docs.find(d => d._id === id1)
const doc2 = docs.find(d => d._id === id2)
const doc3 = docs.find(d => d._id === id3)
assert.equal(docs.length, 3)
assert.equal(Object.keys(doc1).length, 2)
assert.equal(doc1.somedata, 'ok')
assert.equal(doc1._id, id1)
assert.equal(Object.keys(doc2).length, 2)
assert.equal(doc2.newDoc, 'yes')
assert.equal(doc2._id, id2)
assert.equal(Object.keys(doc3).length, 2)
assert.equal(doc3.newDoc, 'yes')
assert.equal(doc3._id, id3)
const { numAffected } = await d.updateAsync({ somedata: 'again' }, { newDoc: 'yes' }, { multi: true })
assert.equal(numAffected, 2)
await testPostUpdateState()
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
await testPostUpdateState()
it('Can update only one document matching the query', async () => {
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'ok' })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' })
const doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again' })
const id1 = doc1._id
const id2 = doc2._id
const id3 = doc3._id
// Test DB state after update and reload
const testPostUpdateState = async () => {
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
const doc1 = docs.find(d => d._id === id1)
const doc2 = docs.find(d => d._id === id2)
const doc3 = docs.find(d => d._id === id3)
assert.equal(docs.length, 3)
assert.deepEqual(doc1, { somedata: 'ok', _id: doc1._id })
// doc2 or doc3 was modified. Since we sort on _id and it is random
// it can be either of two situations
try {
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { newDoc: 'yes', _id: doc2._id })
assert.deepEqual(doc3, { somedata: 'again', _id: doc3._id })
} catch (e) {
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data', _id: doc2._id })
assert.deepEqual(doc3, { newDoc: 'yes', _id: doc3._id })
// Test with query that doesn't match anything
const { numAffected } = await d.updateAsync({ somedata: 'again' }, { newDoc: 'yes' }, { multi: false })
assert.equal(numAffected, 1)
await testPostUpdateState()
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
await testPostUpdateState()
describe('Upserts', function () {
it('Can perform upserts if needed', async () => {
const {
numAffected: numAffectedEmpty,
affectedDocuments: affectedDocumentsEmpty
} = await d.updateAsync({ impossible: 'db is empty anyway' }, { newDoc: true }, {})
assert.equal(numAffectedEmpty, 0)
assert.equal(affectedDocumentsEmpty, null)
const docsEmpty = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docsEmpty.length, 0) // Default option for upsert is false
const {
} = await d.updateAsync({ impossible: 'db is empty anyway' }, { something: 'created ok' }, { upsert: true })
assert.equal(numAffected, 1)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments.something, 'created ok')
assert.notEqual(affectedDocuments._id, undefined)
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 1) // Default option for upsert is false
assert.equal(docs[0].something, 'created ok')
// Modifying the returned upserted document doesn't modify the database
affectedDocuments.newField = true
const docsModified = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docsModified[0].something, 'created ok')
assert.equal(docsModified[0].newField, undefined)
it('If the update query is a normal object with no modifiers, it is the doc that will be upserted', async () => {
await d.updateAsync({ $or: [{ a: 4 }, { a: 5 }] }, { hello: 'world', bloup: 'blap' }, { upsert: true })
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
const doc = docs[0]
assert.equal(Object.keys(doc).length, 3)
assert.equal(doc.hello, 'world')
assert.equal(doc.bloup, 'blap')
it('If the update query contains modifiers, it is applied to the object resulting from removing all operators from the find query 1', async () => {
await d.updateAsync({ $or: [{ a: 4 }, { a: 5 }] }, {
$set: { hello: 'world' },
$inc: { bloup: 3 }
// eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err
}, { upsert: true })
const docs = await d.findAsync({ hello: 'world' })
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
const doc = docs[0]
assert.equal(Object.keys(doc).length, 3)
assert.equal(doc.hello, 'world')
assert.equal(doc.bloup, 3)
it('If the update query contains modifiers, it is applied to the object resulting from removing all operators from the find query 2', async () => {
await d.updateAsync({ $or: [{ a: 4 }, { a: 5 }], cac: 'rrr' }, {
$set: { hello: 'world' },
$inc: { bloup: 3 }
// eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err
}, { upsert: true })
const docs = await d.findAsync({ hello: 'world' })
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
const doc = docs[0]
assert.equal(Object.keys(doc).length, 4)
assert.equal(doc.cac, 'rrr')
assert.equal(doc.hello, 'world')
assert.equal(doc.bloup, 3)
it('Performing upsert with badly formatted fields yields a standard error not an exception', async () => {
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({ _id: '1234' }, { $set: { $$badfield: 5 } }, { upsert: true }))
}) // ==== End of 'Upserts' ==== //
it('Cannot perform update if the update query is not either registered-modifiers-only or copy-only, or contain badly formatted fields', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ something: 'yup' })
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({}, { boom: { $badfield: 5 } }, { multi: false }))
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({}, { boom: { 'bad.field': 5 } }, { multi: false }))
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({}, { $inc: { test: 5 }, mixed: 'rrr' }, { multi: false }))
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({}, { $inexistent: { test: 5 } }, { multi: false }))
it('Can update documents using multiple modifiers', async () => {
const newDoc = await d.insertAsync({ something: 'yup', other: 40 })
const id = newDoc._id
const { numAffected } = await d.updateAsync({}, {
$set: { something: 'changed' },
$inc: { other: 10 }
}, { multi: false })
assert.equal(numAffected, 1)
const doc = await d.findOneAsync({ _id: id })
assert.equal(Object.keys(doc).length, 3)
assert.equal(doc._id, id)
assert.equal(doc.something, 'changed')
assert.equal(doc.other, 50)
it('Can upsert a document even with modifiers', async () => {
const {
} = await d.updateAsync({ bloup: 'blap' }, { $set: { hello: 'world' } }, { upsert: true })
assert.equal(numAffected, 1)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments.bloup, 'blap')
assert.equal(affectedDocuments.hello, 'world')
assert.notEqual(affectedDocuments._id, undefined)
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
assert.equal(Object.keys(docs[0]).length, 3)
assert.equal(docs[0].hello, 'world')
assert.equal(docs[0].bloup, 'blap')
assert.notEqual(docs[0]._id, undefined)
it('When using modifiers, the only way to update subdocs is with the dot-notation', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ bloup: { blip: 'blap', other: true } })
