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#-- copyright
# OpenProject is a project management system.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
# OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows:
# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang
# Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details.
# Similar to regular Journals, but under the following circumstances journals are aggregated:
# * they are in temporal proximity
# * they belong to the same resource
# * they were created by the same user (i.e. the same user edited the journable)
# * no other user has an own journal on the same object between the aggregated ones
# When a user commented (added a note) twice within a short time, the second comment will
# "open" a new aggregation, since we do not want to merge comments in any way.
# The term "aggregation" means the following when applied to our journaling:
# * ignore/hide old journal rows (since every journal row contains a full copy of the journaled
# object, dropping intermediate rows will just increase the diff of the following journal)
# * in case an older row had notes, take the notes from the older row, since they shall not
# be dropped
class Journal::AggregatedJournal
class << self
# Returns the aggregated journal that contains the specified (vanilla/pure) journal.
def for_journal(pure_journal)
raw = Journal::AggregatedJournal.query_aggregated_journals(journable: pure_journal.journable)
.where("#{version_projection} >= ?", pure_journal.version)
raw ? : nil
def with_notes_id(notes_id)
raw_journal = query_aggregated_journals
.where("#{table_name}.id = ?", notes_id)
raw_journal ? : nil
# The +journable+ parameter allows to filter for aggregated journals of a given journable.
# The +until_version+ parameter can be used in conjunction with the +journable+ parameter
# to see the aggregated journals as if no versions were known after the specified version.
def aggregated_journals(journable: nil, until_version: nil)
raw_journals = query_aggregated_journals(journable: journable, until_version: until_version)
predecessors = {}
raw_journals.each do |journal|
journable_key = [journal.journable_type, journal.journable_id]
predecessors[journable_key] = [nil] unless predecessors[journable_key]
predecessors[journable_key] << journal
end { |journal|
journable_key = [journal.journable_type, journal.journable_id], predecessor: predecessors[journable_key].shift)
def query_aggregated_journals(journable: nil, until_version: nil)
# Using the roughly aggregated groups from :sql_rough_group we need to merge journals
# where an entry with empty notes follows an entry containing notes, so that the notes
# from the main entry are taken, while the remaining information is taken from the
# more recent entry. We therefore join the rough groups with itself
# _wherever a merge would be valid_.
# Since the results are already pre-merged, this can only happen if Our first entry (master)
# had a comment and its successor (addition) had no comment, but can be merged.
# This alone would, however, leave the addition in the result set, leaving a "no change"
# journal entry back. By an additional self-join towards the predecessor, we can make sure
# that our own row (master) would not already have been merged by its predecessor. If it is
# (that means if we can find a valid predecessor), we drop our current row, because it will
# already be present (in a merged form) in the row of our predecessor.
Journal.from("(#{sql_rough_group(journable, until_version, 1)}) #{table_name}")
.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN (#{sql_rough_group(journable, until_version, 2)}) addition
ON #{sql_on_groups_belong_condition(table_name, 'addition')}")
.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN (#{sql_rough_group(journable, until_version, 3)}) predecessor
ON #{sql_on_groups_belong_condition('predecessor', table_name)}")
.where(' IS NULL')
.order("COALESCE(addition.created_at, #{table_name}.created_at) ASC")
.order("#{version_projection} ASC")
#{table_name}.id \"notes_id\",
#{table_name}.version \"notes_version\",
COALESCE(addition.created_at, #{table_name}.created_at) \"created_at\",
COALESCE(, #{table_name}.id) \"id\",
#{version_projection} \"version\"")
# Returns whether "notification-hiding" should be assumed for the given journal pair.
# This leads to an aggregated journal effectively blocking notifications of an earlier journal,
# because it "steals" the addition from its predecessor. See the specs section under
# "mail suppressing aggregation" (for EnqueueWorkPackageNotificationJob) for more details
def hides_notifications?(successor, predecessor)
return false unless successor && predecessor
timeout = Setting.journal_aggregation_time_minutes.to_i.minutes
if successor.journable_type != predecessor.journable_type ||
successor.journable_id != predecessor.journable_id ||
successor.user_id != predecessor.user_id ||
(successor.created_at - predecessor.created_at) <= timeout
return false
# imaginary state in which the successor never existed
# if this makes the predecessor disappear, the successor must have taken journals
# from it (that now became part of the predecessor again).
journable: successor.journable,
until_version: successor.version - 1)
.where("#{version_projection} = #{predecessor.version}")
def table_name
def version_projection
"COALESCE(addition.version, #{table_name}.version)"
