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label_unnamed_board: 'Unnamed board'
label_unnamed_list: 'Unnamed list'
label_board_type: 'Board type'
teaser_text: 'Improve your agile project management with this flexible Boards view. Create as many boards as you like for anything you would like to keep track of.'
upgrade_to_ee_text: 'Boards is an Enterprise feature. Please upgrade to a paid plan.'
upgrade: 'Upgrade now'
personal_demo: 'Get a personal demo'
delete: 'Elimina elenco'
is_locked: 'Version is locked. No items can be added to this version.'
is_closed: 'Version is closed. No items can be added to this version.'
close_version: 'Close version'
open_version: 'Open version'
lock_version: 'Lock version'
unlock_version: 'Sblocca versione'
edit_version: 'Modifica versione'
show_version: 'Mostra versione'
locked: 'Chiuso'
closed: 'Chiuso'
new_board: 'Nuova board'
add_list: 'Aggiungi elenco'
add_card: 'Aggiungi carta'
error_loading_the_list: "Errore nel caricamento della lista: %{error_message}"
error_attribute_not_writable: "Impossibile spostare il pacchetto di lavoro, %{attribute} non è scrivibile."
click_to_remove_list: "Clicca per rimuovere questa lista"
free: 'Tabella base'
free_text: >
Create a board in which you can freely create lists and order your work packages within. Moving work packages between lists do not change the work package itself.
action: 'Scheda azione'
action_by_attribute: 'Scheda d''azione (%{attribute})'
action_text: >
Create a board with filtered lists on a single attribute. Moving work packages to other lists will update their attribute.
select_attribute: "Attributo azione"
title: 'Configura questa scheda'
card_mode: "Visualizza come carte"
table_mode: "Mostra come tabella"