// Correct methos
await d.updateAsync({}, { $set: { 'bloup.blip': 'hello' } }, {})
const doc = await d.findOneAsync({})
assert.equal(doc.bloup.blip, 'hello')
assert.equal(doc.bloup.other, true)
// Wrong
await d.updateAsync({}, { $set: { bloup: { blip: 'ola' } } }, {})
const doc2 = await d.findOneAsync({})
assert.equal(doc2.bloup.blip, 'ola')
assert.equal(doc2.bloup.other, undefined) // This information was lost
it('Returns an error if the query is not well formed', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world' })
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({ $or: { hello: 'world' } }, { a: 1 }, {}))
it('If an error is thrown by a modifier, the database state is not changed', async () => {
const newDoc = await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world' })
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({}, { $inc: { hello: 4 } }, {}))
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.deepEqual(docs, [{ _id: newDoc._id, hello: 'world' }])
it('Cant change the _id of a document', async () => {
const newDoc = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2 })
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({ a: 2 }, { a: 2, _id: 'nope' }, {}))
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
assert.equal(Object.keys(docs[0]).length, 2)
assert.equal(docs[0].a, 2)
assert.equal(docs[0]._id, newDoc._id)
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({ a: 2 }, { $set: { _id: 'nope' } }, {}))
const docs2 = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs2.length, 1)
assert.equal(Object.keys(docs2[0]).length, 2)
assert.equal(docs2[0].a, 2)
assert.equal(docs2[0]._id, newDoc._id)
it('Non-multi updates are persistent', async () => {
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, hello: 'world' })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, hello: 'earth' })
await d.updateAsync({ a: 2 }, { $set: { hello: 'changed' } }, {})
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
docs.sort((a, b) => a.a - b.a)
assert.equal(docs.length, 2)
assert.deepEqual(docs[0], { _id: doc1._id, a: 1, hello: 'world' })
assert.deepEqual(docs[1], { _id: doc2._id, a: 2, hello: 'changed' })
// Even after a reload the database state hasn't changed
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
const docs2 = await d.findAsync({})
docs2.sort((a, b) => a.a - b.a)
assert.equal(docs2.length, 2)
assert.deepEqual(docs2[0], { _id: doc1._id, a: 1, hello: 'world' })
assert.deepEqual(docs2[1], { _id: doc2._id, a: 2, hello: 'changed' })
it('Multi updates are persistent', async () => {
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, hello: 'world' })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, hello: 'earth' })
const doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 5, hello: 'pluton' })
await d.updateAsync({ a: { $in: [1, 2] } }, { $set: { hello: 'changed' } }, { multi: true })
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
docs.sort((a, b) => a.a - b.a)
assert.equal(docs.length, 3)
assert.deepEqual(docs[0], { _id: doc1._id, a: 1, hello: 'changed' })
assert.deepEqual(docs[1], { _id: doc2._id, a: 2, hello: 'changed' })
assert.deepEqual(docs[2], { _id: doc3._id, a: 5, hello: 'pluton' })
// Even after a reload the database state hasn't changed
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
const docs2 = await d.findAsync({})
docs2.sort((a, b) => a.a - b.a)
assert.equal(docs2.length, 3)
assert.deepEqual(docs2[0], { _id: doc1._id, a: 1, hello: 'changed' })
assert.deepEqual(docs2[1], { _id: doc2._id, a: 2, hello: 'changed' })
assert.deepEqual(docs2[2], { _id: doc3._id, a: 5, hello: 'pluton' })
it('Can update without the options arg (will use defaults then)', async () => {
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, hello: 'world' })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, hello: 'earth' })
const doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 5, hello: 'pluton' })
const { numAffected } = await d.updateAsync({ a: 2 }, { $inc: { a: 10 } })
assert.equal(numAffected, 1)
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
const d1 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === doc1._id)
const d2 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === doc2._id)
const d3 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === doc3._id)
assert.equal(d1.a, 1)
assert.equal(d2.a, 12)
assert.equal(d3.a, 5)
it('If a multi update fails on one document, previous updates should be rolled back', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a' })
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 4 })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 5 })
const doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 'abc' })
// With this query, candidates are always returned in the order 4, 5, 'abc' so it's always the last one which fails
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({ a: { $in: [4, 5, 'abc'] } }, { $inc: { a: 10 } }, { multi: true }))
// No index modified
for (const key in d.indexes) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d.indexes, key)) {
const index = d.indexes[key]
const docs = index.getAll()
const d1 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === doc1._id)
const d2 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === doc2._id)
const d3 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === doc3._id)
// All changes rolled back, including those that didn't trigger an error
assert.equal(d1.a, 4)
assert.equal(d2.a, 5)
assert.equal(d3.a, 'abc')
it('If an index constraint is violated by an update, all changes should be rolled back', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a', unique: true })
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 4 })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 5 })
// With this query, candidates are always returned in the order 4, 5, 'abc' so it's always the last one which fails
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({ a: { $in: [4, 5, 'abc'] } }, { $set: { a: 10 } }, { multi: true }))
// Check that no index was modified
for (const key in d.indexes) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d.indexes, key)) {
const index = d.indexes[key]
const docs = index.getAll()
const d1 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === doc1._id)
const d2 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === doc2._id)
assert.equal(d1.a, 4)
assert.equal(d2.a, 5)
it('If options.returnUpdatedDocs is true, return all matched docs', async () => {
const docs = await d.insertAsync([{ a: 4 }, { a: 5 }, { a: 6 }])
assert.equal(docs.length, 3)
const {
numAffected: numAffectedEmpty,
affectedDocuments: affectedDocumentsEmpty
} = await d.updateAsync({ a: 7 }, { $set: { u: 1 } }, {
multi: true,
returnUpdatedDocs: true
assert.equal(numAffectedEmpty, 0)
assert.equal(affectedDocumentsEmpty.length, 0)