# Provides a full SQL statement that returns journals that are aggregated on a basic level:
# * a row is dropped as soon as its successor is eligible to be merged with it
# * rows with a comment are never dropped (we _might_ need the comment later)
# Thereby the result already has aggregation performed, but will still have too many rows:
# Changes without notes after changes containing notes (even if both were performed by
# the same user). Those need to be filtered out later.
# To be able to self-join results of this statement, we add an additional column called
# "group_number" to the result. This allows to compare a group resulting from this query with
# its predecessor and successor.
def sql_rough_group(journable, until_version, uid)
if until_version && !journable
raise 'need to provide a journable, when specifying a version limit'
sql = "SELECT predecessor.*, #{sql_group_counter(uid)} AS group_number
FROM #{sql_rough_group_from_clause(uid)}
LEFT OUTER JOIN journals successor
ON predecessor.version + 1 = successor.version AND
predecessor.journable_type = successor.journable_type AND
predecessor.journable_id = successor.journable_id
#{until_version ? " AND successor.version <= #{until_version}" : ''}
WHERE (predecessor.user_id != successor.user_id OR
(predecessor.notes != '' AND predecessor.notes IS NOT NULL) OR
#{sql_beyond_aggregation_time?('predecessor', 'successor')} OR IS NULL)"
if journable
raise 'journable has no id' if
sql += " AND predecessor.journable_type = '#{}' AND
predecessor.journable_id = #{}"
if until_version
sql += " AND predecessor.version <= #{until_version}"
# The "group_number" required in :sql_rough_group has to be generated differently depending on
# the DBMS used. This method returns the appropriate statement to be used inside a SELECT to
# obtain the current group number.
# The :uid parameter allows to define non-conflicting variable names (for MySQL).
def sql_group_counter(uid)
if OpenProject::Database.mysql?
group_counter = mysql_group_count_variable(uid)
"(#{group_counter} := #{group_counter} + 1)"
'row_number() OVER (ORDER BY predecessor.version ASC)'
# MySQL requires some initialization to be performed before being able to count the groups.
# This method allows to inject further FROM sources to achieve that in a single SQL statement.
# Sadly MySQL requires the whole statement to be wrapped in parenthesis, while PostgreSQL
# prohibits that.
def sql_rough_group_from_clause(uid)
if OpenProject::Database.mysql?
"(journals predecessor, (SELECT #{mysql_group_count_variable(uid)}:=0) number_initializer)"
'journals predecessor'
def mysql_group_count_variable(uid)
# Similar to the WHERE statement used in :sql_rough_group. However, this condition will
# match (return true) for all pairs where a merge/aggregation IS possible.
def sql_on_groups_belong_condition(predecessor, successor)
"#{predecessor}.group_number + 1 = #{successor}.group_number AND
(NOT #{sql_beyond_aggregation_time?(predecessor, successor)} AND
#{predecessor}.user_id = #{successor}.user_id AND
#{successor}.journable_type = #{predecessor}.journable_type AND
#{successor}.journable_id = #{predecessor}.journable_id AND
NOT ((#{predecessor}.notes != '' AND #{predecessor}.notes IS NOT NULL) AND
(#{successor}.notes != '' AND #{successor}.notes IS NOT NULL)))"
# Returns a SQL condition that will determine whether two entries are too far apart (temporal)
# to be considered for aggregation. This takes the current instance settings for temporal
# proximity into account.
def sql_beyond_aggregation_time?(predecessor, successor)
aggregation_time_seconds = Setting.journal_aggregation_time_minutes.to_i.minutes
if aggregation_time_seconds == 0
# if aggregation is disabled, we consider everything to be beyond aggregation time
# even if creation dates are exactly equal
return '(true = true)'
if OpenProject::Database.mysql?
difference = "TIMESTAMPDIFF(second, #{predecessor}.created_at, #{successor}.created_at)"
threshold = aggregation_time_seconds
difference = "(#{successor}.created_at - #{predecessor}.created_at)"
threshold = "interval '#{aggregation_time_seconds} second'"
"(#{difference} > #{threshold})"
include JournalChanges
include JournalFormatter
include Redmine::Acts::Journalized::FormatHooks
register_journal_formatter :diff, OpenProject::JournalFormatter::Diff
register_journal_formatter :attachment, OpenProject::JournalFormatter::Attachment
register_journal_formatter :custom_field, OpenProject::JournalFormatter::CustomField
alias_method :details, :get_changes
delegate :journable_type,
to: :journal
# Initializes a new AggregatedJournal. Allows to explicitly set a predecessor, if it is already
# known. Providing a predecessor is only to improve efficiency, it is not required.
# In case the predecessor is not known, it will be lazily retrieved.
def initialize(journal, predecessor: false)
@journal = journal
# explicitly checking false to allow passing nil as "no predecessor"
# mind that we check @predecessor with defined? below, so don't assign to it in all cases!
unless predecessor == false
@predecessor = predecessor
# returns an instance of this class that is reloaded from the database
def reloaded
def user
@user ||= User.find(user_id)
def predecessor
unless defined? @predecessor
raw_journal = self.class.query_aggregated_journals(journable: journable)
.where("#{self.class.version_projection} < ?", version)
.order("#{self.class.version_projection} DESC")
@predecessor = raw_journal ? : nil
def successor
unless defined? @successor
raw_journal = self.class.query_aggregated_journals(journable: journable)
.where("#{self.class.version_projection} > ?", version)
.order("#{self.class.version_projection} ASC")
@successor = raw_journal ? : nil
def initial?
def data
@data ||= "Journal::#{journable_type}Journal".constantize.find_by(journal_id: id)
attr_reader :journal