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button_save_as: "Uložit report jako..."
comments: "Komentář"
cost_reports_title: "Výkazy nákladů"
label_cost_report: "Výkaz nákladů"
description_drill_down: "Zobrazit detaily"
description_filter_selection: "Výběr"
description_multi_select: "Show multiselect"
description_remove_filter: "Odstranit filtr"
information_restricted_depending_on_permission: "Tato stránka může obsahovat omezené informace v závislosti na vašich oprávněních."
label_click_to_edit: "Kliekněte pro editaci."
label_closed: "uzavřeno"
label_columns: "Sloupce"
label_cost_entry_attributes: "Cost entry attributes"
label_days_ago: "during the last days"
label_entry: "Cost entry"
label_filter_text: "Filter text"
label_filter_value: "Hodnota"
label_filters: "Filtr"
label_greater: ">"
label_is_not_project_with_subprojects: "není (včetně podprojektů)"
label_is_project_with_subprojects: "je (včetně podprojektů)"
label_work_package_attributes: "Work package attributes"
label_less: "<"
label_money: "Cash value"
label_month_reporting: "Month (Spent)"
label_new_report: "New cost report"
label_open: "otevřít"
label_operator: "Operátor"
label_private_report_plural: "Private cost reports"
label_progress_bar_explanation: "Generování sestavy..."
label_public_report_plural: "Public cost reports"
label_really_delete_question: "Are you sure you want to delete this report?"
label_rows: "Řádky"
label_saving: "Saving ..."
label_spent_on_reporting: "Date (Spent)"
label_sum: "Sum"
label_units: "Jednotky"
label_week_reporting: "Week (Spent)"
label_year_reporting: "Year (Spent)"
load_query_question: "Report will have %{size} table cells and may take some time to render. Do you still want to try rendering it?"
permission_save_cost_reports: "Save public cost reports"
permission_save_private_cost_reports: "Save private cost reports"
project_module_reporting_module: "Výkazy nákladů"
text_costs_are_rounded_note: "Displayed values are rounded. All calculations are based on the non-rounded values."
toggle_multiselect: "activate/deactivate multiselect"
units: "Jednotky"
validation_failure_date: "není platné datum"
validation_failure_integer: "není platné číslo"