const { numAffected, affectedDocuments } = await d.updateAsync({ a: 5 }, { $set: { u: 2 } }, {
multi: true,
returnUpdatedDocs: true
assert.equal(numAffected, 1)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments.length, 1)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments[0].a, 5)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments[0].u, 2)
const {
numAffected: numAffected2,
affectedDocuments: affectedDocuments2
} = await d.updateAsync({ a: { $in: [4, 6] } }, { $set: { u: 3 } }, {
multi: true,
returnUpdatedDocs: true
assert.equal(numAffected2, 2)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments2.length, 2)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments2[0].u, 3)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments2[1].u, 3)
if (affectedDocuments2[0].a === 4) {
assert.equal(affectedDocuments2[0].a, 4)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments2[1].a, 6)
} else {
assert.equal(affectedDocuments2[0].a, 6)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments2[1].a, 4)
it('createdAt property is unchanged and updatedAt correct after an update, even a complete document replacement', async () => {
const d2 = new Datastore({ inMemoryOnly: true, timestampData: true })
await d2.insertAsync({ a: 1 })
const doc = await d2.findOneAsync({ a: 1 })
const createdAt = doc.createdAt.getTime()
// Modifying update
await wait(20)
await d2.updateAsync({ a: 1 }, { $set: { b: 2 } }, {})
const doc2 = await d2.findOneAsync({ a: 1 })
assert.equal(doc2.createdAt.getTime(), createdAt)
assert.ok(Date.now() - doc2.updatedAt.getTime() < 5)
// Complete replacement
await wait(20)
await d2.updateAsync({ a: 1 }, { c: 3 }, {})
const doc3 = await d2.findOneAsync({ c: 3 })
assert.equal(doc3.createdAt.getTime(), createdAt)
assert.ok(Date.now() - doc3.updatedAt.getTime() < 5)
describe('Callback signature', function () {
it('Regular update, multi false', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ a: 1 })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 2 })
// returnUpdatedDocs set to false
const { numAffected, affectedDocuments, upsert } = await d.updateAsync({ a: 1 }, { $set: { b: 20 } }, {})
assert.equal(numAffected, 1)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments, null)
assert.equal(upsert, false)
// returnUpdatedDocs set to true
const {
numAffected: numAffected2,
affectedDocuments: affectedDocuments2,
upsert: upsert2
} = await d.updateAsync({ a: 1 }, { $set: { b: 21 } }, { returnUpdatedDocs: true })
assert.equal(numAffected2, 1)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments2.a, 1)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments2.b, 21)
assert.equal(upsert2, false)
it('Regular update, multi true', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ a: 1 })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 2 })
// returnUpdatedDocs set to false
const {
} = await d.updateAsync({}, { $set: { b: 20 } }, { multi: true })
assert.equal(numAffected, 2)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments, null)
assert.equal(upsert, false)
// returnUpdatedDocs set to true
const {
numAffected: numAffected2,
affectedDocuments: affectedDocuments2,
upsert: upsert2
} = await d.updateAsync({}, { $set: { b: 21 } }, {
multi: true,
returnUpdatedDocs: true
assert.equal(numAffected2, 2)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments2.length, 2)
assert.equal(upsert2, false)
it('Upsert', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ a: 1 })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 2 })
// Upsert flag not set
const { numAffected, affectedDocuments, upsert } = await d.updateAsync({ a: 3 }, { $set: { b: 20 } }, {})
assert.equal(numAffected, 0)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments, null)
assert.equal(upsert, false)
// Upsert flag set
const {
numAffected: numAffected2,
affectedDocuments: affectedDocuments2,
upsert: upsert2
} = await d.updateAsync({ a: 3 }, { $set: { b: 21 } }, { upsert: true })
assert.equal(numAffected2, 1)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments2.a, 3)
assert.equal(affectedDocuments2.b, 21)
assert.equal(upsert2, true)
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 3)
}) // ==== End of 'Update - Callback signature' ==== //
}) // ==== End of 'Update' ==== //
describe('Remove', function () {
it('Can remove multiple documents', async () => {
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'ok' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again', plus: 'additional data' })
await d.insertAsync({ somedata: 'again' })
const id1 = doc1._id
// Test DB status
const testPostUpdateState = async () => {
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
assert.equal(Object.keys(docs[0]).length, 2)
assert.equal(docs[0]._id, id1)
assert.equal(docs[0].somedata, 'ok')
// Test with query that doesn't match anything
const n = await d.removeAsync({ somedata: 'again' }, { multi: true })
assert.equal(n, 2)
await testPostUpdateState()
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
await testPostUpdateState()
// This tests concurrency issues
it('Remove can be called multiple times in parallel and everything that needs to be removed will be', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ planet: 'Earth' })
await d.insertAsync({ planet: 'Mars' })
await d.insertAsync({ planet: 'Saturn' })
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 3)
// Remove two docs simultaneously
const toRemove = ['Mars', 'Saturn']
await Promise.all(toRemove.map(planet => d.removeAsync({ planet })))
const docs2 = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs2.length, 1)
it('Returns an error if the query is not well formed', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ hello: 'world' })
await assert.rejects(() => d.removeAsync({ $or: { hello: 'world' } }, {}))
it('Non-multi removes are persistent', async () => {
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, hello: 'world' })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, hello: 'earth' })
const doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 3, hello: 'moto' })
await d.removeAsync({ a: 2 }, {})
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
docs.sort((a, b) => a.a - b.a)
assert.equal(docs.length, 2)
assert.deepEqual(docs[0], { _id: doc1._id, a: 1, hello: 'world' })
assert.deepEqual(docs[1], { _id: doc3._id, a: 3, hello: 'moto' })
// Even after a reload the database state hasn't changed
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
const docsReloaded = await d.findAsync({})
docsReloaded.sort((a, b) => a.a - b.a)
assert.equal(docsReloaded.length, 2)
assert.deepEqual(docsReloaded[0], { _id: doc1._id, a: 1, hello: 'world' })
assert.deepEqual(docsReloaded[1], { _id: doc3._id, a: 3, hello: 'moto' })
it('Multi removes are persistent', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, hello: 'world' })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, hello: 'earth' })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 3, hello: 'moto' })
