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<h2><%= l(:label_spent_costs) %></h2>
<% labelled_tabular_form_for :cost_entry, @cost_entry, :url => {:action => 'edit', :project_id => @cost_entry.project} do |f| %>
<%= error_messages_for 'cost_entry' %>
<%= back_url_hidden_field_tag %>
<div class="box">
<p><%= f.text_field :issue_id, :size => 6, :required => true %> <em><%= h("#{} ##{}: #{@cost_entry.issue.subject}") if @cost_entry.issue %></em></p>
<p><%= f.text_field :spent_on, :size => 10, :required => true %><%= calendar_for('cost_entry_spent_on') %></p>
<% if User.current.allowed_to? :book_costs, @project %>
<p><%= :user_id, user_collection_for_select_options, :required => true%></p>
<% end %>
<p><%= :cost_type_id, cost_types_collection_for_select_options, :required => true %></p>
<%= f.text_field :units, :size => 6, :required => true %>
<span id="cost_type_unit_plural"><%= render :partial => "cost_type_unit_plural", :locals => {:cost_type => @cost_entry.cost_type} %></span>
<%= observe_field ('cost_entry_cost_type_id', :update => 'cost_type_unit_plural', :url => {:action => :get_cost_type_unit_plural}, :with => :cost_type_id) %>
<p><%= f.text_field :comments, :size => 100 %></p>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_save) %>
<% end %>