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title: Github integration
priority: 600
description: Integrate the Github pull request workflow into OpenProject.
robots: index, follow
keywords: github integration
# GitHub integration
OpenProject offers an integration for GitHub pull requests.
You create a pull request in GitHub and link to an OpenProject work package.
![New pull request linking to an OpenProject work package](github-pr-workpackage-reference.png)
Rather than inserting a link to the work package you can also reference it just by adding "OP#87" to the pull request's description where 87 is the ID of the work package.
OpenProject will add comments to work package about the pull request when
the pull request is
* first referenced (usually when opened)
* merged
* closed
![Github comments on work package](workpackage-github-comments.png)
Given the right permissions on the project, a "GitHub" tab is shown for work packages. All previously linked pull requests can be seen there including the PR's status and checks (e.g. tests and linter runs).
## Configuration
You will have to configure both OpenProject and GitHub for the integration to work.
### OpenProject
First you will need to create a user in OpenProject that will make the comments.
The user will have to be added to each project with a role that allows them
to comment on work packages.
The role needs two permissions and should only receive those two: "View work packages" and "Add notes" which you will find in the "Work package tracking" section.
![Github role with 'add notes' permission](github-role.png)
![Github user added as member to project with respective role](github-project-member.png)
Once the user is created you need to generate an OpenProject API token for it
to use later on the GitHub side of things. For this you have to:
1. Login as the newly created user
2. Go to My Account (click on Avatar in top right corner)
3. Go to Access Token
4. Click on generate in the API row
Copy the generated key. You can now configure the necessary webhook in GitHub.
### GitHub
In GitHub you have to set up a webhook in each repository to be integrated with OpenProject.
![Create the webhook in Github](create-github-webhook.png)
You need to configure just two things in the webhook.
The **Content Type** has to be `application/json`.
The **Payload URL** must point to your OpenProject server's GitHub webhook endpoint (`/webhooks/github`).
Now you need the API key you copied earlier. Append it to the *Payload URL* as a simple GET parameter named `key`. In the end the URL should look something like this:
_Earlier version may have used the `api_key` parameter. In OpenProject 10.4, it is `key`._
Now the integration is set up on both sides and you can use it.