await d.removeAsync({ a: { $in: [1, 3] } }, { multi: true })
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
assert.deepEqual(docs[0], { _id: doc2._id, a: 2, hello: 'earth' })
// Even after a reload the database state hasn't changed
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
const docsReloaded = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docsReloaded.length, 1)
assert.deepEqual(docsReloaded[0], { _id: doc2._id, a: 2, hello: 'earth' })
it('Can remove without the options arg (will use defaults then)', async () => {
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, hello: 'world' })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, hello: 'earth' })
const doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 5, hello: 'pluton' })
const numRemoved = await d.removeAsync({ a: 2 })
assert.equal(numRemoved, 1)
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
const d1 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === doc1._id)
const d2 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === doc2._id)
const d3 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === doc3._id)
assert.equal(d1.a, 1)
assert.equal(d2, undefined)
assert.equal(d3.a, 5)
}) // ==== End of 'Remove' ==== //
describe('Using indexes', function () {
describe('ensureIndex and index initialization in database loading', function () {
it('ensureIndex can be called right after a loadDatabase and be initialized and filled correctly', async () => {
const now = new Date()
const rawData = model.serialize({ _id: 'aaa', z: '1', a: 2, ages: [1, 5, 12] }) + '\n' +
model.serialize({ _id: 'bbb', z: '2', hello: 'world' }) + '\n' +
model.serialize({ _id: 'ccc', z: '3', nested: { today: now } })
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 0)
await fs.writeFile(testDb, rawData, 'utf8')
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 3)
assert.deepEqual(Object.keys(d.indexes), ['_id'])
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'z' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.fieldName, 'z')
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.unique, false)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.sparse, false)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.search('1')[0], d.getAllData()[0])
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.search('2')[0], d.getAllData()[1])
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.search('3')[0], d.getAllData()[2])
it('ensureIndex can be called twice on the same field, the second call will ahve no effect', async () => {
assert.equal(Object.keys(d.indexes).length, 1)
assert.equal(Object.keys(d.indexes)[0], '_id')
await d.insertAsync({ planet: 'Earth' })
await d.insertAsync({ planet: 'Mars' })
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 2)
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'planet' })
assert.equal(Object.keys(d.indexes).length, 2)
assert.equal(Object.keys(d.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(d.indexes)[1], 'planet')
assert.equal(d.indexes.planet.getAll().length, 2)
// This second call has no effect, documents don't get inserted twice in the index
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'planet' })
assert.equal(Object.keys(d.indexes).length, 2)
assert.equal(Object.keys(d.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(d.indexes)[1], 'planet')
assert.equal(d.indexes.planet.getAll().length, 2)
it('ensureIndex can be called after the data set was modified and the index still be correct', async () => {
const rawData = model.serialize({ _id: 'aaa', z: '1', a: 2, ages: [1, 5, 12] }) + '\n' +
model.serialize({ _id: 'bbb', z: '2', hello: 'world' })
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 0)
await fs.writeFile(testDb, rawData, 'utf8')
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 2)
assert.deepEqual(Object.keys(d.indexes), ['_id'])
// eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err
const newDoc1 = await d.insertAsync({ z: '12', yes: 'yes' })
// eslint-disable-next-line node/handle-callback-err
const newDoc2 = await d.insertAsync({ z: '14', nope: 'nope' })
await d.removeAsync({ z: '2' }, {})
await d.updateAsync({ z: '1' }, { $set: { yes: 'yep' } }, {})
assert.deepEqual(Object.keys(d.indexes), ['_id'])
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'z' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.fieldName, 'z')
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.unique, false)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.sparse, false)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 3)
// The pointers in the _id and z indexes are the same
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.search('1')[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching('aaa')[0])
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.search('12')[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching(newDoc1._id)[0])
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.search('14')[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching(newDoc2._id)[0])
// The data in the z index is correct
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
const doc0 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === 'aaa')
const doc1 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === newDoc1._id)
const doc2 = docs.find(doc => doc._id === newDoc2._id)
assert.equal(docs.length, 3)
assert.deepEqual(doc0, { _id: 'aaa', z: '1', a: 2, ages: [1, 5, 12], yes: 'yep' })
assert.deepEqual(doc1, { _id: newDoc1._id, z: '12', yes: 'yes' })
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { _id: newDoc2._id, z: '14', nope: 'nope' })
it('ensureIndex can be called before a loadDatabase and still be initialized and filled correctly', async () => {
const now = new Date()
const rawData = model.serialize({ _id: 'aaa', z: '1', a: 2, ages: [1, 5, 12] }) + '\n' +
model.serialize({ _id: 'bbb', z: '2', hello: 'world' }) + '\n' +
model.serialize({ _id: 'ccc', z: '3', nested: { today: now } })
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 0)
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'z' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.fieldName, 'z')
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.unique, false)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.sparse, false)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
await fs.writeFile(testDb, rawData, 'utf8')
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
const doc1 = d.getAllData().find(doc => doc.z === '1')
const doc2 = d.getAllData().find(doc => doc.z === '2')
const doc3 = d.getAllData().find(doc => doc.z === '3')
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.search('1')[0], doc1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.search('2')[0], doc2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.search('3')[0], doc3)
