**IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend to use one of the officially supported [installation methods](../../installation). This guide is simply provided as a reference, and is most likely NOT up to date with relation to the latest OpenProject releases.**
## Install and setup the database server (PostgreSQL)
OpenProject requires PostgreSQL v9.5+. If you system package is too old, you can check https://www.postgresql.org/download/ to get a newer version installed. In our case, Ubuntu 18.04 comes with a recent-enough version so we can use the system packages:
Once installed, switch to the PostgreSQL system user.
[root@host] su - postgres
Then, as the PostgreSQL user, create the database user for OpenProject. This will prompt you for a password. We are going to assume in the following guide that this password is 'openproject'. Of course, please choose a strong password and replace the values in the following guide with it!
**NOTE:** When not specified differently, the default data loaded via db:seed will have an english localization. You can choose to seed in a different language by specifying the language via the `LOCALE` environment variable on the call to `db:seed`. E.g.
You need to generate a secret key base for the production environment with `./bin/rake secret` and make that available through the environment variable `SECRET_KEY_BASE`.
In this installation guide, we will use the local `.profile` of the OpenProject user. You may alternatively set the environment variable in `/etc/environment` or pass it to the server upon start manually in `/etc/apache2/envvars`.
If you are running on a Virtual Private Server, you need to make sure you have atleast 1024mb of RAM before running the `passenger-install-apache2-module`.
Follow the instructions passenger provides.
The passenger installer will ask you the question in "Which languages are you
interested in?". We are interested only in ruby.
The passenger installer tells us to edit the apache config files.
To do this, continue as the root user:
[openproject@host] exit
As told by the installer, create the file /etc/apache2/mods-available/passenger.load and add the following line.
But before copy&pasting the following lines, check if the content (especially the version numbers!) is the same as the passenger-install-apache2-module installer said. When you're in doubt, do what passenger tells you.
As the root user, create the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/openproject.conf with the following contents:
ServerName yourdomain.com
# !!! Be sure to point DocumentRoot to 'public'!
DocumentRoot /home/openproject/openproject/public
# This relaxes Apache security settings.
AllowOverride all
# MultiViews must be turned off.
Options -MultiViews
# Uncomment this if you're on Apache >= 2.4:
Require all granted
# Request browser to cache assets
ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 year"
Let's enable our new openproject site (and disable the default site, if necessary)
[root@host] a2dissite 000-default
[root@host] a2ensite openproject
Now, we (re-)start Apache:
[root@host] service apache2 restart
Your OpenProject installation should be accessible on port 80 (http). A default admin-account is created for you having the following credentials:
Username: `admin`
Password: `admin`
Please, change the password on the first login. Also, we highly recommend to configure the SSL module in Apache for https communication.
## Activate background jobs
OpenProject sends (some) mails asynchronously by using background jobs. All such jobs are collected in a queue, so that a separate process can work on them. This means that we have to start the background worker. To automate this, we put the background worker into a cronjob.
[root@all] su - openproject -c "bash -l"
[openproject@all] crontab -e
Now, the crontab file opens in the standard editor. Add the following entry to the file:
*/1 * ** * cd /home/openproject/openproject; /home/openproject/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.5/wrappers/rake jobs:workoff
Your OpenProject installation is ready to run. Please refer to the [Operation guides](../../operation) or the [Advanced configuration guides](../../configuration) for more details on how to operate and configure OpenProject.
OpenProject can be extended by various plug-ins, which extend OpenProject's capabilities.
For general information and a list of all plug-ins known to us, refer to to the [plug-in page](https://community.openproject.org/projects/openproject/wiki/OpenProject_Plug-Ins).
OpenProject plug-ins are separated in ruby gems. You can install them by listing them in a file called `Gemfile.plugins`. An example `Gemfile.plugins` file looks like this:
The next web-request to the server will take longer (as the application is restarted). All subsequent request should be as fast as always.
We encourage you to extend OpenProject yourself by writing a plug-in. Please, read the [plugin-contributions](https://community.openproject.org/projects/openproject/wiki/Developing_Plugins) guide for more information.
* **I followed the installation guide faithfully and OpenProject is running. Now, how do I log in?**
The `db:seed` command listed above creates a default admin-user. The username is `admin` and the default password is `admin`. You are forced to change the admin password on the first login.
If you cannot login as the admin user, make sure that you have executed the `db:seed` command.
* **I cannot solve an error, not even with the log files. How do I get help?**
You can find help in [the OpenProject forums](https://community.openproject.org/projects/openproject/boards). Please tell us, if possible, what you have done (e.g. which guide you have used to install OpenProject), how to reproduce the error, and provide the appropriate error logs.
It often helps to have a look at the already answered questions, or to search the Internet for the error. Most likely someone else has already solved the same problem.
* **I get errors, since I have installed an OpenProject plug-in**
With each new OpenProject core version, the plug-ins might need to be updated. Please make sure that the plug-in versions of all you plug-ins works with the OpenProject version you use.
Many plug-ins follow the OpenProject version with their version number (So, if you have installed OpenProject version 4.1.0, the plug-in should also have the version 4.1.0).
## Questions, comments, and feedback
If you have any further questions, comments, feedback, or an idea to enhance this guide, please tell us at the appropriate community [forum](https://community.openproject.org/projects/openproject/boards/9).
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