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declare namespace Chai {
interface LanguageChains {
always: Assertion;
interface Assertion {
* true if the spy was called at least once.
called: Assertion;
* @param count The number of recorded calls.
callCount(count: number): Assertion;
* true if the spy was called exactly once.
calledOnce: Assertion;
* true if the spy was called exactly twice.
calledTwice: Assertion;
* true if the spy was called exactly thrice.
calledThrice: Assertion;
* Returns true if the spy was called before anotherSpy.
calledBefore(anotherSpy: Sinon.SinonSpy): Assertion;
* Returns true if the spy was called after anotherSpy.
calledAfter(anotherSpy: Sinon.SinonSpy): Assertion;
* Returns true if spy/stub was called with the new operator. Beware that
* this is inferred based on the value of the this object and the spy
* function's prototype, so it may give false positives if you actively
* return the right kind of object.
calledWithNew: Assertion;
* Returns true if context was this for this call.
calledOn(context: any): Assertion;
* Returns true if call received provided arguments (and possibly others).
calledWith(...args: any[]): Assertion;
* Returns true if call received provided arguments and no others.
calledWithExactly(...args: any[]): Assertion;
* Returns true if call received matching arguments (and possibly others).
* This behaves the same as spyCall.calledWith(sinon.match(arg1), sinon.match(arg2), ...).
calledWithMatch(...args: any[]): Assertion;
* Returns true if spy returned the provided value at least once. Uses
* deep comparison for objects and arrays. Use spy.returned(sinon.match.same(obj))
* for strict comparison (see matchers).
returned(obj: any): Assertion;
* Returns true if spy threw the provided exception object at least once.
thrown(obj?: Error|typeof Error|string): Assertion;
declare module "sinon-chai" {
function sinonChai(chai: any, utils: any): void;
namespace sinonChai { }
export = sinonChai;