it('Can initialize multiple indexes on a database load', async () => {
const now = new Date()
const rawData = model.serialize({ _id: 'aaa', z: '1', a: 2, ages: [1, 5, 12] }) + '\n' +
model.serialize({ _id: 'bbb', z: '2', a: 'world' }) + '\n' +
model.serialize({ _id: 'ccc', z: '3', a: { today: now } })
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 0)
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'z' })
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
await fs.writeFile(testDb, rawData, 'utf8')
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
const doc1 = d.getAllData().find(doc => doc.z === '1')
const doc2 = d.getAllData().find(doc => doc.z === '2')
const doc3 = d.getAllData().find(doc => doc.z === '3')
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.search('1')[0], doc1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.search('2')[0], doc2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.search('3')[0], doc3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.search(2)[0], doc1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.search('world')[0], doc2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.search({ today: now })[0], doc3)
it('If a unique constraint is not respected, database loading will not work and no data will be inserted', async () => {
const now = new Date()
const rawData = model.serialize({ _id: 'aaa', z: '1', a: 2, ages: [1, 5, 12] }) + '\n' +
model.serialize({ _id: 'bbb', z: '2', a: 'world' }) + '\n' +
model.serialize({ _id: 'ccc', z: '1', a: { today: now } })
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 0)
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'z', unique: true })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
await fs.writeFile(testDb, rawData, 'utf8')
await assert.rejects(() => d.loadDatabaseAsync(), err => {
assert.equal(err.errorType, 'uniqueViolated')
assert.equal(err.key, '1')
return true
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 0)
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
it('If a unique constraint is not respected, ensureIndex will return an error and not create an index', async () => {
await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, b: 4 })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, b: 45 })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, b: 3 })
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'b' })
await assert.rejects(() => d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a', unique: true }), err => {
assert.equal(err.errorType, 'uniqueViolated')
assert.deepEqual(Object.keys(d.indexes), ['_id', 'b'])
return true
it('Can remove an index', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'e' })
assert.equal(Object.keys(d.indexes).length, 2)
assert.notEqual(d.indexes.e, null)
await d.removeIndexAsync('e')
assert.equal(Object.keys(d.indexes).length, 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.e, undefined)
}) // ==== End of 'ensureIndex and index initialization in database loading' ==== //
describe('Indexing newly inserted documents', function () {
it('Newly inserted documents are indexed', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'z' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
const newDoc = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, z: 'yes' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc])
const newDoc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 5, z: 'nope' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('nope'), [newDoc2])
it('If multiple indexes are defined, the document is inserted in all of them', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'z' })
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'ya' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
const newDoc = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, z: 'yes', ya: 'indeed' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.ya.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc])
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.ya.getMatching('indeed'), [newDoc])
const newDoc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 5, z: 'nope', ya: 'sure' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.ya.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('nope'), [newDoc2])
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.ya.getMatching('sure'), [newDoc2])
it('Can insert two docs at the same key for a non unique index', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'z' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
const newDoc = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, z: 'yes' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc])
const newDoc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 5, z: 'yes' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc, newDoc2])
it('If the index has a unique constraint, an error is thrown if it is violated and the data is not modified', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'z', unique: true })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
const newDoc = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, z: 'yes' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc])
await assert.rejects(() => d.insertAsync({ a: 5, z: 'yes' }), err => {
assert.equal(err.errorType, 'uniqueViolated')
assert.equal(err.key, 'yes')
return true
// Index didn't change
assert.equal(d.indexes.z.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.z.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc])
// Data didn't change
assert.deepEqual(d.getAllData(), [newDoc])
await d.loadDatabaseAsync()
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 1)
assert.deepEqual(d.getAllData()[0], newDoc)
it('If an index has a unique constraint, other indexes cannot be modified when it raises an error', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'nonu1' })
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'uni', unique: true })
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'nonu2' })
const newDoc = await d.insertAsync({ nonu1: 'yes', nonu2: 'yes2', uni: 'willfail' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.nonu1.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.uni.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.nonu2.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
await assert.rejects(() => d.insertAsync({ nonu1: 'no', nonu2: 'no2', uni: 'willfail' }), err => {
assert.equal(err.errorType, 'uniqueViolated')
return true
// No index was modified
assert.equal(d.indexes.nonu1.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.uni.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.nonu2.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.nonu1.getMatching('yes'), [newDoc])
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.uni.getMatching('willfail'), [newDoc])
