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* Way data is stored for this database
* For a Node.js/Node Webkit database it's the file system
* For a browser-side database it's localforage which chooses the best option depending on user browser (IndexedDB then WebSQL then localStorage)
* This version is the Node.js/Node Webkit version
* It's essentially fs, mkdirp and crash safe write and read functions
const fs = require('fs')
const fsPromises = fs.promises
const path = require('path')
const { callbackify, promisify } = require('util')
const storage = {}
const { Readable } = require('stream')
* @callback Storage~existsCallback
* @param {boolean} exists
* @param {string} file
* @param {Storage~existsCallback} cb
// eslint-disable-next-line node/no-callback-literal
storage.exists = (file, cb) => fs.access(file, fs.constants.F_OK, (err) => { cb(!err) })
* @param {string} file
* @return {Promise<boolean>}
storage.existsAsync = file => fsPromises.access(file, fs.constants.F_OK).then(() => true, () => false)
storage.rename = fs.rename
storage.renameAsync = fsPromises.rename
storage.writeFile = fs.writeFile
storage.writeFileAsync = fsPromises.writeFile
storage.writeFileStream = fs.createWriteStream
storage.unlink = fs.unlink
storage.unlinkAsync = fsPromises.unlink
storage.appendFile = fs.appendFile
storage.appendFileAsync = fsPromises.appendFile
storage.readFile = fs.readFile
storage.readFileAsync = fsPromises.readFile
storage.readFileStream = fs.createReadStream
storage.mkdir = fs.mkdir
storage.mkdirAsync = fsPromises.mkdir
* @param {string} file
* @return {Promise<void>}
storage.ensureFileDoesntExistAsync = async file => {
if (await storage.existsAsync(file)) await storage.unlinkAsync(file)
* @callback Storage~errorCallback
* @param {?Error} err
* @param {string} file
* @param {Storage~errorCallback} callback
storage.ensureFileDoesntExist = (file, callback) => callbackify(storage.ensureFileDoesntExistAsync)(file, err => callback(err))
* Flush data in OS buffer to storage if corresponding option is set
* @param {object|string} options If options is a string, it is assumed that the flush of the file (not dir) called options was requested
* @param {string} [options.filename]
* @param {boolean} [options.isDir = false] Optional, defaults to false
* @param {Storage~errorCallback} callback
storage.flushToStorage = (options, callback) => callbackify(storage.flushToStorageAsync)(options, callback)
* Flush data in OS buffer to storage if corresponding option is set
* @param {object|string} options If options is a string, it is assumed that the flush of the file (not dir) called options was requested
* @param {string} [options.filename]
* @param {boolean} [options.isDir = false] Optional, defaults to false
* @return {Promise<void>}
storage.flushToStorageAsync = async (options) => {
let filename
let flags
if (typeof options === 'string') {
filename = options
flags = 'r+'
} else {
filename = options.filename
flags = options.isDir ? 'r' : 'r+'
// Windows can't fsync (FlushFileBuffers) directories. We can live with this as it cannot cause 100% dataloss
// except in the very rare event of the first time database is loaded and a crash happens
if (flags === 'r' && (process.platform === 'win32' || process.platform === 'win64')) return
let fd, errorOnFsync, errorOnClose // TODO: sometimes it leaves some file descriptors open
try {
fd = await fsPromises.open(filename, flags)
try {
await fd.sync()
} catch (errFS) {
errorOnFsync = errFS
} finally {
try {
await fd.close()
} catch (errC) {
errorOnClose = errC
if (errorOnFsync || errorOnClose) {
const e = new Error('Failed to flush to storage')
e.errorOnFsync = errorOnFsync
e.errorOnClose = errorOnClose
throw e
* Fully write or rewrite the datafile
* @param {string} filename
* @param {string[]} lines
* @param {Storage~errorCallback} callback
storage.writeFileLines = (filename, lines, callback = () => {}) => {
try {
const stream = storage.writeFileStream(filename)
const readable = Readable.from(lines)
readable.on('data', (line) => {
try {
stream.write(line + '\n')
} catch (err) {
readable.on('end', () => {
readable.on('error', callback)
stream.on('error', callback)
} catch (err) {
* Fully write or rewrite the datafile
* @param {string} filename
* @param {string[]} lines
* @return {Promise<void>}
* @async
storage.writeFileLinesAsync = (filename, lines) => promisify(storage.writeFileLines)(filename, lines)
* Fully write or rewrite the datafile, immune to crashes during the write operation (data will not be lost)
* @param {string} filename
* @param {string[]} lines
* @param {Storage~errorCallback} callback Optional callback, signature: err
storage.crashSafeWriteFileLines = (filename, lines, callback = () => {}) => {
callbackify(storage.crashSafeWriteFileLinesAsync)(filename, lines, callback)
* Fully write or rewrite the datafile, immune to crashes during the write operation (data will not be lost)
* @param {string} filename
* @param {string[]} lines
* @return {Promise<void>}
storage.crashSafeWriteFileLinesAsync = async (filename, lines) => {
const tempFilename = filename + '~'
await storage.flushToStorageAsync({ filename: path.dirname(filename), isDir: true })
const exists = await storage.existsAsync(filename)
if (exists) await storage.flushToStorageAsync({ filename })
await storage.writeFileLinesAsync(tempFilename, lines)
await storage.flushToStorageAsync(tempFilename)
await storage.renameAsync(tempFilename, filename)
await storage.flushToStorageAsync({ filename: path.dirname(filename), isDir: true })
* Ensure the datafile contains all the data, even if there was a crash during a full file write
* @param {string} filename
* @param {Storage~errorCallback} callback signature: err
storage.ensureDatafileIntegrity = (filename, callback) => callbackify(storage.ensureDatafileIntegrityAsync)(filename, callback)
* Ensure the datafile contains all the data, even if there was a crash during a full file write
* @param {string} filename
* @return {Promise<void>}
storage.ensureDatafileIntegrityAsync = async filename => {
const tempFilename = filename + '~'
const filenameExists = await storage.existsAsync(filename)
// Write was successful
if (filenameExists) return
const oldFilenameExists = await storage.existsAsync(tempFilename)
// New database
if (!oldFilenameExists) await storage.writeFileAsync(filename, '', 'utf8')
// Write failed, use old version
else await storage.renameAsync(tempFilename, filename)
// Interface
module.exports = storage