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.nonu2.getMatching('yes2'), [newDoc])
it('Unique indexes prevent you from inserting two docs where the field is undefined except if theyre sparse', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'zzz', unique: true })
assert.equal(d.indexes.zzz.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
const newDoc = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, z: 'yes' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.zzz.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.deepEqual(d.indexes.zzz.getMatching(undefined), [newDoc])
await assert.rejects(() => d.insertAsync({ a: 5, z: 'other' }), err => {
assert.equal(err.errorType, 'uniqueViolated')
assert.equal(err.key, undefined)
return true
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'yyy', unique: true, sparse: true })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 5, z: 'other', zzz: 'set' })
assert.equal(d.indexes.yyy.getAll().length, 0) // Nothing indexed
assert.equal(d.indexes.zzz.getAll().length, 2)
it('Insertion still works as before with indexing', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a' })
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'b' })
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, b: 'hello' })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, b: 'si' })
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.deepEqual(doc1, docs.find(function (d) { return d._id === doc1._id }))
assert.deepEqual(doc2, docs.find(function (d) { return d._id === doc2._id }))
it('All indexes point to the same data as the main index on _id', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a' })
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, b: 'hello' })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, b: 'si' })
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 2)
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id).length, 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(1).length, 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id)[0], d.indexes.a.getMatching(1)[0])
assert.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id).length, 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(2).length, 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id)[0], d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0])
it('If a unique constraint is violated, no index is changed, including the main one', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a', unique: true })
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, b: 'hello' })
await assert.rejects(() => d.insertAsync({ a: 1, b: 'si' }))
const docs = await d.findAsync({})
assert.equal(docs.length, 1)
assert.equal(d.getAllData().length, 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id).length, 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(1).length, 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id)[0], d.indexes.a.getMatching(1)[0])
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(2).length, 0)
}) // ==== End of 'Indexing newly inserted documents' ==== //
describe('Updating indexes upon document update', function () {
it('Updating docs still works as before with indexing', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a' })
const _doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, b: 'hello' })
const _doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, b: 'si' })
const { numAffected } = await d.updateAsync({ a: 1 }, { $set: { a: 456, b: 'no' } }, {})
const data = d.getAllData()
const doc1 = data.find(doc => doc._id === _doc1._id)
const doc2 = data.find(doc => doc._id === _doc2._id)
assert.equal(numAffected, 1)
assert.equal(data.length, 2)
assert.deepEqual(doc1, { a: 456, b: 'no', _id: _doc1._id })
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { a: 2, b: 'si', _id: _doc2._id })
const { numAffected: numAffectedAfterUpdate } = await d.updateAsync({}, {
$inc: { a: 10 },
$set: { b: 'same' }
}, { multi: true })
const dataAfterUpdate = d.getAllData()
const doc1AfterUpdate = dataAfterUpdate.find(doc => doc._id === _doc1._id)
const doc2AfterUpdate = dataAfterUpdate.find(doc => doc._id === _doc2._id)
assert.equal(numAffectedAfterUpdate, 2)
assert.equal(dataAfterUpdate.length, 2)
assert.deepEqual(doc1AfterUpdate, { a: 466, b: 'same', _id: _doc1._id })
assert.deepEqual(doc2AfterUpdate, { a: 12, b: 'same', _id: _doc2._id })
it('Indexes get updated when a document (or multiple documents) is updated', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a' })
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'b' })
const doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, b: 'hello' })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, b: 'si' })
// Simple update
const { numAffected } = await d.updateAsync({ a: 1 }, { $set: { a: 456, b: 'no' } }, {})
assert.equal(numAffected, 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(456)[0]._id, doc1._id)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0]._id, doc2._id)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching('no')[0]._id, doc1._id)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching('si')[0]._id, doc2._id)
// The same pointers are shared between all indexes
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes._id.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(456)[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id)[0])
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching('no')[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id)[0])
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id)[0])
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching('si')[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id)[0])
// Multi update
const { numAffected: numAffectedMulti } = await d.updateAsync({}, {
$inc: { a: 10 },
$set: { b: 'same' }
}, { multi: true })
assert.equal(numAffectedMulti, 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(466)[0]._id, doc1._id)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(12)[0]._id, doc2._id)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching('same').length, 2)
assert.ok(d.indexes.b.getMatching('same').map(x => x._id).includes(doc1._id))
assert.ok(d.indexes.b.getMatching('same').map(x => x._id).includes(doc2._id))
// The same pointers are shared between all indexes
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes._id.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(466)[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc1._id)[0])
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(12)[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id)[0])
// Can't test the pointers in b as their order is randomized, but it is the same as with a
it('If a simple update violates a contraint, all changes are rolled back and an error is thrown', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a', unique: true })
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'b', unique: true })
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'c', unique: true })
const _doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, b: 10, c: 100 })
const _doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, b: 20, c: 200 })
const _doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 3, b: 30, c: 300 })
// Will conflict with doc3
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({ a: 2 }, { $inc: { a: 10, c: 1000 }, $set: { b: 30 } }, {}), err => {
assert.equal(err.errorType, 'uniqueViolated')
return true
const data = d.getAllData()
const doc1 = data.find(doc => doc._id === _doc1._id)
const doc2 = data.find(doc => doc._id === _doc2._id)
const doc3 = data.find(doc => doc._id === _doc3._id)
// Data left unchanged
assert.equal(data.length, 3)
assert.deepEqual(doc1, { a: 1, b: 10, c: 100, _id: _doc1._id })
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { a: 2, b: 20, c: 200, _id: _doc2._id })
assert.deepEqual(doc3, { a: 3, b: 30, c: 300, _id: _doc3._id })
// All indexes left unchanged and pointing to the same docs
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(1)[0], doc1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0], doc2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(3)[0], doc3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching(10)[0], doc1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching(20)[0], doc2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching(30)[0], doc3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.c.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.c.getMatching(100)[0], doc1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.c.getMatching(200)[0], doc2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.c.getMatching(300)[0], doc3)
it('If a multi update violates a contraint, all changes are rolled back and an error is thrown', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a', unique: true })
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'b', unique: true })
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'c', unique: true })
const _doc1 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, b: 10, c: 100 })
const _doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, b: 20, c: 200 })
const _doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 3, b: 30, c: 300 })
// Will conflict with doc3
await assert.rejects(() => d.updateAsync({ a: { $in: [1, 2] } }, {
$inc: { a: 10, c: 1000 },
$set: { b: 30 }
}, { multi: true }), err => {
assert.equal(err.errorType, 'uniqueViolated')
return true
const data = d.getAllData()
const doc1 = data.find(doc => doc._id === _doc1._id)
const doc2 = data.find(doc => doc._id === _doc2._id)
const doc3 = data.find(doc => doc._id === _doc3._id)
// Data left unchanged
assert.equal(data.length, 3)
assert.deepEqual(doc1, { a: 1, b: 10, c: 100, _id: _doc1._id })
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { a: 2, b: 20, c: 200, _id: _doc2._id })
assert.deepEqual(doc3, { a: 3, b: 30, c: 300, _id: _doc3._id })
// All indexes left unchanged and pointing to the same docs
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(1)[0], doc1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0], doc2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(3)[0], doc3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching(10)[0], doc1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching(20)[0], doc2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching(30)[0], doc3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.c.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 3)
assert.equal(d.indexes.c.getMatching(100)[0], doc1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.c.getMatching(200)[0], doc2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.c.getMatching(300)[0], doc3)
}) // ==== End of 'Updating indexes upon document update' ==== //
describe('Updating indexes upon document remove', function () {
it('Removing docs still works as before with indexing', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a' })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, b: 'hello' })
const _doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, b: 'si' })
const _doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 3, b: 'coin' })
const numRemoved = await d.removeAsync({ a: 1 }, {})
const data = d.getAllData()
const doc2 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc2._id })
const doc3 = data.find(function (doc) { return doc._id === _doc3._id })
assert.equal(numRemoved, 1)
assert.equal(data.length, 2)
assert.deepEqual(doc2, { a: 2, b: 'si', _id: _doc2._id })
assert.deepEqual(doc3, { a: 3, b: 'coin', _id: _doc3._id })
const numRemoved2 = await d.removeAsync({ a: { $in: [2, 3] } }, { multi: true })
const data2 = d.getAllData()
assert.equal(numRemoved2, 2)
assert.equal(data2.length, 0)
it('Indexes get updated when a document (or multiple documents) is removed', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'a' })
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'b' })
await d.insertAsync({ a: 1, b: 'hello' })
const doc2 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 2, b: 'si' })
const doc3 = await d.insertAsync({ a: 3, b: 'coin' })
// Simple remove
const numRemoved = await d.removeAsync({ a: 1 }, {})
assert.equal(numRemoved, 1)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0]._id, doc2._id)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(3)[0]._id, doc3._id)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching('si')[0]._id, doc2._id)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching('coin')[0]._id, doc3._id)
// The same pointers are shared between all indexes
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes._id.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(2)[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id)[0])
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching('si')[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc2._id)[0])
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.getMatching(3)[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc3._id)[0])
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.getMatching('coin')[0], d.indexes._id.getMatching(doc3._id)[0])
// Multi remove
const numRemovedMulti = await d.removeAsync({}, { multi: true })
assert.equal(numRemovedMulti, 2)
assert.equal(d.indexes.a.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
assert.equal(d.indexes.b.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
assert.equal(d.indexes._id.tree.getNumberOfKeys(), 0)
}) // ==== End of 'Updating indexes upon document remove' ==== //
describe('Persisting indexes', function () {
it('Indexes are persisted to a separate file and recreated upon reload', async () => {
const persDb = 'workspace/persistIndexes.db'
let db
if (await exists(persDb)) await fs.unlink(persDb)
db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb, autoload: true })
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 1)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
await db.insertAsync({ planet: 'Earth' })
await db.insertAsync({ planet: 'Mars' })
await db.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'planet' })
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 2)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[1], 'planet')
assert.equal(db.indexes._id.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.fieldName, 'planet')
// After a reload the indexes are recreated
db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb })
await db.loadDatabaseAsync()
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 2)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[1], 'planet')
assert.equal(db.indexes._id.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.fieldName, 'planet')
// After another reload the indexes are still there (i.e. they are preserved during autocompaction)
db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb })
await db.loadDatabaseAsync()
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 2)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[1], 'planet')
assert.equal(db.indexes._id.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.fieldName, 'planet')
it('Indexes are persisted with their options and recreated even if some db operation happen between loads', async () => {
const persDb = 'workspace/persistIndexes.db'
let db
if (await exists(persDb)) await fs.unlink(persDb)
db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb, autoload: true })
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 1)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
await db.insertAsync({ planet: 'Earth' })
await db.insertAsync({ planet: 'Mars' })
await db.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'planet', unique: true, sparse: false })
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 2)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[1], 'planet')
assert.equal(db.indexes._id.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.unique, true)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.sparse, false)
await db.insertAsync({ planet: 'Jupiter' })
// After a reload the indexes are recreated
db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb })
await db.loadDatabaseAsync()
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 2)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[1], 'planet')
assert.equal(db.indexes._id.getAll().length, 3)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.getAll().length, 3)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.unique, true)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.sparse, false)
await db.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'bloup', unique: false, sparse: true })
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 3)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[1], 'planet')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[2], 'bloup')
assert.equal(db.indexes._id.getAll().length, 3)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.getAll().length, 3)
assert.equal(db.indexes.bloup.getAll().length, 0)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.unique, true)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.sparse, false)
assert.equal(db.indexes.bloup.unique, false)
assert.equal(db.indexes.bloup.sparse, true)
// After another reload the indexes are still there (i.e. they are preserved during autocompaction)
db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb })
await db.loadDatabaseAsync()
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 3)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[1], 'planet')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[2], 'bloup')
assert.equal(db.indexes._id.getAll().length, 3)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.getAll().length, 3)
assert.equal(db.indexes.bloup.getAll().length, 0)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.unique, true)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.sparse, false)
assert.equal(db.indexes.bloup.unique, false)
assert.equal(db.indexes.bloup.sparse, true)
it('Indexes can also be removed and the remove persisted', async () => {
const persDb = 'workspace/persistIndexes.db'
let db
if (await exists(persDb)) await fs.unlink(persDb)
db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb, autoload: true })
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 1)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
await db.insertAsync({ planet: 'Earth' })
await db.insertAsync({ planet: 'Mars' })
await db.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'planet' })
await db.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'another' })
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 3)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[1], 'planet')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[2], 'another')
assert.equal(db.indexes._id.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.fieldName, 'planet')
// After a reload the indexes are recreated
db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb })
await db.loadDatabaseAsync()
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 3)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[1], 'planet')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[2], 'another')
assert.equal(db.indexes._id.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.getAll().length, 2)
assert.equal(db.indexes.planet.fieldName, 'planet')
// Index is removed
await db.removeIndexAsync('planet')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 2)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[1], 'another')
assert.equal(db.indexes._id.getAll().length, 2)
// After a reload indexes are preserved
db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb })
await db.loadDatabaseAsync()
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 2)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[1], 'another')
assert.equal(db.indexes._id.getAll().length, 2)
// After another reload the indexes are still there (i.e. they are preserved during autocompaction)
db = new Datastore({ filename: persDb })
await db.loadDatabaseAsync()
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes).length, 2)
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[0], '_id')
assert.equal(Object.keys(db.indexes)[1], 'another')
assert.equal(db.indexes._id.getAll().length, 2)
}) // ==== End of 'Persisting indexes' ====
it('Results of getMatching should never contain duplicates', async () => {
await d.ensureIndexAsync({ fieldName: 'bad' })
await d.insertAsync({ bad: ['a', 'b'] })
const res = await d._getCandidatesAsync({ bad: { $in: ['a', 'b'] } })
assert.equal(res.length, 1)
}) // ==== End of 'Using indexes' ==== //